• Member Since 21st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Just a pony lovin' guy

More Blog Posts27

  • 431 weeks
    Summer's over

    Wooooooow, that summer flew by, and yet it still crawled. Funny, all that.

    I survived this long. I got a job, made some money, spent it all on school books, and now the semester's starting up again. I got way less work done on Alexandrite than I had intended, but...Well, it's not nothing. Hopefully when I finally finish, I'll have some visual aid to go along with it!

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  • 448 weeks
    Alexandrite! And other things.

    Heeeey! That project I was working on for so long? I'm still working on it, but here's a preview. The fic that I've submitted alongside this blog post is an introduction to Alexandrite: Ace Attorney! It's a standalone prequel to a much longer fic which is coming soon. This new, first fic introduces us to Alexandrite, a crystal pony and defense attorney, and her boss, Escutcheon Herald. Alex is a

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  • 529 weeks
    So I'm working on this thing

    Anyone who follows me can probably figure out that I'm not exactly consistent with timing and such. For anyone I've left waiting on Doctor Whooves, I apologize. However, I do still love writing and I do intend to continue writing these fics as they come along. On top of working on the last couple of chapters of City of Toys, I've also been doing this other thing, for a future Whooves story

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  • 642 weeks
    Guess WHO'S back!

    The newest Doctor Whooves story is out and has been submitted for approval! Check Chapter 1 HERE, or go to the episode list!

    2 comments · 681 views
  • 642 weeks
    Doctor Whooves: Episode List

    Ok, so I'm officially listing the episodes of Doctor Whooves, in order, here. All the stories will link to this blog post, so I don't have to put the whole "Next, previous" thing on each of them.

    Episode 1: The First and the Last

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New Story Part II · 6:10am Jul 10th, 2012

Oh god!

That was an insane turnout, I never expected so many people to jump at that story so fast! That's right, I'm not only a brony, I'm a Whohead. Or Whovian, but Whohead sounds funnier. So, the natural conclusion that arose was "well, stupid, write a Doctor Whooves fic!" So I did. And people loved it, apparently.

Nearly died when Squeak-anon said he'd read it.

Anyway! I loved writing it so much that I went a taaaaad bit overboard and may have, sort of, kind of, a little bit sped through it. I'm more or less happy with the turnout, but it could have been better, and I could have spaced the chapters out more. Won't be making that mistake this time.

That's right! Doctor Whooves Episode 2 is live and submitted. As I promised in the comments of Ep. 1, Anyone who watched me or favorited that story will get to see it first on the pure basis that they can see my blog. So here it is!

Doctor Whooves: CY 20000

Enjoy! And you know the drill. Rate and comment, spell check and grammar correct, and overall just do your thing that you all do so well. Thank you all for your support! You love feeds me like a changeling, my fellow pony lovers!

Report MaxKodan · 388 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Well hot diggedy, that was mighty quick.

Your Timelordian friend, The Baron

And who is Squeak-anon? An EQD guy?


Glad you think so. Don't expect the next one until at least the weekend, if not later.


*Smack* Stop reading this and go watch that. Then go look him up here. He commented on First and Last, so you can find him through there.

223648 Hot diggedy demon dog, Batman!~

223656 Holy Blue Blazes!!! I love that guy's show!

223665 223702

I know! Still don't know if he's read it or if it's on his read later or what. He was like...comment number 3. I clicked his name to make sure it was him and eeyup, it sure was. Blew my mind.

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