• Member Since 14th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Jasmine Tea

Greetings, I am Jasmine tea. As my butt can tell you, I am not a writer, I'm a chef. Now I'm off to have a cookie, then some beef stew..... What! I'm a bat pony, I need the proteins.

More Blog Posts13

  • 469 weeks
    hi everybody!

    enjoy the new update of crossroads! in case you didn't get the memo:derpytongue2:

    0 comments · 414 views
  • 474 weeks
    I'm back folks

    Chapter 4 is out!!!!

    0 comments · 257 views
  • 489 weeks
    hello people who follow me.

    I am giving away character for anyone who once one.

    his name is Fly, and he wants to give you a brohoove.
    Information is right here, in the green lettering, right here, can't miss it

    0 comments · 265 views
  • 506 weeks
    hey guys, I've got some sad news

    for those who's been following my story, I'm putting it on hiatus.

    but don't worry, this does not mean I will stop writing. I just need practice with grammar; that everyone knows, that it isn't easy to do.
    so I like to thank Crystal wishes and King-Heybra.

    Read More

    0 comments · 329 views
  • 507 weeks
    alright guys, all be straightforward to you

    what's wrong with my story? I mean, why didn't anyone actually comment on it; besides that jerk Bob. seriously, I don't want to know that my only comment was that guy.

    1 comments · 288 views

New Art Stuff · 3:59am Feb 17th, 2015

Comments ( 6 )

2804986 I'm glad someone like it. oh and thanks for telling me your favorite color, I'll make sure to draw in your pink headphones on your pony. and another thing, this is me being a critic but, is there anything that you feel that is missing in the drawing?

2805926 might be the cutiemark in its actual place, you still have it in the picture, so you should be fine :)

2807052 I was actually talking about the picture that I made for you. But since you mentioned cutiemark, what kind of cutiemark would you like for me to make for you.

2807340 the picture that you made for me was fine :) (no idea about that cutiemark though)

2807352 I guess I'll make it up as I go along.

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