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Virginibus puerisque canto. - Horace | O tempora, o mores! - Cicero | Ex Africa semper aliquid novi. - Pliny The Elder

More Blog Posts54

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[Character Sheet] Arcueid Brunestud · 8:42am Jan 24th, 2015

Gender: Female
Birthday: December 25 (Self-styled)
Height: 167cm
Weight: 52kg
Three sizes: B88/W55/H85
Blood type: (Unknown)
Hair color: Golden
Eye color: Red (Normally) Golden (using Mystic Eyes)



The True Ancestors - progenitors of the unearthly creature humans named 'vampires' - sought to create a life-form of unmatched power. In their search for perfection, they created Arcueid Brunestud, Princess of the True Ancestors. There was no need for her to exist, and their goal was pointless - creating a True Ancestor stronger than any other, a destructive force that could not be stopped. Through the force of their will, and their innate wish for destruction, Arcueid materialized into existence - more spirit than being, pure power channeled into flesh, in the ominous 12th Century, A.D, a time of chaos and turmoil, with lesser vampires running wild among a terrified human populace.

During all this unrest, groups of True Ancestors turned traitor, being named Demon Lords, taking up arms against the humans and the True Ancestors, assembling vast armies (as Europe was packed with hungry peasants who sought three hot meals a day, and a bed, and the Demon Lords promised such in their army) stiffened with ranks of vampires, and forging new European kingdoms in their open rebellion. The True Ancestors responded by sending Arcueid to confront them, even as the Church gave their blessing to a certain German Order of St. Mary (better known in popular culture as the Teutonic Knights) to fight the Baltic Prussians, who were languishing in the grips of the Demon Lords and their followers.

Arcueid took up residence in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a stronghold of Paganry in the grim, brooding dark forests of the Baltic, summoned the sprawling, ruinous Millennium Castle Brunestud (an effort as meaningless to her as stacking one small block atop another, or folding a napkin, would be to you or I), and plotted the destruction of the Demon Lords from the drafty, spider-ridden, rat-infested depths of her castle. The humans in the small village at the foot of her castle soon abandoned their senses, became madly infatuated with their new Princess, and in a short time, the Monarchy of Brunestud became one of the stronger political entities in the Lithuanian region.

Furious, the Demon Lords of the Baltic launched a two-pronged attack: one thrust at the invading Teutonic Knights in the West, and another at the upstart White Princess of the True Ancestors in the Northeastern reaches. Acting in her full measure as the Executioner Princess, the most powerful True Ancestor of all time, Arcueid personally crushed four armies by herself and slew the Demon Lords - in two cases, the Demon Ladies - commanding the armies, before taking the dazed, panicked remnants of their armies back to her monarchy and using them to expand the ranks of her own royal army. The borders of her monarchy swelled. Now, instead of one small castle town, the White Princess enjoyed a capital city surrounded by small towns under her control.

The Grand Duke of Lithuania soon received a mysterious white-clad visitor, calling herself Brunestud of the North, the Princess of the True Ancestors, claiming to have a plan to strengthen the power of Lithuania against its mighty northern neighbor, the Russians, and the warlike Germans to the west. With them was a small, but fierce ally, sometimes enemy, the Polish people. While Arcueid and the Grand Duke made their plans, the German Order waged bloody battle against the Baltic Prussian Demon Lords, with stories of the Demon Lords roasting the Teutonic Knights alive in their armor, like shiny chestnuts, floating back to the Grand Duke and the Princess. The German Order had also captured a good deal of territory in the Baltic, called it the State of the German Order Of St. Mary, and built a vast castle to rival Arcueid's, which they called Mary's Castle, or Marienburg.

Things would finally come to a head when the German Order, flush with victory, the owners of twenty large fortresses overlooking prosperous cities teeming with wealthy nobles, proud farmers, and industrious merchants, decided to launch an ambitious attack against the Baltic Prussian Demon Lords, Lithuania, Poland, and, of course, Arcueid herself. The war would last for 200 years, while a shocked Russia looked on at the carnage. Arcueid, with a stroke of diplomatic brilliance, forged an alliance between Poland and Lithuania, and told them both to attack the Demon Lords and the German Order. She would then sit back, and watch, as the conflict raged in the Baltic.



Arcueid is impossibly fast for the human eye to see, and she is strong enough to lift a car with one hand without displaying any sign of exertion. She can form her hands into claws and rend even solid stone as if it were wet bread. In daylight it is difficult to kill her; at nighttime, nearly impossible.

Her gaze is hypnotic; this ability is called Mystic Eyes, and when she activates it, her eyes change from red to gold. Her magic ability is called the Marble Phantasm. With it, she can warp reality into anything she chooses - within naturally occurring parameters, of course. Any natural phenomena encountered in the world is well within her capability to create. She can cause a mountain to appear from thin air, or summon a terrifying storm at sea. She can also will humans into existence.

Arcueid has a unique ability to destroy the economic output of a state, monarchy, or collective; this ability is called Financial Devastation, and it can immediately reduce even a strong, proud nation into a famine-ridden, anemic shell of its former self. She has a limitless supply of money, since she can simply make gold and silver and sell it. She can, theoretically, destroy a nation's economy without using her Financial Devastation ability, because, as we all know from basic economics, too much of one thing causes its value to drop sharply, and gold devaluation can play merry hell with the economy of a nation.

In a fight with her little sister, Altrouge Brunestud, she was subjected to a haircut she didn't really want, and so now she has short hair.


This is the character from Tsukihime by Kinoko Nasu, but with some extra backstory that I conceived, while reading about the incursions of the German Order in the Baltic.

Kinoko gave her creation as being in the 12th century AD, which makes her a natural fit for this time period. Also, the Teutonic Knights claimed to be fighting unholy monsters like her. Kinoko's choice is actually rather good, if you're at all familiar with the Baltic Crusades.

Report Alsvid · 540 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Sounds like real charmer. Lorenzo Fangson nice to meet you.


To be sure. Are you a lord, or a warrior?

2743564 A lord or a warrior... Dear most just look at me as filthy stray. I am simply use my talents to get by. My fighting days have long sense perished. My Primal Fury is silent for once I am at peace.


Whyever should they see you as such? I thought you were a bold duke from Vilnius, what with your impressive...hmmmm...figure, and that you were come to perform some fantastic deed. You look the part, for sure.

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