• Member Since 26th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 13th, 2023

Dusk Quill

I once was lost, but now I'm found. Just a quiet blue unicorn with a passion for the written word.

More Blog Posts65

  • 203 weeks
    My Journey

    So I've finally set aside the time to sit down and properly write out a blog post for you all who are still around (the one I promised in my last post seven months ago :twilightsheepish: ). I want to tell you all about where I've been, what I've been up to, and share my journey with you guys. You were all around for some of the best times, and I felt it's only right to open back up again and

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  • 235 weeks
    Well Well Well...

    Holy hell, that's a lot of notifications to look through! I suppose that's what happens when you disappear for... *checks watch* three years. Huh... I suppose it's been a while, huh? It would be shockingly rude and unprofessional if I was to just suddenly turn up again out of the blue, wouldn't it? Yeah, I guess it would...

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  • 403 weeks
    A Soldier's Memoirs Spoilers

    For anyone who read my last blog and doesn't want to wait around for me to maybe finish the Soldier's Memoirs series, I do have the entire plot mapped and outlined. If you would like some closure, some answers, or just a glimpse into what awaits, send me a private message with the title: Will the Sky Fall? and any questions or comments you might have. I'll be happy to provide

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  • 403 weeks
    I'm Sorry

    Over the past week or two, I've gotten messages from several of you guys asking if I was okay, if everything was all right, and just wanting to check in on me in general. I wanted you all to know that I was really touched by your concerns, and that I am just fine, but it also made me feel guilty. I'm sure you can guess why... I haven't written any new material for well over a year. I haven't been

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  • 443 weeks
    Dusk is a terrible, awful, no good, very bad pony...

    I have apologies to make to all of you. It's been close to six months since I had any activity here on the site, and even less for my friends outside of FiMFiction. I feel I owe you all an explanation and my deepest, heartfelt sorries. I am still alive, if just barely by now. These last few months, I sort of bit off more than I could chew with life. I took eighteen college credit hours in an

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Happy 2015 and Chat with the Cast · 9:45pm Jan 2nd, 2015

So I missed making a New Year's post by a day (would you expect anything else from me?), so here it is! Happy New Year, everyone! Here's to hoping for a fruitful and fortunate year ahead of us all. I hope everyone had a nice holiday season. Mine was a hell of a lot more hectic than I would've liked it, but eh... Anyone get any nice gifts?

Also, now that the holidays are over, I've begun working on the next chapters of Retribution, so look for them in the coming weeks. Gonna get this project moving again!

I also have a little gift for you all. Those of you that participated in my last live stream cast your votes, and your cries for another "Chat with the Cast" have been heard. So, starting right now, this blog will be an open chat with the cast session with anyone and everyone we've currently met in the Soldier's Memoirs saga! No limits on the characters, no restrictions on the questions although real heavy spoilers I will either censor or cut for your own good. We haven't had one of these in a while, so let's kick 2015 off right! Go crazy, and have fun!

For any of you that weren't around for the previous Chat with the Casts, this is your time to talk one-on-one with the characters of the stories and ask them or tell them anything and everything you've ever wanted to if you met them in person. Obviously, none of this will affect the canon of the stories, so you can kinda sorta do whatever you'd like. No characters or topics are off limits!

With love,

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Happy New Year to you to Dusk! Cant wait for the chat with the cast thing, fist one for me :rainbowlaugh:
Now to think of some questions.


First off, thanks to all of you for taking the time to answer these questions. I know you're probably very busy, and we appreciate it.

Echo: Sorry if this is a bit blunt, but how are you adjusting to being blind? I can't imagine it's been easy. How did your family back in the Shades react? Is Sharp Shot giving you a lot of grief? Also, and feel free to ignore this one, but referencing what Middy told us about Thestral breeding limitations... um, how are you in that arena?

Cupcake: Heya, big guy! I was wondering what your childhood was like? You couldn't always have been so big, so did you get teased for your name?

Middy: How are you holding up after what happened with Dandridge?

Fleethoof: So... how did you meet Bentgrass? :pinkiecrazy:

Happy 2015! Anyway this is one is for everypony in fire team Skyfall. What is your preferred way to relax and what types of music do you all listen to?

For Shining armor, do you keep in contact with your family?

Echo: Oh, no, thank you for asking! Most ponies are too afraid to even acknowledge my disability, even if it is a part of who I am now. I think it makes some of them uncomfortable... It was very difficult for me to adjust to being blind the first few weeks. I'd keep waking up each day and thinking I was still asleep until I remembered I wasn't going to see the sunrise or sunset anymore, or my home, or my friends, or anything... Learning to use my echolocation was a slow and painful process. Using it every day is a lot different than using it when flying at night. when you do it then, it's sort of like a reflex reaction, so taking that and making it my normal behavior took a lot of practice. I ended up running into more tables than I can remember and there were days I wished I'd just been killed that night. But Midnight was my biggest supporter! She never let me give up on myself, no matter how discouraged I got. She made sure I stayed on track with my rehab until I could make it around on my own. Then it was just a matter of honing that skill until I could fight with it, and by the time I enlisted with Skyfall, I wasn't even thinking about it. It became as natural as breathing.

My parents... well, they wished I would just quit the Guard and take an easier life. They worry about me, but they're my parents. They're supposed to worry about me. I just didn't want to be useless. But thanks to my friends in the team, I don't feel useless—especially Sharp! He's really taken me under his wing and taught me about the finer techniques of sneaking around unseen and being an effective spotter. I can't really pick out targets for him, but I can help him come up with range calculations on the fly faster than he can on his own, I can detect subtle variations in the environment and wind, and I can hear enemies sneaking up on us before he even knows were in danger. He's pretty rough on me sometimes, but I know it's because he knows I can do whatever he asks. It's... kinda sweet. He's one of the only ones who doesn't treat me differently because of my eyes. Sure, he was reluctant at first, but he's really good at just treating me like a pony... I like it...

Hehe, I'm actually one of the fortunate fillies that can actually bear foals! I mean, assuming I ever find a nice stallion that would want to start a family with a blind bat pony...

Cupcake: Hello, brother! Nice thing about small, snowbound town is that ponies do not bother you much, because everypony knows everypony. There were foal brothers, they tease me, call me filly. But I love my name. It is mine, and my parents give it to me out of love. So I wait until I become bigger pony than them, then I shove their faces into snow and sit on them until they cry for mercy! It was most fun making them squirm! Then I smash their bedroom window with rocks during snowstorm, so snow fills up house! Haha! Parents... were not made proud of that...

Midnight: I... Okay, I guess...? I mean, I'm surviving, so that's a start, right? It was... Goddess, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the roughest thing I've ever had to deal with. The worst part is the actual act didn't bother me as much as the aftermath does. I couldn't sleep right for the longest time, I still have nightmares, and I tense up if ponies I don't like the look of get too close. I just... feel so weak and helpless sometimes because of it. I was stupid to let myself get in a situation like that. Fleety made me go see a therapist after, and... I guess it's helping, maybe... but it's still in the back of my mind. I just try to ignore it. Work keeps me busy for the most part, and getting to look after Fleet these past few weeks have helped keep my mind busy too.

Fleethoof: You know how I feel about you calling me "Fleety".

Midnight: Hush. You love it.

Fleethoof: Very Special Agent Bentgrass and I met early on in my career with Skyfall Unit. The RIS provides my team with a lot of our intel that we operate based on, so we work very closely with the agency. Whenever they come across something above their jurisdiction or anything they feel should go up the chain to us, they come to us. I first met Agrostis during the incident with the Double-Edged Sword a few years back. They had been tracking the group with Shining Armor's soldiers, but when they couldn't nail them, they passed the buck to us. After that, I kept in touch with Agrostis, since I knew having a friend in the agency would be a smart move, and in turn, they got access to our technology when they wanted it. Turned out we had a lot of shared interests and beliefs, not to mention we work together pretty well. We started having regular meetings at this little hole in the wall place in Stalliongrad to catch up and just chat. The food is awful. The clientele are a lot more lively. We've been friends ever since—although that may remain to be seen after I got him shot in the Clydesdale arrest, heh.

Fleethoof: you never said we didn't have our gear, so can we shoot the gorilla? Because I'll shoot the gorilla and wait. I really don't wanna lose any parts of me.

Shining Armor: Uh, yeeeah, I'd rather kill the gorilla too. Or at least fight it off with that rusty knife long enough to get rescued.

Valiant: I mean, yeah, why wouldn't we kill the gorilla? I guess if that's not an option, then I'd cut myself free. I really don't wanna get assaulted by a gorilla.

Sharp Shot: Shoot the fucking gorilla in the head! Jeez!

Cupcake: Shoot gorilla many times in face!

Blue Shield: I'll cut myself free. Medical science and magic have come a long way, and I know for a fact there's ways to reattach missing parts if done quick enough. Granted, there would be some nerve death and loss of sensation, but still... There's also some decent prosthetics now. Seriously, gentlecolts, not every solution needs violence...

(I don't know if you meant just the main male cast or every male character I've ever written, so if you want the others, just let me know.)

Alaric: I'm thinking of punching a certain Croat right now... Punching Equestrians works too.

Night Shade: I did! It doesn't work. The sting of betrayal is far beyond any down pillow's therapeutic powers.

Chitin: I had no anger! I was just doing what Silence told me to do!

Glider: Me too!

Lightning Strike: I was poisoned. Also pillows are bullshit remedies.

Dandridge: Oh, you have got to be kidding me... If there's one thing I learned from my worm of a father, it's that the only way to change the world is through aggression. You have to assert your will on the world to bend it. Pillows are only useful for biting under... certain circumstances.

Fleethoof: I like to read a book with some music and a glass of apple whiskey. That, or go down to the firing range and spend some brass. My favorite kind of music? I really like anything orchestral or instrumental. Electronic stuff has a nice beat, and pop is okay too, just keep Sapphire Shores the hell away from me.

Valiant: Usually I'll spend time with my better half around Canterlot or playing games. I like anything with a fast, upbeat feel to it that I can shake my tail to!

Sharp Shot: I pony watch. I know, I know, totally cliche for the sniper, right? Nah, I like going down to the markets and watching ponies go by and making up total bullshit stories for them just for a laugh. It's tons of fun! That, or I'll hang out down at the arcade. I'm down with any kind of music except country or rap. That stuff's just shit.

Cupcake: I hang out at arcade with Sharp Shot, or swimming down at local gym, or maybe seeing play in Canterlot. I love theatre! All music is good! But pop music and show tunes are best music!

Blue Shield: I do a lot of volunteer work down at the local clinics and hospitals. Though I'm not a fully fledged doctor, I am certified to be an EMT, and believe it or not, I love my work to the point where it is what relaxes me. If I'm not doing that, I'm binging on movies. I'll usually listen to classical composers when I have the chance to. I like listening to the intricacies of each piece while I'm working on something. It keeps my brain active.

Midnight: Stalking Fleety~!

Fleethoof: I hate you.

Midnight: You love me. Okay, serious time! Clubbing with friends! Or dancing with friends! Either is good. I like being out and active, especially at night. I can't stay cooped up, or I go insane. Anything where I can move my body to some awesome music and pretty lights and just let loose is a good night for me! I'm just looking for a fun time when I'm not being serious. Also, EDM is king of music!

Echo: I spend most of my time hanging out with Midnight and going out. It's nice to do normal things for a change as opposed to running around the world like some sort of thriller novel or action movie. You know, before I lost my eyes, I never really put much thought into music. But now that I can hear all the little subtle nuances and ticks of songs and sound, I really appreciate all kinds a whole lot more. Each one is special in its own unique way... kinda like ponies.

Shining Armor: Oh yeah, of course! I mean, I can't tell them all the details of my job, and especially not Twily, but I keep in touch with them pretty regularly. I see my parents a lot, but with Twily living all the way in Ponyville, it makes it hard to do anything besides the occasional letter, and even that's gotten more rare with my job keeping me busy all the time now.

Cupcake: I never lived in Stalliongrad, so I know not of what you are talk about.

Fleethoof: ...You know, I think it's impossible to find anyone who doesn't have some regrets about the decisions they've made... Yeah, there's things I wish I'd done differently. There's things I wish I'd never done at all. But I live with them by justifying that I did everything for all the right reasons. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Mine are just a couple more stepping stones, I know, but it helps me sleep at night thinking that way.

Alaric: Oh, yes! I have quite the stamp collection going. Do you know how hard it is to find a mint condition Braytish Queen Elizabrayth coronation stamp? No? Because neither do fucking I! What do you think, this is some sort game? Is this a game to you? I'm not creating a network of contacts in every nation across the globe to fucking make friends! Stamp collecting...

...I do enjoy a good game of poker though...

Dandridge: Good heavens, no! I may be a little brutish in my interrogation methods, but I assure you, I am a refined member of Equestria's elite! I would never subjugate myself to cannibalism. How horrible! That doesn't mean I don't enjoy the taste of a fine Thestral, if you catch my drift. They have quite a unique, delectable flavor... Now, interrogation methods are an entirely different ball game. I dislike the use of acid simply because it leaves permanent instantaneous damage to the body. Why fry the nerves to oblivion when you can let them heal from shocks or physical trauma, then damage them again? Acid makes a wonderful execution device, but a poor means of interrogation. I do enjoy playing with fire, though. If not electricity, then well placed cigarette burns or a hot poker do wonders.

For Shining Armor: How do you feel about your sister becoming a princess (or how would you feel depending on where we sit in the cannon story line). How do you/would you feel about her safety as a princess even though she is the Element of magic?

Skyfall Team: what do you believe would be your most embarrassing moment?

Luna/Celesta: At what point do you decide that Skyfall, the Mareines, and the Guard can't cut it and you decide to open the nuclear football (call in the EoH)?

Cupcake vs. Middy: What version of Breaking and Entering is more effective. Doing it quietly or putting more emphasis on the Breaking part?

Okay, for everypony: what's your alcoholic beverage of choice?

For Valiant: Oh, my! somepony has a very special somepony?! When do we get to meet her?

Shining: Any chance we could hear how your sister is doing? I know she had an important role in some big doings in the past. She okay? Also, I heard she lives with a dragon?! That true? If so, well... uh, how do YOU two get along? Sorry, I know it has no bearing on your stories with Fleet, but a baby dragon in the household? Too interesting to not ask about!

Alaric: Aww, does somegriffon need a hug? Widdle upset about being pee-pee slapped by widdle ponies? Heh heh heh, no, but seriously, fuck you. You kidnapped Princess Cadance out of some petty sense of revenge, and you kill innocents. If only I could worm my way into your world and meet you face to face...

Also for everypony: either tell me a joke, or your most embarrassing memory, that you're comfortable talking about, of course. Not asking for deep psychological trauma, jsut moments where you went a bit beet red, ya know?

Also, one last one for Echo. I'm not sure if Midnight told you about the last time the team had a conversation with the readers, but I asked her for something that some may find... odd. Just knowing what you've been through, and how strong you are, how badass and all-around awesome... w-well, I hope this isn't too awkward, but...

Uh... h-hugs?

Alaric: You know what? You amuse me. I'll kill you last.

I ended up meeting Mister Clydesdale through a mutual benefactor to our cause. Turns out we both hate the way Equestria is and feels it needs some... new management. I, however, had an army that needed arms and Clydesdale had arms that needed soldiers. You could say we were a perfect match. Of course, however, with poor Mister Clydesdale's untimely demise, I've had to resort to finding my armaments elsewhere. I did get plenty of use from him, however. For all the things I dislike about Equestria, their weaponry and military technology is some of the finest. And now it belongs to me as well, heh heh...

To be honest, twelve years ago, I never imagined myself as losing a war with Equestria. I greatly underestimated my opponent. Hundreds of years of peace did not make them weak and complacent. But this time, I know how to fight my enemy—and this time I will win. You know, it's funny you mention her... She is a lovely griffon with a brilliant mind. I could've seen myself making her my queen and nest tender, if it weren't for the whole "traitor to the crown" thing. It really is such a shame she is my enemy, and for that, she will die. Also, our afterlife is simply referred to as that: the Afterlife. Nothing fancy, no special names like the Equestrians and their Elysium. We don't dress death up. When it comes for you, your time runs out.

Agrostis (provided by Jake the Army Guy): Hello, sir. I must admit that I am not here by my own choosing. I am typically tyhe one asking the questions, not responding to them. However, The good Captain was rather insistent that I owed him, not to mention that Corporal Dasher is quite talented at the, eh-heh, "Puppy-Dog eyes." Not that I was moved by the act itself. More wishing her to stop before she embarassed herself.

Your question is rather... specific. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else? Sadly, no, I never had a brother. I was an only child. My mother and father were businesponies, the largest exporter of grass in Equestria, so their private life was sorely lacking. If I recall correctly, my dear hoofservant Proctor once commented that I myself was the result of a rather choice bottle of port consumed too quickly on the part of my mother, leading to her forgetting certain... articles, we'll say, before joining my father in the bed chamber.

Now then, if you will excuse me, some ponies here have actual jobs that require more than shooting and punching things.

Just Cause: Thank you for your kind words, good sir. It is nice to know our efforts are appreciated, and that not everyone frowns upon politicians. Some of us do have souls, after all. I'm sure I can count on your vote in future elections then! Your question is actually two questions. "Minorities", as phrased by the law, are any races that are not native Equestrian ponies, and yes, any acts of violence against a group of them is considered a hate crime. However, our laws were not written for changelings that can manipulate their race at will. Congress is still debating over where to draw that line in the sand, but as of now, the Department of Homeland Security is treating them as whichever race we capture them as. It keeps them from blurring the lines of the law, at least until we have something definitive to work with.

Fleethoof: Go fuck yourself.

Valiant: Um... weeeell, that's pretty awkward, especially for me... Uh, I don't really know if I could do that. I mean, I love my mother, but... there's a few tiny little complications there, eheh...

Sharp Shot: Can I explain the situation to her, close my eyes, and pretend it's someone else?

Cupcake: Da. I do it! I love mother too much to let her die!

Blue Shield: Wel, given the current state of medicine in Equestria, that wouldn't really be an issue. We already have some of the best oncological medical magic known to ponykind that doesn't require... ah, intercourse to administer. So... I don't really understand the question.

Cupcake: ...Wait. We have medicine that does not require the incest? Can I change answer?

Midnight: I'm lacking certain physical aspects to answer this question.

Echo: Me too. Pass.

Fleethoof: Sorry to disappoint you, but almost every pony in Equestria prays to the Great Alicorn Goddess, and regale Princess Celestia and Luna with the divinity they deserve. There really aren't any conflicting religions or weird cults or anything like that. You might get some little pockets of druids in the outlying villages in the middle of nowhere, but nothing major or noteworthy.

Midnight: Aww! Don't be shy! Hugs are free! No bone breaking required!

Echo: It's completely normal. Most ponies view Thestrals as exotic or rare creatures, but we're pretty normal for the most part. We love hugs! Why would we ever hurt you?

Shining Armor: Oh man, can ponies really just become princesses?! How does that work? Well, I mean, I guess if she became a princess, I'd be super proud of her! I might even cry a little bit (don't tell her I said that). Would I worry? Yeah, I would! She's my little sister! Of course I'm gonna worry about her. What kind of big brother would I be if I didn't? I know she can take care of herself. She's ridiculously good with her magic—probably the best ever—and with the other Elements of Harmony, I know she's always in good hooves, so I can't let myself be too worried. Besides, if she ever needs me, her BBBFF could get the entire Equestrian Army on the march in an hour.

Fleethoof: Letting Cadance play dress-up with me in Saddle Arabia.

Valiant: Uh... probably having a certain conversation with my parents...

Sharp Shot: None. I'm too suave to get embarrassed.

Echo: What about when I beat you up when we first met?

Sharp Shot: That never happened. Shut up...

Cupcake: Burning parents' bakery. Was fun! But bad for parents.

Blue Shield: Hmm... that's a tricky one. I'd have to say any day I had class with Doctor Hay Fever. He was always looking for ways to make my life miserable. The worst part was... he succeeded every day...

Midnight: I'm sooo beyond shame now! But... there was a time waaay back when... Let's just say I may have been a bit of a frisky filly during basic training and I may or may not have gotten caught getting drunk in the stallions' bunks with a... "friend". Boy, was my CO pissed! I swear he screamed till I was half deaf! But that was probably the time I realized I fucked up bad and got really embarrassed. Thankfully, I have Bor wrapped around my hoof, so there was no way he was going to approve of me getting kicked out of the Guard. I just had to be more careful with my antics after that, hehe.

Echo: Most of my earlier days of blindness were pretty embarrassing. Just as Midnight. I walked into so many inanimate objects until I was just shuffling around a few inches at a time, apologizing to every table or chair I walked into. It wasn't a pretty sight... Each time made it worse until I started getting the hang of using all sorts of sounds and vibrations to my advantage.

Luna: Megaspells, as we call them, are not something to be trifled with lightly. It was Starswirl the Bearded who originally hypothesized that the creation of such powerful magics would destroy atoms themselves to devastating effects. That was many centuries ago, and his ideas were locked away and never put into practice. 'Tia and I always feared for the safety of the world if such things were to ever break out. Where would the line be drawn before the world was turned to glass and ash? Nuclear powers and megaspells are not something we have ever entertained as a military technology, and so long as no other nation does, we have no reason to consider them.

Cupcake: Boom! Big entrance is only entrance! Why would you want to hide yourself from enemy? Let them know you are here with loud bang and make them cower. Is only effective way to strike fear into opponent's heart, ahaha!

Midnight: ...You're kidding, right? Where's the finesse? Where's the subtlety or the art in it? Anypony can break down a door like a neanderthal! It takes a special kind of artist to pick a lock and get in somewhere without leaving a trace. Besides, then you can just hide and wait in the shadows until your prey comes out to play. Then you let them get into a false sense of security, and then you pounce on them when they least expect it and have your fun with them.

Fleethoof: You're talking about me, aren't you...?

Midnight: ...Maybe...

Cupcake: Little bat is killing joy...

Luna: I wasn't so much meaning mega spells as defining when you send in the military as to when you send in the Elements of Harmony.

Fleety: How well would your team be able to counter an enemy unit that is on the same level as your own?

Sharp Shot: how good is your aim without a scope?

Dandridge: In hindsight do you regret any of your actions?

For shining armor, do the guard have a tactical police unit?

Skyfall team, Your bodies take quite a beating and i was wondering how bad is it coming off an op?

Midnight and Echo, Bat ponies are the best that is all.

Fleethoof: Apple whiskey on the rocks.

Shining Armor: Whiskey sour or a nice, strong lager.

Valiant: I'm more of a mixed drink kinda guy. Can't beat a good Screwdriver or Fuzzy Navel.

Sharp Shot: Goddess damn, Val, what are you, gay? Not even decent cocktails. I'll put gimlets back like nopony's business.

Cupcake: Vodka, with a shot of vodka, followed by a vodka chaser. Did I mention the vodka?

Blue Shield: I'm a bourbon or whiskey colt as well. I'll have what the captain's drinking.

Midnight: Anything peach. Peach martinis have quickly climbed my list.

Echo: I'm with Midnight on the fruity drinks. What? Did you expect any different from the fruit bats?

Valiant: *blushes* Uh... w-well, um... I-If you really want an introduction... I suppose you and the others could maybe meet him soon. I haven't really introduced him to the team or anything yet, cause, ya know... I don't like mixing my home life with my work. Not a good kind of environment and all that jazz.

Shining Armor: Hell yeah! I'm always up for talking about my little sis! She's been doing great, actually! Living her own life, doing her own amazing things down in Ponyville. She's really grown into her own mare now! It's kinda funny, who knew such a small town would attract so much attention? But yeah, she's been crazy busy lately—what, with being the Element of Magic and all—so I haven't gotten to see her recently. We keep in touch, but it's been some time since the last time we hung out or anything... Oh, you mean Spike! Yep, that's all true! The little guy's awesome. He's like another brother to Twilight, always helping her out and giving her a hand with the library. I didn't really get to know him well, with Twilight and him being in Celestia's private school and me being in basic. But I really appreciate what he does for Twilight—I think he keeps her grounded when she starts losing it a bit. She has a bit of an anxiety problem sometimes. He's a part of the family to me too, so he's like my little brother too.

I gotta say though, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. When he was still a hatchling, Spike had a habit of setting a lot of stuff on fire... including my ROTC books and papers. Yeeeah, that was a hard one to explain to my instructors. But hey, that's family, right? It's all the little stories and headaches and memories that make it great!

Alaric: For a like-minded militant, you misunderstand me, Sergeant. I kidnapped an enemy officer for my own advantage. I kill the opposing force standing off against me. There are no innocents in war—only more soldiers. And make no mistake: this war is far from over. I made the fault of a traditional war with Equestria when they clearly had the upper hand in that style of conflict. But where they are weak is against an enemy they can't find. So if I have to fight asymmetrically, then I will work my way through their infrastructure, killing them one by one until their flimsy government topples under itself and the country falls into a state of disarray. You mock me for kidnapping the pink princess out of revenge, but look at what it's already done to the nation. Politicians are breaking apart from their friends, soldiers are being killed on reckless searches around the clock, Celestia's little cabinet of officers is run ragged and half beaten to death. That was all over one pony. Imagine what I could do with more.

Please, I welcome you to come set foot after me. It would bring me great pleasure to put a bullet in you and watch you slowly bleed to death. Might even make the Equestrians fear me a little more. If the mad king Alaric can kill the alien creature, what could he do to the enemy he knows inside and out?

Fleethoof: Didn't we just do embarrassing moments? You know what? I'll just give you another embarrassing moment. When Midnight and Cadance met right in fucking front of me. I'd had nightmares similar to that before, but come on, how much does karma have to hate you to make things like that really happen?

Shining Armor: Uh... Let's see... Probably all the effort I went through to get Cadance's attention in high school. She was just so amazing, and I was the nerd that nopony wanted to notice, and she had the star athlete hitting on her, and... well, you get the picture... Somehow I won in the end, so I guess it worked out for me!

Valiant: I think my most embarrassing moments are about to come. Just hang around for a little bit after my last answer hits everypony.

Sharp Shot: I'm not gonna say the Echo moment, so I'll settle for a joke. Cup, do a good one for both of us.

Cupcake: Okay, joke! Knock knock!
Orange you glad I didn't say banana! ...Wait... I think I fuck up...

Blue Shield: Hmm, how about a medical joke I heard when I was in school? What's the most painful part of surgery?
Getting the bill at the end.

Midnight: Hmm... embarrassing, huh? I'm probably gonna stick with the time I got caught drunk and sucking face with one of the other recruits in basic. Having Eclipse tell Fleet how I took his picture and how much I kept talking about him back in the Shades is pretty high up there too. And... gosh, I dunno why this is even on the list... When Fleet found me in my apartment after the whole Dandridge thing, I got really... yeah... I dunno why. Maybe because I felt like I'd failed him and I just couldn't face him. But, being the stubborn son of a bitch he is, he didn't leave me alone... which was probably for the best. He's far too good to me...

Echo: Ooh, I've got one! What you get when a blind bat pony tells jokes?
Dark humor!

Aww! You're so sweet! Of course you can have hugs! *hugs Jake*

Luna: Ah, then we have had a miscommunication. The Elements of Harmony are a fantastic weapon to use against creatures of evil, malicious, or dark powers, such as my former Nightmare Moon self, or Discord. However, against a regular, physical threat, such as an invading army, the magic of the Elements has no affect on them. Thus, we have the Armed Forces to meet and respond to that physical threat. Think of it as the Army handling the real, and the Elements handling the supernatural or magical.

Fleethoof: I know you did not just call me "Fleety". If we were to come up against a hostile unit of our caliber, we would treat them no differently than any other enemy. We would assess the situation, analyze our position for strengths and weaknesses, then respond in kind to overpower the obstacle to the best of our abilities. I have absolute faith in my team. If we ever came up against a spec ops unit like ourselves, I trust they would be able to handle themselves with enough skill to win.

Sharp Shot: Depends. How far can you run?

Dandridge: The only regret that I have was that I was unsuccessful... and that I didn't get my chance to enjoy the company of that fine young Thestral filly when I had the opportunity. Mmm...

Alaric: I do adore chess and poker; they make me happy. Both games tell you a lot about the creatures you're sitting across from. I'm no drug runner myself, but my friends in the Coltlombian and Marexican cartels prefer cocaine. Something about heroin being too strong and killing their clients.

Fleethoof: Not doing enough with my life. Being forgotten without some sort of impact on the world or somepony.

Valiant: Being alone is my biggest fear...

Sharp Shot: Going blind. No offense, Echo.

Cupcake: My teammates dying when I do not. If they go, I want to go with them.

Blue Shield: Being rendered in a comatose state somehow. I perish the thought of being a vegetable. If that happens, one of you has to promise to kill me.

Midnight: I'm gonna go with being alone too. I like to think I matter to somepony...

Echo: Being useless. Thank Luna for my echolocation, or my greatest fear would've been my life.

Blue Shield: What? Never! I'm particularly fond of any of the classics and romance comedies. It keeps my life light-hearted when I'm not reaching into the guts of some poor blown-apart sod, or trying to stop my teammates from bleeding to death. Any bad films are great for a laugh too.

Chitin: Do you really think we didn't plan out our operation carefully? We smuggle weapons for Silence and Dandridge Clydesdale across the border, not drugs, though. My changelings assumed the identities of every pony we needed. Border patrols, customs and immigration agents, mail service clerks... We didn't need to infiltrate the government. Gets too messy that way. The only time we came remotely close was when that Union team started to catch wind of us. Then we needed to sabotage them.

Why would you ever not obey Master Silence? It was his wisdom and insight that led us to finding our home and operation in Equestria. Before, we were a roaming hive with nothing but whatever scraps of love we could find in the wild. Silence led us into Equestria and settled us into Oxford without anypony batting an eyelash. All he asked in return was we keep that weapons dealing business going for Clydesdale. Access to food, a safe home, a stable position in the world, and promises of our own territory once Silence took over... Who wouldn't sell their soul to the Devil for that?

Dandridge: I cannot speak for the grand plan. I was not privy to Silence's schemes of change and evolution. My part was to supply the griffon with as much weaponry and equipment as he needed. All I had to do was give him the goods and make sure the Sarcidanos stayed in business in Manehattan. I had no intentions of butchering anypony. Silence was handling everything to do with the government and the Army. Once I played my part, my family was supposed to be restored to its position of power and honor within the new Equestrian government. However, when I did my song and dance, I was killed instead. Another loose end, I suppose. I should've known better...

Shining Armor: The Royal Guard kind of are the tactical police unit. We do have regular police to keep and maintain order, but we have Royal Guard stations to handle situations like theft and robbery, rape, assault, and other violent crimes. Of course, that rarely happens, but it's in the RG job description. Now, if things get reeeally out of hand for them, then we call in the Army to act like a national guard.

Fleethoof: Coming home after a particularly long and grueling op is probably the hardest part of the job. It's why I like my showers hot and my whiskey cold. Both help take the edge off the nerves and the aches.

Valiant: Yeah, it is pretty rough. I either take a nice, long bath or go to the sauna at my local gym. The steam feels nice, especially if I've gotten beaten around pretty badly. Then plenty of bedrest to recuperate.

Sharp Shot: Shrug it off with painkillers and drown it in alcohol.

Cupcake: What is pain? Ha! No, I joke! I do not believe in medicine for little aches and pain. I meditate and sleep.

Blue Shield: Thankfully, I very rarely get hurt. Being the team's combat life saver, I'm doing most of the aiding for them. If I get beaten up, it's never more than a few bruises and cuts. Nothing time won't heal—and a couple of ibuprofen.

Midnight: Long, steamy showers, a massage at the spa, and lounging around on my couch until I can feel my legs again.

Echo: The spa with Midnight and lots of napping, followed by a light workout to keep my muscles working through the strain.

Midnight: Hell yeah, we do! Bat pony master race! Thestrals do it the best!


Valiant: Congrats on having a special somepony, and having the courage to talk about him in front of your teammates! Come on, tell us a bit about him: Earth pony, unicorn, pegasus? Older, younger? What's his name? Also, how hard is it to balance your personal life and your duties, in your line of work?

Midnight, Echo: Now that the opportunity has presented itself, would you gals like to have a Gay Best Friend?

The other guys of Skyfall: So... awkward times? Yes, no? On that note, do you have communal showers at the HQ?

Night Shade: Tartarus is actually different for each pony. You experience your own personal brand of suffering for all eternity. Me? I'm wandering in an endless blizzard, so it's pretty damn cold to me.

Chitin: Changelings don't have an afterlife. When we die, we simply fade out of existence.

Dandridge: I get the hellfire. For my treacherous and treasonous ways and all my anger, I walk a never-ending maze of fire and smoke. Every step scorches my skin and burns me to the bone. But if I stay still, the fire swallows me whole. It's like being wrapped in blistering agony. So I have to keep walking and reliving each moment of anguish I caused another.

Sharp Shot: Oh, you're funny. Har har! I know what you're getting at! Implying I have a crush or some hidden feelings for Echo just because she's my partner. Believe it or not, we can just be coworkers. She's my spotter. I trust her with my life. She's also a great filly with a sickeningly sweet personality and unusually cheerful outlook on life. Doesn't mean I like her. No, sir, not at all. Nope.

Alaric: Well, I don't see how gasses would be beneficial to my cause. Maybe for a mass genocide, but my plan is still far too in its early stages to— Oh... You were making a joke. Heh, well played. It is a shame you aren't a part of my Falcons. I would so enjoy having you lighten the mood during our victories. You could have had the finest of luxuries once Equestria fell and I was restored to my rightful place in the world.

Midnight: Uh, nooo, we haven't seen any actual interrogations yet.

Echo: We've been trained in the basics of interrogation, but that's all we've been exposed to. No real need to interrogate enemies we didn't have in custody, I suppose.

Midnight: ...What did you mean by "horrific side" and "enhanced interrogations"? What horrific side?

Valiant: Thanks, but it's not really so much "courage" as it is just... unavoidable. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of who I am, but it's not something you really go around advertising, ya know? But I appreciate the sentiment! Anyway, his name is Silver Charm, and he's a unicorn. He's three years older than I am, and he works for the Department of Defense as an analyst in the archives. He mostly handles sorting classified and declassified documents, making sure data is accurate and accounted for, and that all reports are filed away nice and neat. A lot of his work is for Minister Cause directly, compiling statistics and stuff for him to review for future ops and mission plans. We've had a little bit of a running joke that I made the statistics and he was my score keeper, heh...

Keeping your personal life and your work separate isn't exactly hard, per se, but it's also difficult to keep them from interfering. For example, we've been together for a little over a year now and I know everything about Charm's job, but all he knows is that I'm infantry in a Special Forces unit. That's it. I can't tell him any details or specifics or anything. He doesn't know where I go to when I disappear for weeks at a time, or what I'm doing... I miss stuff, like holidays, family events, the whole nine yards. But sometimes I think it works out better that way—keep him in the dark from all the bad stuff at a small cost, ya know?

But at times I see the curiosity in his eyes when I come home. I know he worries about me—especially if I show up with some new scar or wound! Goddess, you should've seen the look on his face after Cadance's convoy got attacked! I sometimes wonder if he lies awake at nights thinking about where in the world I am, doing Celestia knows what to Luna knows who. It kills me to keep secrets from him, but what choice do I have? That's the life I picked, and I have to saddle him with it, whether he likes it or not. Don't get me wrong, he's so supportive and respects my boundaries there! I just wish I could let him know all of me, ya know? I feel like I have to hold back from him sometimes and it's not fair to him. That's where personal lives and business get tricky.

Midnight: Oh, we've known about Val for a while now. Ever since the last Hearts and Hooves Day, we saw him trying to sneak a bouquet of roses out of the squad room before anypony showed up. He looked like we'd caught him hiding a body!

Echo: It was so cute the way he started stammering and blushing when we asked who they were from! In the end, he told us about himself and Silver Charm. We'd actually met Silver before when he came by the squad room to collect some reports from Captain Fleethoof, but we had no idea about him and Valiant!

Midnight: Valiant's a really sweet guy, and we'd gotten along well before. I'd never had a gay best friend before! Val's not really the kind of stereotypical gay stallion you'd probably imagine—obviously—but it is kinda neat having somepony to turn to when I want to talk stallions or gossip about Fleety behind his back.

Fleethoof: I heard that... Anyway, if you mean awkward times because Valiant's gay, then no. I knew about him long ago. He stopped me before signing his Skyfall papers and asked if our unit would be enacting a Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy because he didn't want to have to hide himself or be living two different lives. I admired and respected his pride and told him that I expected nothing else of him. Four years later, here we are today.

Sharp Shot: I... honestly had no idea. You all knew about this? You mean... all this time—?

Valiant: Yes. I purposely didn't tell you, of all ponies, Sharp.

Cupcake: Is not making difference in my eyes. Valiant is still clever tinker pony I love. He is still Valiant.

Blue Shield: I always wondered which one of us would attempt to start a stable relationship first in this team. I knew it wouldn't be Sharp Shot, but I must admit, I am a little surprised. Pleasantly, of course. I'm nothing but happy for my teammate and friend.

Sharp Shot: Hey! I can hold a relationship!

Midnight: Bullshit. Prove it.

Sharp Shot: Mrgphrpfh... *unintelligible grumbling*

Fleethoof: Our HQ and training center have semi-communal showers, meaning they're individual stalls in one large room, so we do have our privacy, but can also make conversation easy enough. Of course, the fillies had their own facilities installed once they joined the team. Equestrian decency codes and military etiquette and conduct protocols demanded it—plus it's sort of common sense and courtesy.

Midnight: What's the matter, Fleety? Don't wanna shower with me?

Fleethoof: You are the very reason we have these codes and protocols, Midnight.


Equestrians, if you ever fight the changelings...they don't like fire. If Equestria has any artillery, tell the gun crews to load Blanket Shells (Contains Magical Napalm), it works wonders for us on the Eastern Front. Those bastards burn really easily, it truly is a beautiful sight for any Karalian.

Keep in mind that anti-air cannons can also rip apart enemy ground infantry just as well as enemy air units. A few of my Black Clovers saved me one time by doing just that.

Also, ask that changeling how many of his brothers my Black Clovers have erased. We refuse to talk to him and he probably won't want to talk to us either.

...You understand.

(To All Present Equestrians)

Thunder Coy: (Drops a sign while glaring)

When the 12th Battalion rolls up, the changeling cowards run but they don't escape. Me and Blaze are proud to be Black Clovers! And the 12th Battalion will continue on until every last changeling is wiped from the face of the earth!

(To No One in Particular)

(Thunder Coy turns to Midnight and smiles as his tail begins to wag. He drops another sign)

...Hi Midnight! Do you know that most Karalians are Agnostics? Would that complicate our wedding when you finally marry me?

(To Midnight)

Dandridge: It was all the ass kissing, the boot licking, the sucking up and bowing down when my family was once one of the proud names of the settlers of Equestria! Every time I saw him bend to the will of some unicorn prick with an oversized wallet, or some foreign diplomat with nothing but extra titles thrown onto his name, I wanted to scream. They should be bowing to us! Our history wrote this nation! We created the laws of old that still govern the land! Equestria would be nothing like it is today without us, and he acts like we're merely severs at somepony else's party. My mother... oh, she was a saint. She dealt with my father's weak submission like a trooper, with a stoic smile on her face. I knew she hated how he demeaned himself and humbled us until we were practically groveling. "It's all for the good of the family," she'd say when I whined to her about it. Bless her soul... she deserved much better.

Alaric: *slight eye twitch* No. I blame my mother being so set in her ways that she was unable to embrace change. I brought the promise of a brighter future, a new day for the griffon race. All she could see was the glass half empty. "But Equestria is our ally!" "Don't pick fights with enemies bigger than you." "Think about the consequences, Alaric!" It was all the same excuses. It broke my heart to see how indoctrinated this inferior mindset was drilled into her brain. She truly believed we could not gain our lost glory and honor, that Equestria was actually our friend, that we were better off this way. She didn't remember the suffering we endured at their hands—er, hooves... So when I brought about this radical change, she fell into the classic theory of evolution: adapt or die. *lowers his head* We obviously both know which option she chose... So no, I don't blame myself for anything.

As for the Sergeant, I have my own plans for him... Oh, forgive me, I keep forgetting that insolent pony got promoted for losing the fight against me, didn't he? Captain Fleethoof is playing a very deadly game of chess with me as we speak, and I don't think he even sees the moves I have planned well ahead of him. Rest assured, my curious friend, Fleethoof will meet his death at my talons. Him, that unicorn that took my castle, the entire Royal Family, and any pony brainless enough to get in between me and my victory.

Sharp Shot: Whoa, hey! I enjoy a good lay as much as the next pony, but foals?! Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Do I really look like father material? Ha, I'm not even son material! Forget being a parent.

*Midnight and Echo exchange concerned looks*

Midnight: Fleeeeet...?

Fleethoof: So! How about that next question, huh? Woo hoo! Next question!

Fleethoof: Incendiary munitions, huh...? Their eyes are also susceptible to bright flashes of light. Flashlights, flashbangs, anything with a massive lumen output disorients and dazes them to the point of incapacitating them. Just a little something something for you two to chew on, depending on what technology you have access to. I'm sure you could work up something similar... firecrackers or the like. Jury-rig something.

Midnight: *squees* You two are back! Aww, aren't you just adorable? Weeeell, so long as you don't mind rolling your eyes and putting up with the traditional Twilight Ceremony for my sake, then we'll be a-okay! Oh, and also... *bops Thunder Coy on the nose* Boop!

So Middy, exactly how "friendly" is your relationship with the head of the Lunar Guard. Should Fleet be worried about competition?

Fleet: Do you think that Just Cause is truly sincere in the way he acts or do you think it is a ruse to hide a true nature?

Shining Armor: Have you attempted some sort of locating spell to find Princess Cadenza? Wouldn't someone like your or your sister be able to perform such a spell. Unless she is stuck in a cell made of that crystal from the griffon realm it should be able to locate her right?


Blaze: Captain, I would like to order 2,000 Equestrian flashbangs for my Battalion. With 600 Black Clovers and 2,000 flashbangs total, that would give everypony two grenades and still have a few hundred leftover. Where would I go to place the order? Could you show me? Would I be able to place more orders later on? If I can afford it, I'll use my own money, I don't care! These grenades could help break the stalemate and turn the war in our favor!

If our Battalion uses them, the other Battalions will want them as well...

Karalian credits and Equestrian bits have about the same worth if I remember correctly. How much will this ring me up?

(To Fleethoof)

Thunder Coy: (attempts to lick Midnight's hoof after she bopped him)

(Whines like a puppy, tail still swaying from side to side as another sign drops)

So...you don't mind that I'm non-religious? You Equestrians are a lot more tolerant than we thought. Most other foreigners frown at our Agnosticism. Believe it or not, but Karalia wants peace. We just can't have it while there's still changelings around. If the changelings are annihilated, then we'll get peace!

(To Midnight)


Valiant: Awww, Silver sounds like a great guy! So, it was kind of like an office romance, huh? I assume at least that the two of you met because of work, but correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, let me ask this: who made the first move? Did you ask Silver out, or vice versa? Also, in case the two of you ever decide to tie the knot, are same sex marriages legal in Equestria?

Blue Shield: So the good doctor has been thinking about relationships a little? Tell me then, who in the team would you say is the next most likely to start dating? Also does this mean that you yourself, would be open to get into a relationship should you meet that special somepony?

Fleethoof: I'm pretty sure that while Silver Charm works for the Department of Defense, his relationship with Valiant does not fall under any rules that would forbid them from dating. However, I'm also sure that there must be rules concerning relationships between members of the armed forces of Equestria. Fraternization is the correct term here, right? What are the boundaries set by the regulations? And what are the consequences for crossing them?

Midnight: The Nightwatch commander and I are— were very close. He was totally awesome and I was obsessed with him for a time, but then he started getting all possessive and really clingy. I had to put space between us. It was getting uncomfortable and driving me crazy having him trying to control me. I guess I really stuck it to him when I jumped from him to Fleety, hehe.

Fleethoof: Minister Cause is... different. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing yet. It just means I don't know how to get a read on him or anticipate what he's going to do or say next. He seems genuine with his interests to better Equestria, and he doesn't mind bending the rules or leaving us to do our work the way we like to. I feel like there's some sort of mutual respect there. I mean, he is technically our boss of sorts—him and Luna—but he doesn't police us and he acts like he does care. All he wants is results by any means necessary, which is exactly how I operate. I don't know how much of that is real or a front, but he hasn't given me a reason to not trust him yet, so I have no choice but to see where this relationship takes us.

Shining Armor: Magic is really kinda interesting that way, actually. Every unicorn, alicorn, and other magic-user always leaves some magical residue in the aether whenever they cast spells, sort of like hoofprints in the dirt wherever they go. The trouble is, unless their signature is very strong, it takes very powerful magic to track that signature down, way beyond what I can do. I can sense little variations in the general area, but that's it. The princesses can search a larger area, and Twilight probably could too, but not even Celestia can do global searches. There's just too much aether to sift through. Nopony is that magically powerful. It also doesn't work if Cadance hasn't cast a spell in some time, like if her magic is being buffered or disabled by arcanate. It would be like trying to find your shadow in darkness.

Just Cause: I'll field this question for Captain Fleethoof. Mister Blaze, Equestria would be more than happy to provide you with the munitions you require in your efforts against the changelings. All I'll need you to do is complete the required DoD forms for purchase and requisition of destructive devices, explosives, and munitions, set up a designated and approved military munitions dealer to receive the shipments, then make payments directly to the Equestrian Department of the Treasury. Once the paperwork has been filed with my department and we receive approval notices from your receiver in Karalia, we assess the validity of all parties involved, including extensive background checks of individuals and organizations involves, then you can make your payment directly with the Treasury in Canterlot. Each flashbang costs 150 bits, so your total cost including shipping and customs fees will come to 450,000 bits with an additional 8,192 bits if you'd like provided military contractor protection with your shipments. The Treasury should be able to exchange your credits for bits without any trouble.

Should you and any other battalions require more of Equestria's finest technology in the future, simply repeat the process again. We won't require you to fill out another receiving dealer form so long as you continue to use the same dealer for accepting your shipments.

Midnight: Hehe, nope! No problems here, so long as you don't mind me taking the Great Alicorn and princesses as my goddesses! Most Equestrians are very tolerant of alternative lifestyles, particularly unicorns, for some reason. Earth ponies tend to be a little more leery about it, especially in rural towns and villages. But a lot of us are more progressive than we used to be. Changing times, I guess. Princess Celestia and Luna preach peace and friendship, so who are we to judge and defy them? Also, what's a changeling?


Blaze: Looks like I can't afford that personally. I do have a friend in the Top Brass though, maybe I could secure government funds to pay for it with his help. I'll get back to you when I figure this out.

If you ever need help with counter-changeling operations, contact some Karalian advisors or soldiers, we seem to be well-versed in that field. We can still fight other enemies too but exterminating bugs seems to be our thing.

(To Just Cause)

Thunder Coy:

(Coy smiles as he drops another sign)

Changelings are the definition of evil! They go to peaceful lands and try to conquer them to feed their desire for the lifeforce of innocents! That's all you really need to know. For fifteen hundred years, Karalians and Changelings have been at war. Princess Luna is hailed as a hero in Karalia because she was the one who taught us how to defend ourselves when they attacked us all those centuries ago. Without the training she gave to our ancestors, we would have been finished. Karalian officers still use the fencing and other blade techniques that she taught us to this day.

...Wanna bonk?

(To Midnight)

Valiant: Heh heh, yeeeah, I actually first saw him when he came to our squad room to get some numbers corrected by Captain Fleethoof. He had gotten the BDAs (battle damage assessments) from the attack on FOB Sierra Alpha and I guess he was double-checking everything, I don't know. It was... sort of like crush at first sight. Anyway, I knew he had to work in the DoD archives somewhere, so whenever the captain needed something sent over or from their records, I volunteered to do it to "kill time", heh. The hard part was getting a feel for him. I had no idea if he was into stallions too, so I made a few... eh, probably pathetic attempts at flirting. Finally, he just asked if I was hitting on him, then laughed and said it was working. I'm not the most confident pony all the time, especially when I'm nervous, and I think he picked up on that. Charm asked me out first, just to get a coffee when he got off work. One thing led to another, and a couple dates later, I invited him over to my place for dinner and kinda ended up blurting out that I really liked him and asked if he wanted to be my coltfriend. I think you can guess what his response was, heh.

Interesting question! Same sex marriage is, in fact, legal in Equestria! Marriage in Equestria is sort of interesting in that it's different for each race, and each race has certain traditions and customs they follow. You'd have to ask each race about their traditions, but all of them allow any sex to get married to one another. I think the princesses probably anticipated that when the laws were written. I'm actually really glad they did. A lot of countries aren't like that, and some, like Saddle Arabia, outright persecute ponies like me. It's why I reeeally don't like going there... But yeah, you should ask the others about how marriage is done. It gets pretty interesting, especially in mixed race relationships like me and Charm!

Blue Shield: I think you'd be hard pressed to find a living creature that doesn't want to be appreciated and loved by another, haha! Ah, we're going to be playing matchmaker, are we? Very well. Hmm... Well, I don't think there's any question our little Midnight has her eyes set on our fearless leader. She is also very open about her bisexuality and the most... ah, promiscuous team member. I don't know if I'd peg her for having the next "relationship", but casual dating or flings, I'd put my money on her. Don't tell her I said that. She'll beat me. If I had to hazard a guess on a real-deal relationship... I have a feeling Sharp Shot probably holds a little hidden flame for his spotter, despite what he says.

Fleethoof: No, their relationship would not be forbidden. However, many members of the Armed Forces are very private about their personal lives and feel they have to keep them hidden for fear of judgment or harassment, all of which is looked down upon in the Guard, but nevertheless, it happens. Valiant wanted to be sure that before he signed up for anything, he was going into a safe and welcoming environment for himself. I've had a very close homosexual friend in my past that I got into a lot of trouble for, so of course I intended to provide a nurturing setting for all kinds.

Yes, fraternization is something the Armed Forces is very serious about. While it is handled differently throughout the branches and individual officers, the general protocol is to discourage it, as it only creates problems in a professional unit. It's a risk to our power structure, morale, and cohesiveness of units, so we try to dissuade it from happening. Does it happen? Of course it does. Ponies are only equine, after all. In the Guard, Army, and Marines, it can range from a slap on the wrist and marks on records to demerits and unit switches to a discharge, depending on how serious the relations affect the individuals and their units. The Air Force is more lenient, and very rarely discharge anypony for fraternization. If rumors are true, the Wonderbolts are mostly to thank for that. I don't know how the Navy handles it, and from what I hear, the Rangers will just discharge you. Here in Skyfall Unit, so long as the professional atmosphere is maintained, trusts aren't jeopardized, and skills are kept sharp and ready to respond at a moment's notice, I have no qualms about it.

As for the Lunar Guard... How about we ask our resident fraternizer? Midnight, you were caught making out with your fellow soldiers. How does the Nightwatch handle fraternizing?

Midnight: You get kicked out of the Nightwatch, no questions asked.

Fleethoof: Celestia singe me with the sun, that's harsh.

Midnight: Bor— excuse me, Commander Borealis is super serious about that kind of thing. The Lunar Guard is already struggling to bring themselves back up in the world and our numbers aren't as great as they used to be, so he expects nothing but the best. "If you want to fool around, then get out and make a spot for somepony who actually wants to be here." That's what he always said. The only reason I got away with that shit is because he likes me too much to get rid of me. I made good friends in high places, hehe.

Fleethoof: Not today they don't! I already dislike that I dragged Midnight and Echo into this world unwillingly, but I'm not gonna start showing them the good, the bad, and the ugly before they have to see it. I've already lost one team member that way. Let's not shoot for three.

Echo: *blushes* O-Oh! Um... I'm afraid I think you have it all wrong. Staff Sergeant Shot is my partner and mentor, b-but I don't think he would be interested in dating me. I'm not all that interesting, I'm afraid. I'm just lucky to be a part of the team and working so closely to such an interesting and talented pony like Sharp Shot.

Sharp Shot: You need to stop doing that.

Echo: Stop doing what?

Sharp Shot: Putting yourself down like that. You're more talented and valuable than you give yourself credit for. It ain't right for you to be thinking so little of yourself when you've already proven you're much more than what you say. You're strong and smart and so much more than you see yourself as.

Echo: I can't see anything.

Sharp Shot: ...Okay, that one was pretty good. And you have a sense of humor too.

I have no idea who or what you're talking about. You're crazy, European man. Hey! I don't nearly die! I get shot at, just like everypony else here. I just shoot back much more accurately. It's not like I'm Vally getting new holes blown through me every time we go someplace new.

Valiant: Hey!

Dandridge: Hmph, how could you know? How could you possibly pretend to know what it was like being me? When I finally made my stake in Congress, all I was, was Clydesdale IV, the son of the yes man pony from the backwater boondocks of Equestria. I was dead in the water before I even started. Just like this conversation.

Blue Shield: I was studying to become a trauma surgeon. In Equestrian medical school, all students must cover the generalized fields of medicine to have a basic understanding of each one, then do a residency where they apply their skills in practical medicine, such as general diagnosis, infectious diseases, trauma and intensive care, and the lot. Then they select their desired applied field and go from there. When I was doing my residency, however, I realized just how little demand there was for trauma doctors. That was when I decided to put my passion and training to use for the Army.

Just Cause: Thank you for the offer, Mister Blaze. My department will be in touch should your friend decide to strengthen your forces.

Midnight: Hehe! Oh, you are a bold one! *scratches behind Coy's ear* Or maybe you're just a little desperate to have some needs met, poor baby.

Fleethoof: Settle down, Middy.

Midnight: What's the matter, Fleety? Getting jealous?

Fleethoof: No.

Midnight: Suuure you're not.

I missed a lot. Anyway what was school like for all of you? (Skyfall team) Also Shining were you into D&D or what ever your version is?


Oh Valiant, you're absolutely right! Weddings and marriages must be a veritable goldmine of fascinating customs and traditions for the different pony races! Oh, how I would love to just say 'Tell me absolutely everything about it!', but I don't want to hog all your time. I think I shall decide who to ask from each race, and come up with some specific question about the most interesting topics...

Cupcake: Are there any traditions about courtship/dating you have to follow, for example in more rural towns, or earth pony communities? Or is it more relaxed, and up to the couple how they want to date?

Shining Armor: What kind of gift or token do you give your beloved when asking for their hoof? I doubt rings would work for anypony other than unicorns. Is the one who proposes the only one to give something, or does the couple exchange tokens?

Fleethoof: Where are weddings held? I would imagine the pegasi can choose from some really breathtaking venues! Also, do newlyweds build their own cloud house to live in?

Midnight: Are there any traditional vows? Do Thestrals hold the wedding at night, perhaps at the time of a full moon? Does the couple ask for the blessing of Princess Luna, or is that something rarely done?

And Valiant: In mixed marriages, are there certain customs that always come from the groom's side, or the bride's side? Which in your and Silver's case would obviously not work very well... How would a pegasus and a unicorn get married for example? Or, you know - (glances quickly at a certain pair of ponies) - a pegasus and a Thestral?

Sharp Shot: Are you brain damaged? There is nothing going on! No wedding! No honeymoon! No love!

Dandridge: Oh, I could, but can you imagine the scandal that would have caused in the Capitol? My name was shamed enough as it was. Besides, I've always preferred the thrill of the hunt to just paying my way through everything. I have the wealth, but I enjoyed not using it.

Alaric: Heh, I wouldn't want to reveal too much of my plan before we get to that stage. No, I'll let you and Equestria be pleasantly surprised by what I have in store. Sit back, my fried, and enjoy the show. It's going to be one for the history books.

Cupcake: There is never enough drunk! More drunk is more fun! Yes, let us build snowpony! And ride bikes around castle halls!

Blue Shield: Er... no. I have not.

Just Cause: I pride myself in having run a very clean campaign throughout my career. I did not want to be involved in any muckraking or denouncing of my opposition, and while they did their best to put me down, as politicians do, I refused to play their game. I believe it's what won me a good majority of the public's favor. But, as with anything, there were times sacrifices had to be made to maintain order and balance. I could not give you an exact number, but I can assure you, it brings me no pleasure. It is merely what has to be done for progress to be made.

Midnight: Hehe, oh you! I'm Equestrian. I'm always free!

Fleethoof: Why is everyone hitting on you?

Midnight: Huh... Fleety, you're looking less red and more green with envy.

Fleethoof: It's not envy. It's me being concerned about strangers flirting with my teammate.

Midnight: Aww, aren't you a sweetheart? It's not the first time, and it won't be the laaast~!

Fleethoof: School was just school to me. I went, I learned what I had to, I graduated. I got myself mixed up in trouble during that time too. It's what got me dedicated to joining the Guard. Well... okay, it was more like I was pressured into it and I grew to really want it.

Valiant: Eh, I got picked on a lot when I was younger. I was the timid, weird one that sort of became a target. High school was better. I sort of faded into the crowd and got by without incident. I was on my school's aerial track team though. That was pretty cool.

Sharp Shot: I didn't really care for my classes, I barely graduated. I only did it to get out of the orphanage and into the Guard so I could get on with my life. Funny enough, I was always pretty good with numbers and calculations though, so it's like I was sort of made to be a sniper.

Cupcake: Only very basic education in Frozen North. Most teachings came from basic training with Guard. They pick up slack where school lacked. I did not enjoy sitting and listen learning. I like learning with hooves. Doing is better than listening.

Blue Shield: Goodness, everypony else's education sounds like a cakewalk compared to mine. I went through private school my entire life, courtesy of the lieutenant. He wanted me to get the best education I could get so I could go on to ROTC and become and officer in the Army, like he did. I ended up with a love of science and the pony body, so I went on to med school. Well, we all know how that went for me... I did love it though. I love learning new things and the entire academic setting. I'm a bit of a nerd that way.

Midnight: Boooring! School to me was just another place to hang out with my friends and waste time. Sure, I did the whole "do your homework" thing, but I never paid attention. Having one school for all the Thestrals in the Shades made things... interesting. There was a lot more drama than you'd expect. That's what I was interested in!

Echo: I liked school. I was the quiet filly who sat at the front of the class and paid attention. I had to go back recently to learn braille after I lost my sight. Would I do it all again? Probably not. I enjoy doing my work with Skyfall too much.

Shining Armor: Oh yeah, I was huge into that! Still kinda am! I play a paladin in Oubliettes & Ogres whenever I get together with my friends from high school. Lawful good, of course! I've had this character going for... oh man, something like ten years now! Do you play? We could always use more adventurers in our party!

Cupcake: Marriage of Earth ponies is simple. No need for gaudy or showy. We have pretty dress for bride with beautiful flower bouquet. Grooms get fancy tuxedo. Ceremony is held in Celestial chapel or simple outdoor location special to both ponies. Small ceremony, just family and close friends, usually. Vows are written by each pony for most romance and heartfelt feelings. At end of ceremony, both ponies break a geode given to them by parents to officially seal marriage. Is very pretty moment, when rock breaks and colorful crystals spill out into sunlight!

Shining Armor: You're on the right track! With unicorns, we exchange rings during the marriage ceremony, each selected by the other, so the groom picks the bride's, and vice versa. That way, you always have a symbol of your partner's love that they selected for you. Typically, the stallion will propose and offer his ring first, but the bride won't be able to officially have it till they're married. Sort of like, she gets to see it first, then decide if she wants to marry him. We stallions have to wait till the day of to see ours. Sorta like a special little surprise, heh. After the vows, unicorns do something called a magical bond, where both unicorns will produce a little spark of their magic and touch horns. It makes this cool little show of sparkles, but beyond that, you're supposed to be able to feel all of the emotions your partner feels for you in an instant. It's, like, the most romantic and intimate thing unicorns can do. That's why it's typically reserved for marriage alone. Then comes the reception, which almost always has fireworks. We unicorns love our fireworks!

Fleethoof: With pegasi, many of our ceremonies actually take place on the ground because any of our friends or family without wings would have a difficult time attending without magic. If it's a strictly pegasi-only ceremony (or Thestrals too, I suppose), then the sky is the limit—literally! I saw photos from my parents' wedding. They got married at the Celestial Sky Cathedral in Cloudsdale. It's beautiful. The entire cathedral is made of this special fog-like cloud material that makes it almost see-through, so you can see all of Equestria around you when you're inside: the sky, the ground, the horizon, the sun, everything. It's very exclusive though, and only open to pegasi.

Our customs are sort of tailored to ourselves too. When we hit adolescence, pegasi save the first feather they molt to give to the pony they want to spend the rest of their lives with. Some just keep the feathers as they are, and some get more creative. They made them into necklaces, earrings, weave them into mane bows, and so on. Others get them magically altered by unicorns in Canterlot to harden them to resist ruffling or breaking, then they gild them with gold or silver trim and jewels. The thing is that each feather is unique, but still always came from the pegasus giving it. It's like giving a part of yourself that represents you and your personality to the pony you love. I kinda really like that tradition. Sorry to disappoint you, but there is actually a construction company that builds all of the cloud structures you see. Cloudcrete isn't the easiest stuff to work with. It isn't just like regular clouds you can push around. It's more resilient against weather and won't dissipate or fall apart. That's why only specially trained pegasi get to use it.

Midnight: Those ceremonies all sound sooooo cute! We Thestrals have something called the Twilight Ceremony. Our weddings are held only during this time of day, usually at the evening twilight as opposed to morning twilight. The reason is each wedding takes the exact amount of time for twilight to turn to night, so as the wedding reaches its end, the moon is rising over the couple. It's supposed to represent the rising of their time together or something like that. I never really knew, I just always thought it was the most romantic thing ever! We don't exchange rings or feathers or anything like that. If the couple wants, they can trade pendants with each other's cutie marks on them when they get engaged. The pendants are made very particularly so that they hang over a Thestral's heart to represent that somepony has claimed it. Vows are either standard Equestrian marriage vows or the couple can write their own.

While full moons are romantic, we don't wait for them. Can you imagine how backlogged our Lunar chapels would be? Haha! No, if you're one of the lucky couples to get a full moon wedding, then all the more congratulations to ya. Sadly, Princess Luna doesn't officiate or bless weddings, for the most part. The only time she's in attendance is when it's the wedding of notable Thestrals or ponies, like if Commander Bor was to get married, or probably Fleety. Actually, she might make an exception for any of us, since we are her team and stuff. The blessing of Luna is another something special you can be lucky to get... and be the envy of every other Thestral mare, hehe! It's, like, the most special thing that can happen on your wedding night! Weeeell, amongst other things afterward, heh...

Valiant: You know, I've wondered the exact same thing myself, so being the curious pony I am, I looked into it. Most of the time, mixed race couples will split the foal, so to speak. Since there aren't dedicated customs for a groom or bride (other than with unicorns, it seems), they'll blend and mix traditions where they can. Fortunately, most races follow similar customs with some unique differences. So, in mine and Charm's case, if he proposed, he'd present me with a ring that I'd probably make into a necklace or something, then I'd give him one on our wedding day along with my feather. We'd have to have our wedding on the ground, since none of his family are pegasi, and since he's not a pegasi, the Cloudsdale cathedral is out of the question. I don't really mind. Canterlot cathedrals are just as beautiful if we wanted one in a church, or there's plenty of lovely spots otherwise, like the Royal Gardens if we can get them.

Hmm, interesting question again... A pegasus and Thestral would work out a little better, I think. They'd certainly have the option to have a wedding in the sky, being both cloud walking races, but again, the Cloudsdale Sky Cathedral isn't an option. From what I've heard from Midnight, if I had to guess, I'd say the pegasus would give their feather and the Thestral would give a pendant with their cutie mark on it when they get engaged, then have their ceremony at twilight somewhere. Not really all that complicated to mix those two together, actually. Lucky ducks, heh. Now that is a wedding I'd love to go to!

2703302 To shining: I really want to get into that type of game but I am more of a risk player. I guess there is just something about building an army up so that you can roll over your friends with it.

Fleethoof isn't it obvious? I mean look at Midnight's face, she is so adorable that it is impossible to not hit on her.

Alaric do griffins shed?

Valiant does you coltfriend fuss over you when you come home with a fresh injury of some sort?

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