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Let's Discuss: Interspecies Romance in Fanfic · 11:34am Jun 29th, 2012

Once upon a time there were two human men living on an alien world. One day they had lunch together. The first started telling the second about his new girlfriend, and how much fun she was, and what a funny and cool person she was, and how much he loved her, and what great sex they had, too, by the way. So the second friend inquired about her name. The first replied with an alien word. The second friend was horrified. "She's a bayhtakc?" he exclaimed. "They're like... giant white lampreys! Their faces are like horrible, toothed suction-cups!" And the first friend said, "You don't understand. She made it beautiful. She made it beautiful."

Let's talk about August and DJ.

One of my editors was reading Chapter 2 of The Canterlot Embassy yesterday, and midway he texted me: "Thank God for the Secret Service." Anyone who's read the story knows just what scene he's talking about. There's nothing graphic, and I intend the sexuality included in TCE to stay just that: "sexuality," rather than graduate to "sex." Yet many readers are still bothered by the fact that two of the main characters are in a long-term relationship, and while one is a human female, the other happens to be a male Pony. August and DJ love and care for each other. They've been through a lot together. So why is it gross when they kiss?

Please leave your thoughts below on interspecies romance in MLP and other science-fiction and fantasy. How did you feel when you first realized that this subject was going to be seriously explored in The Canterlot Embassy? Were your repulsed or intrigued? Would it be different if it was a male human and a female Pony? I'd love to know what you think.

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Comments ( 21 )

:moustache: if it's above youur average sex novel or clop fic by being realistically romantic you can ship who ever or what ever you like.

202465 LOL I guess all I have to say about this is, what if Twilight was an airship?

202467 Men have had sex with cars IRL...if you can make it work....you can make it twerk.

I don't really see how pony/human is that different then the alien/human you get in science fiction and the elf/human or dwarf/human you get in fantasy.

If Arwen and Aragorn is acceptable, then August and DJ should probably be acceptable as well.

202488 I made the exact same arguement with Aragon and Arawen tonight and my friends said, "But they're both humanoid." My argument?

Ponies (capital P) are quadrupedal humanoids.

My second argument:

Equus Sapien is far more "Sapien" than "Equus."

Clearly the elephant in the room here (heh) is beastiality. To this, I respond thusly: You want to know what's a truly repulsive idea? One of the mares from MLP doing it with an APE. A fucking APE. That's beastiality. Not MLP x human ya dumb fuckers.

"IT'S AGAINST GOD WILL!!!! BAWWWW. They must REPENT or they shall go to hell and suffer for all eternity. If we let these things interbreed, you'll never know what abomination will happen next, GOD FORBID TWO MEN GET MARRIED!!1!1111111 I'M SO INSECURE ABOUT MY SEXUALITY BAWWWW" - Your average christian extremest, hope that explains alot.

Well, I would never do it, because of various reasons that really have nothing to do with their anatomy. Truth is, they are two sentient species. Beastiality is between a sentient being and a non-sentient being, in my opinion. Human and pony would be odd to get used to, but seeing as the ponies themselves could actually tell us what their views are, then it would make the subject more than one sided. If this crap became true, then there would probably be years of debate over the legality and morality of it all. Me, I won't. But if the ponies and humans both consent, then I can't argue, because(supposedly) the two species can make rational decisions of their own.

I think a better question to ask is, "What are your thoughts on the base concept of 'love'? Is it more emotional or physical?" The majority of the human species still falls under immediate belief that you should only love a member of the opposite sex that is also of the same species. There are many different excuses ranging from political to religious. The view is almost always based on love being a more biological survival mechanism and therefore is rarely fully associated with the emotional aspect.

On the other hoof, there is a growing number of people (mostly us heavy internet users) that are beginning to view love as a more emotional connection. Of course, that connection tends to lend itself to physical activities. Naturally, when love is shared on an emotional level, it becomes something far more than a biological survival mechanism. However, this kind of thinking generally goes against most political and religious views.

To give a few examples that you can provide answers to yourselves in as many ways as you like: (I really wish there was a block quote function for this site)

EXAMPLE 1: Two dudes who show affection for each other on a street corner by holding hands, smiling at each other while looking each others eyes, and giving an occasional kiss.

EXAMPLE 2: A male and a female in a restaurant share a chocolate malt milkshake with two straws and share a seemingly polite conversation with each other.

EXAMPLE 3: A human male and a female Klingon have a pre-sex mating ritual (where the female will probably kick the humans ass, rip off his clothes, then share that wild wild ~censored~).

EXAMPLE 4: A human female and a Pony, who are capable of sharing a conversation also show signs of affection as they walk down the street.

EXAMPLE 5: A human frat boy and a goat (the kind you find on Earth that end up in some frat houses and couldn't add 1 + 1, let alone have a conversation with human) show a lot of physical "affection" during 'Hell Week'.

Now, my view point is: If you can have an intellectual conversation with it and both parties have the mental ability to have an emotional connection, then having a physical connection is perfectly acceptable. If you are a frat boy who is trying to get the bigger and older frat boys to think you're awesome by having sex with a goat...well, that's a lot like rape, and disgusting.

I hope that kinda answers your question.

202538 I tried to listen to your argument, but by the time you got to frat-boy goat-sex, I was fapping so furiously I forgot everything you said.


LOL - Why yes, it is definitely a TL:DR, and to each his own.

202545 No, I was just kidding, I thought your response was thoughtful and interesting. Your examples are well chosen, and I agree that there is analogy between homophobia and... uh... ponyhumanomisceginationphobia? I coined the term. Now nobody else can change it.

Thank you for commenting, and for the watch, Warrensable.

I have never had anything agianst anything of the likes, if you like it, do it. As long as it doesnt involve me. I don't really like PonyXHuman Romances for some odd reason, not because its gross or anything, I think I just prefer my HiE fics to be less comedy, random, romance and more adventure, dark and such. But i often still read the fics aslong as the romance is a minor part.

I tend of think of it as consciousness and self-awareness.

An interesting complication is my story Dash's Tears, which is about a sentient robot with organic parts that was built to look like Rainbow Dash. She falls in love with her "owner", who already treats her more like a female best friend than a mere product. It ends in tragedy (hence the tags). But I always wrote it thinking of her as a serious character that should be treated just as a human-- even though I show in the fic her body parts being assembled separately (to stretch that her makers did think of her as a mere product).

As long as the two objects of affection really and truly are able to love each other, having the intelligence and capability to do that, then I view it as 'true love' and I think it's great. It's the question of whether if you give yourself to someone-- heart, mind, body, and soul-- that they can do the same to you. :twilightsmile:

I mean, seriously, mere 'parts' don't get in the way of love. Look at couples in wheelchairs that are deeply affectionate even though they can't get physical. And so on.

Now, clearly, as a furry fandom fan I tend to... and, well, you can see it in my fics... :twilightblush: I've had griffons having sex with ponies, ponies with humans, ponies with dragons, humans with robotic ponies, and... you know... I can't confess to being unbaised. I'm a total 'xenophile', as it were, attracted to the unknown in my writings.

Familiar with Peter Singer's ethical philosophy? The real issue with interspecies romance boils down to intelligence necessary to have consent.

Ponies are sapient. Humans are sapient. And assuming both parties are fully grown and aware and not coerced, it's fine.

Keyword is consensual unless you intend to make Sweet Apple Massacre look like My Little Dashie.

My point of view is: if two people love each other, whatever. What you are is unimportant in my opinion, who you are is what truly matters.

I have never and never will have a problem with it. Unless a sexuality, sexual preference or practice is intrinsically harmful, it is not "wrong".

That said, keep in mind there are people in this fandom who will troll anything with even the concept of "romance" because they believe it corrupts the innocence of the source. You can imagine how much they rage at human x pony snuggle time (also a good pony name; could be hanky panky's friend).


(I really wish there was a block quote function for this site)

There is.

(quote)(/quote) just replace the () with [].

More great info for obscure site functions: http://www.fimfiction.net/index.php?view=group&group=50&thread=149


Well I'll be.

Maybe if I tried 'quote' and not 'blockquote' I would have fared better.

Thanks for pointing me to that page! It'll help me out with stuff!.

ERMAHGERD!! To be honest, I see nothing wrong with it. Would I do it? Do I have fantasies? No, I would say I do not. I do not, and never have, approved of any of this hype about people's sexuality. Plus some people can really freakin write. I've read a few stories where the writer completely makes you forget about gender, race, even species.
Let people like what they will. I won't, and truthfully can't, judge. I myself live as a part of a group who is under fire from the religious groups for our own beliefs on love. I have been under fire.
You are ONLY allowed to say something if you are directly involved. Otherwise it makes you appear ignorant and pitiful to those who see the whole story.
And especially if you do say something, be kind with your words. Too often has the sepulchral bell knelled for the ones I knew because a person's words had more effect than they intended. Words have power. Words ARE power. Love and tolerate.

If you need someone to talk, I'm here for all of you.

202514 Not so much extremest Christian as religious. The ones who get so hung up on their self-made rules they can't see past the end of their nose.

Now, I am a Christian, and will tell you, according to the Bible, Gay relationships are sin. That's not to say that Gays (or Lgbt, or whatever the PC term is) are bad people (usually. Of there's exceptions I'm sure.), just that one of their lifestyle choices is. But it's not my place to tell them how to live, it's just my job to show them the love of Jesus.

Interspecies romance is whole different kettle of fish. So long as both parties are sapient and it is a consensual, loving relationship. I personally have no problem with it. Of course, my opinions aren't the finally authority by a long shot.

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