• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen August 25th

Note Pad

"Yes, your eyeballs will grow back" ~A Proud Father

More Blog Posts199

  • 216 weeks
    50 Questions No One Wants The Answers To

    1. What is your first name?

    2. How old are you?
    I am 24 years old

    3. What country are you from?
    United States

    4. What do you look like?
    My reflection

    5. What do you wish you looked like?
    Charlie Chaplin

    6. How did you come across MLP:FIM?
    Interrogating the class idiot back in high school

    7. What is your favorite ship?
    Twilight x Tempest

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    2 comments · 252 views
  • 269 weeks

    It's been a while, little degenerates. Did ya miss me?~

    More importantly, did you miss when I used to write, roughly.... Five tears ago?

    Well it's your lucky day, because I just submitted a brand new story. Best part is, it might not be complete garbage!

    That's all for now. Gotta say, it's good to be back~

    0 comments · 257 views
  • 361 weeks
    Been A Long Time

    Man... It's been over a year since the last time I posted a blog. I still remember when this site was basically my whole life. Now it just seems like something I keep around for no real reason. Like that one knick knack you got as a kid, and have no use for anymore, but can't bear to get rid of quite yet.

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    4 comments · 415 views
  • 419 weeks
    I Gotz A Thing

    So most of us have our own pony OC's. Earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, and basic bitch alicorns alike(:trollestia:). Anyway, some time ago I actually got a reference sheet made for my own OC, Nightingale, but completely forgot to share it here. So, I'm doing it now! :yay:

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    2 comments · 468 views

Sexy Waifu Shitpost Time; YAAAAAAY!!!! · 12:17am Dec 22nd, 2014

On a T-Shirt :trollestia:

So I'm looking at three t-shirt designs with Twilight on them, but I can only get one:duck::heart:

Surprisingly, I'm not asking you to vote on which one I should get. This is really just a random blog with no value whatsoever.

vv I'm partial to this one:heart: vv

Now, I know I said I wasn't going to ask for votes, but if you happen to have an opinion you'd like to share, feel free.

Oh! And a couple Twilight stickers I was also looking at:heart:

Report Note Pad · 469 views ·
Comments ( 26 )

The third pic looks like Twilight's going on a hunger strike just so they will stop making those shirts.

I predict the terrorist will be wearing one of these shirts when they go on a killing spree.

The second shirt ^^


1st and 3rd are my favorite :rainbowkiss:

Inconvenient Trixie is inconvenient:heart:

2668997 Exactly. :heart: Get on my waifu's level, bitch.

2668987 Yep when these shirts start selling in shopping malls It will make WESTGATE look like... well what the fuck do they do in Nairobi Kenya anyway?:applejackunsure:

2669782 Force-ship ALL the users!

2669783 Y-yeah well... I ship you with your own hand. :fluttercry: :heart:

2669785 Me too!:trollestia::heart:

...Okay, that was mean. I'm sorry.:fluttershysad:

Angry make-up hugsex?:pinkiesad2::heart:

2669791 Whu~whu..? Nuh!

I thought you shipped me and Nightgale. :heart:

You're mine now, bitch Sexy:heart:

2669970 Yay! :heart: Or we could have a threesome..?

Fine by me. As long as your ass belongs to me:heart::raritywink:

2670102 You I can't make promises like that. :fluttershysad: :heart:

2669008 What is Derpy saying in your avatar?

Have you ever seen your avatar on another story?

No, but it's probably been used for one before.

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