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On Hiatus for College.

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  • 172 weeks
    Winter storm

    Any of my other southern bronies singing winter wrap up with ice in the bathtub and the oven running to try to warm the house up enough to open the door. Needless to say, looks like I get a staycation from work.

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  • 216 weeks
    Update Mid Crisis

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    Cowgirl VK

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  • 343 weeks
    Update (Nov 11)

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My Future · 3:24pm Dec 10th, 2014

(This includes some very strong opinions that may offend some people. My goal is not to offend, but to simply speak my mind. If you disagree that is your opinion. I will not judge you for it.)

Greetings, Cowgirl here. Today I wish to talk about what I plan to do with my life. I know I have discussed this, but several individuals have inquired of me WHY I have not chosen college. Now there is a college I have my eye on, but I don't think I want to go.

Now you all know me as a knowledge seeking, information storehouse, type of girl. I have been home shooled all, but one year of my life, (I did private in second grade) and I seek for all to grow to their highest potential. So why in the world do I not believe in furthering my education to get a diploma?

Well, it isn't that I don't believe in learning, I just don't believe in college. I see it as profit gimic to run students broke. For some it is fine, but I believe, that if you are not in the top five percent, or make straight A's in school you should NOT go to college. So many people are going to college right now to make 'more money' (I have yet to see it work) that the white collar jobs are flooded to the point that unless you made straight A's in college, you don't get a job. Your degree is, for the most part, useless.

Let's take Medicine for example. A couple of years ago I sat down and crunched the numbers adding up all the people in my area for all the doctors in my aria. I am not talking nurses and all that, Just the doctors, there were 300! Doctors. In a town of only 75,000 that came to every doctor would have approximately... 250 patients. This means that every person would need to visit their doctor at least once a year in order to pay of that HUGE debt that is hanging over their heads. OH WAIT! That is what the doctors tell you to do! Honestly folks, This is another aria I could go all day on. So I'll put it simply 100 years ago. 3 doctors for a town my size and you only viseted them if you were sick, AND people lived healthier lives. Now days, we have so much more medicine and in my town, the Hospitial is the biggest business employing more people than any other business. Hum... I think something is wrong with that picture.

Let me continue, Law! This is the second biggest thing people go into. I had the pleasure... (Or maybe not!) of working with a lawyer about a year ago. I had the privilege of seeing the wonderful law system at work. I was, and am disgusted. What was supposed to be a simple matter of, make sure Medicaid doesn't destroy this family after a car accident with an 18 wheeler. (There was a six week old baby involved) This turned into a full blown, BLASTED court, drama case. The whole family just wanted the thing settled. That is ALL they wanted, but no, the lawyer wanted more than that so got greedy and took the poor family through court making the mother relive over, and over again her biggest nightmare! Lucky, nobody was killed in the accident, but the emotional pressure caused by the lawyer(s) was sickening, and the stress on the family was maddening.

If it stopped there I think I could be fine with it, but there are so many lawyers right now that there are not enough jobs to go around. This means they have to find their own work, which means more rules, which means more government sticking their nose in my business where it does not belong. If I build a shed, don't follow the rules, and it falls on me and I get hurt, that is MY problem. I don't need the lawyers to write a rule that says I have to have a building permit, and an inspector to tell me that I can be in there. Now I am not saying that inspectors are bad, but to say I HAVE to, in a free country is maddening. For all of you non Americans out there I am going to tell you something that America has been keeping a secret, we are not free, we are not great. We are a country of tattle tails, crybabies, and slaves to the government.

Which brings me to my next reason why I don't plan to go to college. I don't want the government in my back pocket. To say, I don't want to owe the government a slew of money just because I decided to get a piece of paper that said I learned something. I don't need to be in a class room in order to learn. I don't need a lesson plan to learn. So, why do I need to go to a school, spend $50k+ on a piece of paper that says I know something? :trixieshiftright: Oh, I know I could get a grant, but really I am not uninterested. If I were to go to collage I would Minor in music and Major in physical therapy.

Now I am going to explain why I am not. Music is flooded, and while I might be a good musician. I do not have the talent to succeed in the swamped field. I am studying Musical theory, and practicing my instruments, but that is only a hobby. I do not plan to ever make money with it so I don't want to spend much money on it.

Now as far as my Masters is concerned. As I have already stated, I wish to pursue a career as a Equestrian Therapeutic Riding instructor. Now, while there are colleges for this. Only the top instructor actually goes to the college. I do not ever wish to be the one running a business. I do not handle problems well, and I really don't like ordering people about. I do not even really like being around people. Though friendly, I am not a very good service person. I wish to just be one of the lower Instructors, and in my aria there is a Apprenticeship program that I wish to use.

College is a NEW idea. It has only been around for about three-hundred years, and it has only been in the last hundred years that it really has become popular. Originally it was designed for the top 1% or 2% so they could do the top 1% and 2% types of jobs. Apprenticeships have been around for thousands of years. You find a skill you are interested in, then find someone that is willing to teach it to you. Whether it is Welding, carpentry, dress making, baking... you name it.

Now I am going to point to MLP for a moment. Twilight is the only one of the main six that we have anything that points to the fact she went to collage. That being she went to Princess Celesta's school for gifted Unicorns. Applejack learned her trade from her family. Pinkie Pie is apprenticed to the Cakes as a baker. Rarity learned Dress Making and fashion design by watching the elite. Fluttershy, is self taught. Rainbow Dash... Well I really am not sure, but from what I can gather she too learned weather control in elementary school then worked her way up through the ranks in Ponyville. Weather control is something ALL pegasi learn. So it is not beyond the reason of doubt that she started right after she got her cutie mark and has worked her way up like one would in a business.

So in conclusion, do I believe College is a bad thing. No, If what you wish to do with your life requires you to go to college, go to college. I am just saying for me it is a bad idea. I do not have the brain power, or energy, or personality to succeed in college, or the swamped fields that college produces. While I do not plan to get a degree, I do plan to continue my education. I don't ever plan on not learning. I try to better myself and use my head daily. I just don't want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on it.

And while we are on the topic of using my head.

(Me practicing my balancing skills. I can now sit down on the floor and stand back up with a full glass of water on my head. Not bad for having been practicing for 11 years.)

Well anyways I think that about sums up what I wanted to say. College, is not for me. It is too expensive, and the fields are too swamped for me to succeed. Please don't judge me for my decision, this is one my parents and I have have discussed to great length. So I don't plan on changing my mind, unless when I finish my apprenticeship I desire to go on and start my own center. Then, and only then, will I go to the horse school, and get a minors in business. Until then, I won't. Thank you for reading, and I'll see you next time, either Here, There, or IN THE AIR!

Report CowgirlVK · 251 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

Your degree is, for the most part, useless.

This doesn't really offend me so much as it just hurts. :fluttercry:

2644532 It is the sad truth anymore. I wish it wasn't when I was little I so looked forward to getting a Degree in music and creative writing but... then I watched my friends go into that and one by one tell me not to. A few of them are doing well. But they are all ones with engineering degrees. I still plan to take classes, but I am not going to invest money. I have already read through two classes. One was drama, the other a music.

2644538 I was referring more to the fact that you're brutally attacking something I'm investing the next three and a half years of my life into. I'm not offended. It just hurts.

2644554 Sorry, So what is your degree?

Well i can honestly say that sometimes certain degrees that most consider to be useless actually do have merit. I'm an english major with a focus in creative writing... i'm currently doing legal research and a hedge fund (finance field). I have little to no background, but i was hired because i HAD a degree in a field that requires a lot of reading and comprehension skills and i had worked towards getting a degree, showing that i had discipline.

Now i'm not countering your argument here :twilightsheepish: I agree that there are a lot of fields that USED to be instant giant paycheck that are no longer free rides (such as medicine and law). But some degrees are more flexible.

Plus... if i didn't take four years of writing classes i wouldn't have the amazing writing skills i have today :twilightsmile: i owe a great deal of my improvement to the writing professors i had throughout college.

But that's beside the point, i understand the point your trying to get across and everyone is allowed to have their opinions and make choices. In particular i can understand what you're saying about the money factor... not... because i had to deal with it though :unsuresweetie:

I'm going to be very honest with you, i've lived a VERY well off life. My father hit it big in his field when i was young (i was five i believe) and he went from barely turning out enough to pay taxes, to turning out millions. (i hope that doesnt change your opinion of me... because some people who've been my friend in the past have instantly turned their back on me upon figuring it out :fluttercry: I wasn't born into it... and neither was my family, my father earned his money and taught me well how to be smart with it and not take it for granted) I've literally never had to worry about money in my life and my parents were able to pay my tuition in full.

However... every single roommate i had in college at some point went on a long rant about how much money in student loans they owed... i just kept quiet, the last thing i wanted to do was lash out at me for something i had all taken care of for me.

So yeah, i got a free ride, but i could see it, and it wasn't a pleasant sight.

2644604 No, Sir Calm I do not think any less of you. I have friends who are well off. I can't help that my dad struggles to make ends meat and my mom is blind. I work hard. I just plan to study and learn on my own the way I have learned everything else, Rather than spending money none of my family has.

Glitter is even taking a Creative writting college corse. Actually I was afraid everyone would think less of me for not wanting to go! I love to learn, I love to study, I just am a very slow learner. And I don't think I would handle the pressure of a real school. Second Grade was the worst year of my LIFE! I have a friend who...

alrightIhadacrushonhimandhejustannouncedhewasgettingmarriedandIamabitupsetbecausethisisthececondtimesomethinglikethishashappened... Ignore that.

But he has done very well with his college degree in engineering. He was one of the engineers on this project.

But unless you are willing to work hard, and get the grades necessary your degree would be useless. This has happened to both my parents. (Dad because his didn't get one class and grades were too low, Mom because... well her field was swamped then we happened. She Majored in Math. What do you do with that?)

I probably should have worded this a little less strongly..... But this is my opinion... and when I feel strongly about something, It comes out in my writing. Mom has had to whap me a few times for speaking my opinion in public.


Like i said, opinions are fine and i was not challenging :scootangel:

I can see what you are saying and i have no problem with it. I'm an advocate of respecting choices people make when they have strong reasons for doing so. :eeyup: (unless of course what they did was a terrible terrible thing:twilightoops:)

For me personally I like the idea of college, but I dont like the cost. I do wish that I can go back to school, so I can at least get an associates degree. But alas I dont have the money or the time to go back.:fluttershysad:
its not all bad though. Their are jobs out there that will pay for your schooling, and I was lucky enough to get a interview for the job. Now I'm just sitting on my ass waiting for a call back from them.

2644651 I did hear about a girl who cleped her way through college. That is what Glitter plans to do. Find out what it would take then study, come back and clep out.

2645665 Now I plan to continue to study. But I'll study what I am interested in. Or what need to know. The government, nor any schools can tell me that.

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