• Member Since 15th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 26th, 2014


More Blog Posts66

  • 517 weeks
    Totally not dead! (By most standards*)

    So, the thing is, I've had a pretty rough year. I'm talking the kind of year that leaves you with literally no free time at all, and you end up completely forgetting about everything else. But hey! I feel like I came out on top after all that, and I'm in a situation where I'm able to devote my time to one thing or the other. The thing is, I'm not entirely sure what I should do, or more

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    2 comments · 372 views
  • 574 weeks
    I don't know what I'm doing.

    Really, I don't. It's strange, once I stop and think about it, how much both I, and this site, have changed since I first joined forever ago. (Not actually forever ago) I remember when I first joined, and my English skills were so mediocre that I wasn't quite sure how anybody could find joy in anything I wrote. Yet many of you did, and I thank you all for that. Some of you, somehow found some

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  • 610 weeks
    The Greatest Excerpt Ever

    I looked through the Gideon bible in my motel room for tales of great destruction.The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zo-Ar, I read. Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of Heaven; and He overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

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  • 614 weeks
    Steps to having no life:

    Step 1: Download Complete Works of Lovecraft
    Step 2: Read the fuck out of Lovecraft
    Step 3: Why are you still here? Read Lovecraft.

    6 comments · 494 views
  • 615 weeks

    It's been like...what, almost a month now? Where the fuck have I been, you ask?


    You heard me, your brave, heroic writer pal has been braving the volcanoes of iceland.

    Okay, that's a complete lie. I've been doing stuff. Fun stuff.

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An irrelevant rant · 3:08am Jun 24th, 2012

I've come to realize why I seem to hate most people. They appear to be under the illusion that life is about judging what makes other people happy, rather than just finding out what makes themselves happy. Life's not about living for somebody else, others won't honestly care if you don't like the fact that they listen to techno music, or watch anime, or drink beer. Why? Because it makes them happy, and they genuinely enjoy these things. You know what? That's okay. You may not like it, and that's fine, but we're a varied species with varied taste and one cannot expect us to conform to a singularity based on what you enjoy.

I actually started thinking about that when a guy told me music was being ruined by modern artists, and it hit me... they may feel that way, but I guarantee their ipod or zune or whatever is filled with lots of music they enjoy. As long as there is somebody else out there with similar tastes, you'll never be alone in things like that. There will always be techno music, simply because it is enjoyed by a certain group of people. Sad that people can't seem to realize this.

Do not take this blog as me bashing criticism, because that is far from what I'm trying to say here. You see, criticism is different in its intent, really. If you look at something as a piece of art, not something to like or dislike, then perhaps you can truly judge something. Criticism is far different than: "Oh mer gerd, this story is a HiE story? It's insta-shit."

The proper way to handle a HiE story, if you dislike the genre, is to avoid it, or leave a valid criticism. Tell them what they did wrong, how they can approve. Don't call them an idiot or a loser because they enjoy something you don't like. Stop and think about it for a second. Who is the loser here, the guy who is innocently writing a genre he enjoys, and not forcing you to read it by the way, or the guy who is bashing him for simply doing that. Just something to think about, not trying to flare up any tempers or anything.

I was conversing with a good friend and he said something that really caught my eye. It's... very forward, yet I feel very true and accurate, so I'm going to copy and paste it in its entirety, unaltered.

Freud said people want 2 things
That's it.
They want to feel important.
And they want to fuck stuff.
Now, I'm not feeling orgy porgy when I call people dumb, so it's probably not the latter
People want to feel important.
How do they do that? Well, there's this thing called moral philistinism
Basically, it says that darker--less caring--individuals are more interesting
Well, interest breeds influence and influence breeds concepts of power
Popular people are powerful people
Powerful people feel important
People bash everyone around them because it creates the image that they are interesting, intellectual people
They believe that what they're doing is going to make people rally behind them
Or at least give a fuck about what they're saying (which we don't)

Again, just a neat little thing to wrap your heads around.

To be honest, I should probably get going, this blog is getting pretty jumpy as it is. See if you can digest what I said, I'm a little... intoxicated as I write this, so I apologize for any (cause there will be) errors you find in this rant. That is, of course, if you decided to actually read it at all.

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Comments ( 14 )

YAY someone who gets things:heart::heart::heart:

This "good friend" probably got it wrong.

It's probably about Orgy Porgy

It's amazing how well that sums up the majority of humanity... :rainbowderp:

Actually, those weren't the two things Freud said everyone wanted. According to him, everyone wants to kill their dad and fuck their mom.


192678 I cannot fact check that, for I did not say it. However, I agree with what was said. whether or not Freud said that does not interest me ^_^"

The human organism wishes to judge and to be judged. To judge is to express oneself to an audience, and to have one's existence acknowledged by that audience. To be judged is to be observed: to have one's existence acknowledged by the observer.

Conflict is the engine of drama. Conflict with others and you are as interesting as you are reviled--either one is an acknowledgement of your existence.

It is through acknowledgement that humans create their identities and become distinct from nothing. Without acknowledgement, the individual is laid bare before the relativity of perception and does not exist.

192683 Well, that's how my psychology professor puts it. Still, he does have something of a grudge against Freud, since he created so much public interest in psychology, despite telling the scientific method to fuck off and never coming up with a single theory that wasn't bullshit. My professor just can't stand seeing someone who failed so hard also doing so much good for his field.

Also, I too agree with what is said here.

I'ma go ahead and reply to some of these things.

I've come to realize why I seem to hate most people. They appear to be under the illusion that life is about judging what makes other people happy, rather than just finding out what makes themselves happy. Life's not about living for somebody else, others won't honestly care if you don't like the fact that they listen to techno music, or watch anime, or drink beer. Why? Because it makes them happy, and they genuinely enjoy these things.

I've been taught that making others happy and not thinking about yourself is the way to go. I suppose that I could say that I've been... programmed... to feel happy when I make someone else happy.

Another view is that I don't like it when people get mad at me because I don't care about something they do care about. Some things (such as ponies) I avoid speaking about/watching/etc. because I don't want anyone freaking out in my face with "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ARE YOU GAY OR A PEDOPHILE OR BOTH YOU ARE AREN'T YOU SHOULD GO BURN IN THE DEEPEST PITS OF HELL".
I mean, after all, you do care about what somebody doesn't like the moment they start freaking out at you.

You may not like it, and that's fine, but we're a varied species with varied taste and one cannot expect us to conform to a singularity based on what you enjoy.

Except they do. There's the issue with opinions.

I actually started thinking about that when a guy told me music was being ruined by modern artists, and it hit me... they may feel that way, but I guarantee their ipod or zune or whatever is filled with lots of music they enjoy. As long as there is somebody else out there with similar tastes, you'll never be alone in things like that. There will always be techno music, simply because it is enjoyed by a certain group of people. Sad that people can't seem to realize this.

Kinda tied in with what I just said about opinions.

People bash everyone around them because it creates the image that they are interesting, intellectual people.
They believe that what they're doing is going to make people rally behind them
Or at least give a fuck about what they're saying (which we don't).

I wanted to say something about this part, but I forgot.

Pretty sure there's something about this blog in its entirety that is tied to its content, but I'm a bit too tired to look.

That said, there's some punctuation missing in the quote from your friend and I'm pretty sure somewhere you typed in "approve" instead of "improve". That's all I think I noticed.


Been my policy for years. You can be boning a dude right now over a Skype call with me and I wouldn't care. Er, as long as the sound and video are both mute. But you get my point. Your life is yours, not mine. People will also never conform to acting as you and I do, however. There will always be people who bag on whatever others like. It happens and I simple don't let it affect me. This nigga is out.

... Well that's interesting...
Have to say I don't agree with what Fued said at all.
If being only care about fucking things, then wouldn't males on show interest in females and vice versa? They'll be no same-sex relationships unless that are homosexual.

192771 Ah you misunderstand, this isn't me saying that people shouldn't care what others think about them, words hurt... I know. This isn't a bashing blog, this is just the observations I've made over the last few days. I was trying to say that despite the fact that we as a race do do these things, it's not right and is completely illogical. Simply put we as a people should only care for what we ourselves think, and what our friends and family of think about us. Because, in the end, isn't that all that really matters? Imagine the hurt that could be prevented with an ideal like that. If they were truly your friend, they wouldn't say extremely harsh things to you, they would express whatever they feel they need to in a productive way. Same with family. I'm just offering ways to live your life, but how people decide to do this is completely up to them. ^_^

192883 As I said to the guy above me, I only really care for what my friends and family think about me, otherwise you could rag on me all day and it wouldn't affect me. I just wish everybody had that ideal. :P

193023 It's a generalization, bro, as philosophy usually is. If anything he has forgotten one other thing that we as human beings crave everyday - entertainment. Which kind of goes hand in hand with this blog, the different forms of entertainment and the effects it has on society. If you're a male and find that chilling with another bro is fun, then you have fulfilled your need for entertainment. That's the secret #3 thing we need. ;D

Personally I prefer Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. In ascending order they are:
Physiological needs (breathing, water, food, sleeping, eating etc)
Safety (Both physical and emotional)
Love and belonging
Stats (Respect and all that)
Self-actualizaion (Creativty, spirituality etc)


I forgot what I was gonna say to you after a power surge and a game of Scrabble, so here's something I made on the spot: Anyone who thinks that humans can be logical in relation to each other is illogical themself.

Hmm. Nice.

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