Friday Nights With Antagonist #1 (Fanfiction Readings) · 12:47pm Nov 21st, 2014
So evidently my brain decided--without my consent mind you-- that doing dramatic readings should be my new thing since I hardly put out horse words anyways. I was planning on doing 2 per weekend but only if y'all, my dear readers, like it. I picked a slightly under par clop-comedy as a first video to gauge y'all's reception to this here development.
Original story here
Lemme know if you want more readings and if so what I can change to make it better for you. Better camera, better microphone, more immersion into the story, less of my own commentary and reactions, a picture instead of my ugly mug, slower reading, better story selections, shittier story selections read seriously (because those can be fun too), etc. If you don't like it, just tell me and we'll never speak of this again, I'll just touch myself and cry myself to sleep.
Also is wrong for me to be so very proud of this particular comment I left on someone else's story?
Your Antagonist
No, you should absolutely not feel bad about that comment. Over-exaggeration of accents is my top pet peeve. Hell, I was guilty of it, too. The Scottish character in my story read like a dyslexic epileptic in a stereotypical pub. I have since fixed it, but still...
I have to say that your comment was brilliant. I'd feel proud of it if I wrote it. Anyway, I'll check out your reading when I get the chance.
I hope things are going well for you.
Yep, I love this already. If you are very able to buy a better microphone (or speak closer to your own), it would sound way better. The mic you have right now doesn't even begin to touch on your deep baritone voice.
I tend to be really picky when it comes to mics because everyone generally sounds better when they talk in a really good mic.
2609801 Better mic, noted. Thank you for your feedback. Probably the only person who listened.
2608692 I see. Thanks for the constructive criticism.
2609883 I listened. Only for the first few minutes. Then I skimmed. I didn't enjoy it.
Reading vids never really were my thing, but that particular story was just painful to listen to. Plus, I think you might want to check other, more viewed reading vids and see why they got so many views.
2609985 I don't want views, I want to entertain my readers and also find a more constructive means of occupying the time I don't spend writing. Trust me, the last thing I want is to be identified by anyone outside of my fimfic audience. Also that's still not good constructive criticism but I'll take the bit about story quality. Read better stories, got it.