108 Followers & AMA · 9:39pm Oct 6th, 2014
WHY ARE 108 OF YOU FOLLOWING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I didn't do anything to earn your follows! Thank you very much for them, but still!
Also, I'd like to do an Ask Me Anything in honor of this unexpected achievement. You can ask me any question, but I reserve the right to not answer something if I feel it is too personal.
Want to run a Roleplay?
Behind that, no questions.
Favorite Princess?
Favorite ship?
Favorite Princess Ship?
Favorite Ship that most people hate?
Least favorite ship that most people like?
2512121 Roleplay is banned on this site.
I'm only following you 'cause you followed me first, y'know. It has nothing to do with all those super-cool stories you write or that you seem to be a nice person or anything.
As for a question ... hm.
If you were trapped in Equestria for a day, what would you do?
2512122 Favorite Princess - Luna
Favorite Ship - Dislestia
Favorite Princess Ship - Twilestia or Dislestia
Favorite Ship that most people hate - (don't know any ships that people hate)
Least Favorite Ship that most people like - AppleDash
2512128 Heh, right...
Probably spend time with Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Discord.
u realize u do deserve these follows. good stories
2512145 Well no........
Flash Sentry/Twilight is pretty much universally-hated.
2512146 come on u know its true
2512151 Including by me. I don't like Flash Sentry so....
2512123 ah, but that's what PMs and other sites are for.
2512152 Not really........
2512155 Well, what other site did you have in mind?
Another reason to like you.
2512123 Woah! Really?
2512132 And some hated ships are Twinkie, TwiDash (Sort of), and all of the incestual ones except for Princest. Somehow that doesn't count.
Because Princest is Wincest.
2512158 come on *hugs*
2512162 Yes, really.
And I like both TwiDash and Princest, so.......I guess there's your answer.
2512171 But I don't do anything worthy of being followed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How were you introduced to ponies?
Why did you start writing?
And you totally deserve the follows. You're an amazing writer.
2512176 i hate seeing u cry *holds u close*
2512169 Its not incest if Luna was Nightmare Moon.
2512174 Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkay.
2512179 My little cousins were watching it, and I was babysitting them.
Because I wanted to share ideas with other people that weren't in the show.
2512180 But it's true! And you know it too!!!!!!!!!!!
2512159 Google drive or ponysquare probably, or Piratepad.
2512186 What?
2512192 I don't have any of those.....
2512191 no i dont cause its not *nuzzles*
Well, no, but we weren't talking about NM before.
2512200 But it is!
2512196 google drive is the google version of the cloud, comes with a google account, ponysquare is foursquare, but a brony only version, and Piratepad is an open document thing, like google drive, but no sign up.
2512207 I don't want to be mean, but you're confusing me.
2512205 no its not ur presence here means something
2512214 What does it mean?! Tell me that! I don't see it meaning anything!!!!!!!!!
2512211 I confuse a lot of people, and truthfully, I find it hard to be offended when someone's homest., so don't worry about it, what about what I said confused you?
2512218 well it does to me
2512227 I"m glad I didn't offend you. Just the explanation in your last post.
2512228 But in the grand scheme of existence it means nothing!!!!! I mean nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
2512233 no im the nothing here ok im out
2512235 No, you're not nothing!
2512238 actually i am. not u
2512240 No I am, you're not!
2512245 u might want to stop trying to convince me that cause that fact will never change
2512229 all of it okie, Google docs/drive is Microsoft word, but more confusing, its part of a google account.
Ponysquare is a social network for brownies not unlike foursquare (hence the name similarities.)
Piratepad(not a pirating sight, despite the name) is an open document type thing. That made no sense, Piratepad is a txt file (Microsoft word/notepad/word pad/notepad++ generic txt. File editor style thing)
Plus a chat/comments bar.
Did that make sense? Or am I going to have to resort to making a PowerPoint to make this not confusing? I apologize for any confusion this desc. May cause, I have a weird way of explaining things.
2512249 I won't stop trying to convince you until you stop trying to convince me!
2512251 I got the Google part, but I have no idea what Foursquare is. And no offense, but you do have kind of a weird way of explaining things.
2512249 You and midnight (not me, other midnight) XD y'all are hilarious. And I side with you Enigma.