So... news... and stuff. Mostly birthday and state of the writer. Yay. · 12:47am Sep 24th, 2014
So, my birthday was back on the 17th. I turned 31. Glee.
On to the real reason for this post. If it ain't obvious, I haven't been writing of late. Don't get me wrong, I want to write and I have PLENTY (read: too swirling many) of ideas that I want to get down.
My problem? I procrastinate. Badly. Moreso now that I have my new job (which is sweet, despite all the standing, and the paycheck, available direct deposit, incoming insurance and actual decent benefits are helpful), but as a result, really haven't sat down to hammer things out.
So, here's the shakes:
Diplomatic Measures chapter 2: On hold until I can get my mojo back.
Warm Meal chapter 2: Ditto.
Balance: On hiatus pending extensive re-write. Need to get it more in line with my preferred headcanon, and that's gonna take serious work.
Katasterismoi: Still incoming. May re-work what I've got in my notes.
Possible Snips and Snails friendshipping fic in the works.
Have curious urge to write a Shining Armor badass story. Blame Arad and him writing Stardust and Mente Materia.
That's... about it for now. Later guys! I'm off to bed, because sleep is awesome! Decent amounts of sleep is even better!