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Stuff in Fan Works That Makes Very Little Sense · 3:23am Sep 22nd, 2014

I'm establishing this blog for me, and others, to vent things that are used by the fan base that they've seen that just seem to have a certain lack of sense, when you vent state what's bugging you about something the fan base is using and go off on your expository and/or angry rant. I'll start it off.

Why is it in almost every fan work (all the fan works I've seen and read anyway) cider is treated as an alcoholic beverage? Seriously, you can't use a confirmed fermented drink they might have access to like Mead or Ale? Why does cider have to be a default adult beverage in fan works? It makes next to no sense. An aged cider, one that's been left untouched for a year, or more, I can see as having fermented to point of being alcoholic, but nobody ever states that. They just say cider or "Apple Family Special Cider" and leave it at that. Would it kill anyone to state that there is more than one kind of cider and explain how some is intended for adult consumption while being off limits to children? So for the good of the fan base I think someone should set up rules for cider if its going to be used as an adult beverage. I'm mostly going on about this because I'm pretty sure I the CMC drinking cider in at least one episode.

Report dracone · 417 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

2597260 I would have to agree with you on that front. And getting back to my Cider rant, sorry, for a moment I would also like to point out that in our world we have a defined minimum alcohol consumption age (something that wasn't present in any nation's culture 200 hundred years ago). But yeah stating that Pinkie has done something to overtax herself without explaining why she's doing it is just poor form. The only fic that has Pinkie overtax herself with partying that does it decent, in my opinion, is A New Dragon in Ponyville, and that's only because author takes time to have Pinkie explain why she did it and it's a one time thing (in addition Pinkie is supporting cast and not main character, which in my opinion also helps). But yeah, Having Pinkie overtax herself without a legitimate reason (which should never consist mainly or solely of "Pinkie wants to throw as many parties as she can because she wants to see others smiling"

I want to know why Equestria is pretty much female only. We've only seen, what, 7 unique males (guards don't count, though we haven't seen many of them either) in 4 seasons. How do they breed? Are ponies slowly going extinct?

2768639 fair point, it's never really explained what the normal family unit in Equestria is. It has been implied that a family involves a a husband, wife and possibly children. For this some fans have posited theories that make since, and in some cases compounded the problem. I'm mostly talking about the theory of herds in Equestria, they are equines after all. Herd dynamics is something that should come naturally to them. While normally a herd would probably be a stallion and more than one mare, which would work fine with the more mares than stallions thing that seems to be implied by the series proper, a herd could potentially be all one gender in modern Equestria, which in turn could compound the problem.

To make matters worse, in my opinion, not many fan works address the issue of something like a 10 per 1 stallion dynamic I've seen, seriously I'm pretty sure we saw close to 10 mares in the pilot episode before we were shown Big Macintosh (if memory serves right he was the first male, and that includes stock and unique) were shown in the series proper. I could be wrong with my numbers, after all I'm not all that good with math. But yes, you're not only one to have noticed the distinct lack of unique male models.

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