The thought occurred to me... · 8:18pm Sep 16th, 2014
The last picture I shared of myself was almost two years ago and I was rocking the "Bald is Beautiful" do.
I'd say it's time to get anyone who cares to read an update.
Hello. You may call me Crash. It's nice to meet you.
'Ello Crash, I'm still the Wanderer. Nice to meet you.
Good evening, Crash.
2459910 2459927 Back from work. Want to sleep. Not really tired.Either of you up?
Aye sah.
2461124 Bored. Gonna watch more Castle. I'm on season 3. What're you up to?
Goofing around on Borderlands 2 a bit, playing Wc3 Custom Maps, drinking Diet Pepsi... The usual tuesday.
I await school staying in the facility.
Insomnia is a curse sometimes.