10/6/2014 · 5:39pm Oct 6th, 2014
Me again.
Summing up recent events:
Saw Rainbow Rocks in theaters (was SOOOOO worth it). There were about 20 "local" bronys there. I say local, but it's really like the surrounding 3 countys. Lot of ground to cover.
Just got paid (suddenly broke again. -.-)
Had a few fic ideas. Wrote down the basics so I won't forget. Maybe write them up soon.
I am apparently the only competent driver in my town. Got cut off 3 times today and people don't seem to grasp the concept of a yield sign.
Sprayed my room for spiders. Still havn't moved all my furniture back in.
Counting the days until the new World of Warcraft expansion launches.
Silently judging myself for going against a previous blog post's self-advice from almost a year ago. (Flash-Back)
>That blog post from ninety-two weeks ago.
You'll be lost amid a tide of creep blood you've grinded for nine hundred hours in minutes! You'll be buried under a constant rush of subscription payments! For the lord's sake man, it's not too late to swear off this madness! You might never recover from it!
In other news, I tried the Guild Wars 2 free week and it was pretty frigging nice.
It's too late. I've already pre-ordered the collector's edition of the expansion. My fate is sealed.
In other news I'm not as doomed as I previously said. I've made time for Minecraft and robocraft over the past few weeks.
As long as Warcrack doesn't completely consume your life, I suppose that's fine... Just don't get too deep into it, eh? Wouldn't want ya to miss the next seven years or something.
But did it raid...