• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2023


Amateur writer and artist, Commander of the 31st Imperial Legions, and devotee of the Princess of the Night.

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Worst. August. Ever. · 7:51pm Aug 31st, 2014

I love starting these with pictures.

So this is a total rant today. This has been the worst August ever for me, and that's saying something when school use to start for me in August.

My grandma is in the hospital with pyelonephritis, which is a kidney infection. Can lead to kidney failure and death, especially if the kidney's fail completely and she has to go to dialysis. The doctors asked if she had a Living Will in order, so it isn't looking great.

My aunt is going through a divorce, had everything set up and agreed upon with her soon to be ex-husband - then she calls the police THE DAY AFTER the settlement and they find her shitfaced drunk and using prescription medications that are not hers, but belong to her old boss (The mystery of her loosing that job was solved!). The worst part is that she has two kids that have to go through this, and neither of them have really had a parent in their life because neither really wants them or acts like the want them.

I had to get my favorite cat put down. He'd been sick for a while, wasn't eating, and had some kind of infection. Go to work, come home "Oh, by the way, your cat is dead" sort of thing. He was a giant cat, not fat, but huge in frame. He kept the raccoon away from our other outdoor cats. If you'd go outside, lay on the grass on your back, he'd come over, get on your chest, sit there and look at you like "just what the hell do you think you're doing on my lawn? Pet me now."

I was going to go to the Salt Lake Comic Con September 4th to the 6th, but I am waayyyy to far behind on my costume and other things. Maybe next time or go to another.

The weather has been screwing around with my job. It's raining right now, and you cannot cut grain or do fall work when it is wet. The moisture has also seriously damaged the grain crops and blight is setting into the potatoes. We sell our barley to the Anheuser Busch malt plant in Idaho Falls. normally, they allow a grain shipment of 1% sprout. Sprouting is when the seed starts to grow, and that's the section that they want to make beer. Everything else is thrown out for feed. Premature sprouting is no good to them, and it is just chucked. Recently, they've started to accept 10% sprouting loads. In the fall work, I'm typically working the ground for next year, disking and the like. I can't work until the field has been harvest and the straw bales picked up. None of that can happen until the weather clear up and the sun can dry things out. So, I'm out of work doing nothing. I can't even ride my dirt bike.

Exercise program failed. Spectacularly.

This girl on a forum I moderator for is threatening suicide because someone doesn't want to be her friend anymore, and she has a huge ass crush on them. Comforting her or dealing with her is like arguing with a brick wall. Which, I get, I really do. It's just someone else's drama that I have to deal with. Especially when you thought said friendship was a bad idea in the first place. This girl is a piece of work and on her first or second freak out, one of the moderators got close with her in an attempt to help her out, realize her problems, have someone to turn to. Months go by and this guy starts getting some extreme second doubts about wanting to associate with her, and finally tapped out. But he is her Edward Cullen and can't live without him. So this is currently being cleaned up by myself and the other moderators, who have contacted her school and warned about the threats of suicide.

I want to say I have been productive in reading, writing, editing, and drawing, but I haven't been. Art stuff exactly where I left it. Stories, still alone on the GDrive, except Autumnschild has Chapter 9 (oh, look, good news). Editing is... sort of slow, and I just... I sort of feel like I'm not doing a good job anymore. I want the people I edit for to have great success on their stories, to keep going, loving it, scoring big and/or pretty awesome. But it's not going how I want. I have yet to edit for a story that received a up/downvote ratio of 4:1, but they don't exactly hit on the charts and I want these people to be able to get up there. And that damn "Read later tab" is over 20 now. I don't have a reason why I haven't been productive. I don't think I've lost my drive or motivation to do them, maybe a little, but I think I've lost focus. I sit down to do one of them and all of a sudden, Blordy has ADHD, and must pace the house for no apparent reason.

And 16 days till school starts, dammit.

Report Lord-Commander · 382 views ·
Comments ( 7 )


Looked like you could use one. I hope everything gets better for you, and I'm sad to hear that life's been in the dumps this month. Hopefully things pick up for you.

I second TheGreatEater's statement. *big internet hug*

Hope things get better for you soon. :pinkiesmile:


Well, I think it's official now. Absolutely everyone I have ever been in contact with have had their summers go to absolute shit. This is just dandy. I mean, seriously. Everyone. I'm a real good luck charm am I not.

Hey, at least now it's a bit difficult for it to get even worse. A bit.


Thanks, you two.

Yeah. There's that, and I'd rather not see Murphy's Law get fully engaged.


You're welcome, and you could always punt that law to Diamond Tiara.

Wow, how did I miss this blog post?

I'm sorry to hear things were crap last month. I know what its like to be hit with a ton of shit and be expected to keep moving like it's nothing.

Not much can be done about the weather, but your brief mention of farm life, what it's like first hand, was eye-opening. Not to add another thing to your list, but, why haven't you written a story about a farmpony? Doesn't have to be one from the show, but goddamn, I would read the hell out of a slice of life farmer story written by you.

And I'm sorry to hear about your cat, your grandmother, and your aunt. I hear these things come in threes, so I am adamant in my hope that you are gonna get through it sunnier on the other side.

I hear you're missing a con in Utah, any chance I can convince you to come to ECCC in March? I'll spot you the price of the tickets, and see if I cant get a repeat of last year's dinner guests plus one.


Thanks. September, is under the letsneverspeakofthismontheveragain tag for right now as well.

Farmpony story... Hmm, just never got in the mood to write or think about one, I guess.

For ECCC, I have no idea. That's towards the end of my final semester, and I have no idea how "exciting" life is going to be around that time. I might, talk to me about it later.

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