• Member Since 11th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 28th, 2019


Apparently there is an impatient hell that knows my name. And it has an Ambassador. Oh, goody.

More Blog Posts23

  • 410 weeks
    A Quarter of a Century old today!

    Would you believe I turn 25 today? I certainly don't.

    Anyway, my profound apologies for the absence of New PonyScape, folks. I'm rather afraid my original deadline of end on May was shunted back by my LPC Finals and attempting to find a job.

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  • 423 weeks
    Back to Square One

    Hey all, its been a while.

    Well, for those of you who've been reading and following my scribblings, I'm afraid I've a little bit of bad news; I'm scrapping PonyScape.

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    1 comments · 265 views
  • 452 weeks
    A taste of what's to come.

    Building a city from scratch on an alien world, in a region dominated by ice elementals is no mean feat. But with friends like these, our World Guardian should be more than up to the task.

    Smile for the picture-box, everyone!

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    0 comments · 371 views
  • 463 weeks
    Another year older...

    ... But am I any wiser? I'd like to think so. :pinkiesmile:

    That's right; I turned 24 today. God help me, I'm officially in my mid-twenties... Its all downhill from here.

    Anyway, that's all I've to share for now.

    Laters, folks.


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  • 467 weeks
    New chapter! (Yay!)

    Good morning all!

    Thought I'd take a sec to re-blog Thursday's late night announcement now that I'm not so grumpy!

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SNEAK PEAK! · 8:21pm Aug 24th, 2014

Seeing as PonyScape has reached 200 views, I thought I'd do something special for all you lovely people. So, without further ado here's an extract from the upcoming chapter, "Meet the Ranger"


The sun hung low in the sky, yet the port was still a bustling hive of activity as the men, women, dwarves, sirens and more of Sarim went about their daily lives; dockhands moved crates to and from the moored ships, sailors lounged outside the pub, nursing drinks or singing bawdy shanties and a few shady individuals moved surreptitiously through the masses, lightening the purses of the unwary.
Brother Gerald thumbed through his heavily bookmarked and dog-eared copy of the Book of Light, and sighed. Sarim was not the easiest town to preach in; the locals were a brutal, unsavoury lot all too fond of their vices and sins. The port also saw a lot of traffic from the East, where for years the notions of Gods and worship had been laughed at. Still, if the infamous Cudgel of Draynor could spread Saradomin’s Glory among the heathens, then surely the same could be done for this hive of villainy.
He made the sign of the Star over his chest, trusting the Lord of Light to protect him from the worst of the degenerates.
Spying a likely soul in need of saving exiting the pub, Gerald straightened his tunic, opened the Book to a suitable passage, put on his best smile and went to intercept his quarry.
“Excuse me, Miss,” he called out, a spring in his step and voice, “Have you heard the Word of Saradomin?”
The dark skinned woman didn’t break her stride. Judging from the longbow and quiver of arrows on her back, she was some breed of mercenary.
“I have, and I don’t care what he has to say,” She tossed her auburn hair over her shoulder “Now if you don’t mind, I’ve a meeting with someone.”
The priest bristled, but he honestly wasn’t surprised by such a response; preaching from atop a crate for the best part of the day had yielded similar results. Still, the love of Saradomin was ever-forgiving.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he replied, maintaining his smile and falling into step alongside her, “But Saradomin cares about you regardless! His light guides all his children; from the noblest lord to the lowest beggar-“
“And what about half-breeds?” came the curt reply.
Gerald’s words briefly failed him; he took a closer look at his potential convert. Her skin was lighter than that of an average kharidian, whilst her eyes were a blue more common to Kandarin.
“Saradomin’s light covers us all, regardless of our origins,” he improvised, determined not to let this one get away, “He is the avatar of Light and Order, and Champion of the People! When Lumbridge was besieged by the foul Zamorak, He and His champions fought valiantly to keep the innocents safe from the dread demonic hordes!”
“And left a ruddy great hole in the ground afterwards, didn’t he?” his companion retorted, shaking her head, “He didn’t even stay to help with the clean-up!”
“The point is He triumphed!” Gerald snapped; this woman was starting to try his patience. He composed himself once more and continued, “When we needed Him most, He delivered us from chaos and asked for nothing in return!”
“But he didn’t finish him off, did he?” his companion innocently asked.
“Saradomin teaches that we should love our friends and show mercy to our enemies,” Gerald replied, his smile now glassy, “Even if they are the scion of evil!” He didn’t know how much more of this he could take.

Aaand that all for now, folks. Full chapter coming by month's end!

Thanks again to all who've read my scribblings over the last few months.

You're awesome!


Comments ( 2 )

Thanks for the offer, but, I will just wait till the chapter comes out myself, I never liked teasers.

I can certainly respect that, sir. :pinkiesmile:

I've not much further to go.

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