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    Okay, I know I said two weeks. Thing is, we're working on selling our house, so that has put a major kink in my time. I swear I haven't forgotten you guys. Soon....

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    Not only is 600 twice as many as 300, it's what I will reach with ONE more follower.


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    Not THIS again...

    Hello all!

    Yes, this post is nothing but shameless self-promotion.

    I will be attending Libertycon in Chattanooga next weekend--June 26-28th--as a guest. If anyone is going to be there, let me know. I'd love to meet some of you face-to-face.

    That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled ponies.


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Robin Williams · 4:24am Aug 12th, 2014

It isn't normal for me to be torn up by the death of someone I've never met. I can feel a ton of sympathy for their family and friends, but normally it just passes me by.

Tonight isn't one of those nights.

Three times a celebrity death has affected me: The death of Jim Henson, the murder of Phil Hartman, and the suicide of Robin Williams. And of those three, it's Robin Williams that has hit me the hardest.

I'm old enough to remember when Robin Williams first made a name for himself. I was a kid watching Happy Days and this strange character named Mork from Ork appeared on an episode. It was all we talked about the next day at school. And when that character got his own spin off show, everyone was giddy. I even remember when the second season of the show started and my chemistry instructor in high school took time out from class to talk about how bad the first episode of season two was--and it was really bad.

He spun off into doing some amazing stand-up work. If you have never watched any of his stand-up specials, I urge you to go watch them. They are inspiringly wonderful.

And then he started to make movies. Popeye. Good Morning Vietnam. Comedies, because that's what he was. A comedian. Then that changed and he showed the world that he was a gifted actor--a true talent--that could perform in a myriad of roles. Dead Poet's Society. Good Will Hunting. Insomnia. One Hour Photo.

There are really too many things to list that the man did to impress us all. He was someone we all looked up to as a talent to behold.

Then today we discover that he was very, very human.

Depression is a dangerous thing. Far more so than we ever want to admit. To let the stress of life wear you down and show it is far too often viewed as a sign of weakness that should be kept hidden. The damn pridefulness of our society--specifically in the US where I live--prohibits us from being vulnerable. It shouldn't. Ever.

I've been depressed. Extremely depressed about a number of bad turns that my life took over the course of the past several years. Thankfully, I've had two major things help pull me out of that (at least to an extent), and those things are my wife and the Brony fandom. The positive message of MLP has done wonders for my attitude. It reminded me of the good things in life and to keep those as the things that are important. And to be embraced by the fandom is a wonderful thing. It's why I never hide that I'm a fan.

Now, that didn't get rid of my problems. They're still here, and I'm still dealing with them. I still battle depression from time to time. If you've been reading my blog for a while you know that I've had a number of family issues that have tested me over the past couple of years. My wife convinced me to talk to my doctor, who sent me to a therapist, who decided that I would benefit from medication. It's not a lot of meds, but it helps. The wife says that I'm pretty much "back to myself." I see that as a good thing.

And even though I've prattled on about myself for two paragraphs, that isn't the point of this post. There are two things I want to say from what has happened today. First, I want to say that if you are depressed, get help. Or if you know someone who is depressed, help them. Life is a difficult task, and we all can use some help to get through it. Don't ignore it in yourself or others. If it's you, seek help. It's okay to do so. And if you know someone who is battling depression--even if they won't admit it--talk to them. Be there for them. We can get through this together. I truly believe that.

The other thing is simply that we lost a very rare and wonderful talent today. I've teared up several times tonight, including while I was typing this out. I'm going to miss Robin Williams, but I'll also always be grateful that I can enjoy his gifts for the rest of my life.

I find that I'm not normally affected by the death of someone that I didn't truly know. I guess that's one more thing that made Robin Williams so very special.

R.I.P. Robin Williams. You will be missed.

Report Nom_deCheval · 327 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Well said, and I'm sorry to hear that your own journey has not been smooth over the years.

I don't know you too well, obviously, but I think I can speak for many of us when I say that our inboxes and ears are always open when someone needs to talk or vent. :twilightsmile:

Just don't forget to always smile. It's what Pinkie would do anyway. :pinkiesmile:

I was informed over Tumblr that he'd died, and a quick google search indicated that Robin Williams had indeed committed suicide. I was at a lost for words after reading that.

The world lost someone special today. Someone truly wonderful, funny, and irreplaceable. The fact he touched so many lives in such positive ways makes it hard to really grasp that he's gone, but gone he is.

I was in the middle of loading Fallout: New Vegas on my computer and I still haven't loaded my save. I just have spent all day watching his movies and his stand up comedy. And I still don't feel any better. It stabbed me, and it stabbed everyone else too.

Rest in peace, Robin Williams.

sooo am i like the only person on the internet right now that doesn't know who this guy is that everyone's morning about now?....

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