• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2022


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More Blog Posts63

  • 425 weeks

    Okay, I know I said two weeks. Thing is, we're working on selling our house, so that has put a major kink in my time. I swear I haven't forgotten you guys. Soon....

    Aside from that, however....

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    6 comments · 886 views
  • 431 weeks
    I Wonder...

    Do you think that Princess Ember will become a popular character?


    Dang. I've never seen anypony become that popular, that fast. And I have to admit, I'm in the same boat. I loved her and want more stories/art about her still. Even though every pony-related site is inundated with them right now.

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    6 comments · 485 views
  • 460 weeks
    That OTHER Thing I Do...

    Hey there!

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    3 comments · 478 views
  • 461 weeks

    Not only is 600 twice as many as 300, it's what I will reach with ONE more follower.


    Seriously, WTH?

    I mean, I'm humbled. You guys are great and I appreciate that many people who are that interested in what I'm writing. Speaking of which...

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    1 comments · 447 views
  • 475 weeks
    Not THIS again...

    Hello all!

    Yes, this post is nothing but shameless self-promotion.

    I will be attending Libertycon in Chattanooga next weekend--June 26-28th--as a guest. If anyone is going to be there, let me know. I'd love to meet some of you face-to-face.

    That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled ponies.


    1 comments · 332 views

Not THIS again... · 2:30pm Jun 19th, 2015

Hello all!

Yes, this post is nothing but shameless self-promotion.

I will be attending Libertycon in Chattanooga next weekend--June 26-28th--as a guest. If anyone is going to be there, let me know. I'd love to meet some of you face-to-face.

That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled ponies.


Report Nom_deCheval · 332 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

that's hardly a shameless self promo and more like a normal self promo.....

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