• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 12th, 2021


I write stories about pony superheroes and cruel and unusual tragedies and pony superheroes who suffer cruel and unusual tragedies. I'm currently looking both fine and OK.

More Blog Posts162

  • 461 weeks

    Okay so the thing I was doing was being on the Seattle's Angels stream thing and I was going to talk about it before it happened but I read the time conversion the wrong way round and it was actually like 2 hours after I was asked to be in it instead of 12 =D

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    1 comments · 745 views
  • 461 weeks

    That's right it's meeeeeeeeeee

    So, my PC broke a few months back and I made a LIFESTYLE choice to not fix it for a while to cut some stuff out of my life which included what INFINTESSIMALLY small presence I still maintain here.




    2 comments · 569 views
  • 509 weeks
    Like Banks before him

    Literature is less, now.

    1 comments · 599 views
  • 513 weeks
    Obselescence reminded me this exists


    2 comments · 608 views
  • 514 weeks
    State of the Writer: 2015


    4 comments · 542 views

UPDATES ALSO BUCK GUEST · 8:18pm Aug 8th, 2014

But not of stories (but, not even pretending this time, I did do like a thousand words of H+S last night so apparently that's back on) HOHOHO.

The actual update is that I am no longer just going to BUCK, I am PARTICIPATING as a member of a fanfiction panel (it is called Word Crimes, it is in Workshop 1, and it is between 11 and 12am on Saturday). So if you want to see ME and BLUESHIFT and KNIGHTY and OBABSCRIBBLER and GREATODYER and METAPHOR talk about FANFICTION then COME ON DOWN.

Also, man, who'd have thought I'd ever get asked to do something like this, huh? NOT ME, THAT'S FOR CERTAIN.

Also Blueshift's recommendation got me the gig so even though anyone who's been following either of us for the past few months knows that I am in actual love with him I just want to put it out there that he is kind of the bomb.

Report Arcainum · 428 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Any thoughts on the chances of getting the panel rechristened as Word Crimes 2: First Degree Premeditated?

Grats on your panel spot; you'll do great there. Just don't go breaking your hand the night before like I did ^_^

Arrrg I so wish that I was going. Especially since this looks like BUCK's never happening again after this :fluttershyouch:

Author Interviewer

Wish I could go to the UK. :(

Congratulations. I supose I have no excuse not to attend (unless I forget).

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