Writer's Block, Exams, and YouTube; Oh my! · 12:11am Jun 4th, 2014
I believe I have been slowing down on My Little Zombie lately. There are three good reasons why I'm slowing down.
1) I have constantly been receiving the well-known disease called "Writer's Block". It happens to me at least once every chapter, where I have a part that I didn't think of beforehand. It's been torturous, and I have been taking time out of school to work on fixing it.
2) I have exams. Those dreaded high school exams for all your Honors Classes. Of course, some of my exams are kind of stressful. I would like to get in as much rest and eating before I even think about MLZ.
3) YouTube. Whether it be new videos, or working on videos, I have been looking at YouTube every five seconds. The distractions are inevitable. I will grow dull without anything else to inspire me.
4) My staff. Somehow, I will find a way to blame the staff of Spitfire Films. Somehow...
Without further ado, I will probably be very slow for a while, but I will write like no tomorrow on the weekends. I hope you enjoy, for I will attempt to complete S2E08 of My Little Zombie before tomorrow. Ciao!~