Survey Time! · 2:59am May 28th, 2014
I was curious, so I made a little poll. It should be totally anonymous, so don't worry about revealing anything. I would really appreciate answers, if you have a couple of minutes. And if you want to comment specifically about any of it below, please do!
"If you voted Who Rules? above, which "book" do you like the most? "
i selected all the options for that one.....
It was concerning to make some of those decisions, but I managed. I enjoyed Shattered Hearts the most because of the world building, as well as Travels and Travesties for the same reason. I'd like more of that, even if it means no sex. By all means, keep the sex, but you don't need to focus on it.
Characters: Gilda, Sombra, Chrysalis
The Who Rules? universe is one of my favorites. Right up there with Diaries of a Madman and... Well, I suppose those are really the only two.
I LOVE your "Who Rules?" series I really hope you keep going with them. The relationship between Luna and Celestia is one of the best I've ever read and its beautifully written which got me to read your other stories. I wasn't a huge fan of "Shattered Hearts" but I'm generally not a big fan of big battles and single villians that I feel are over powered but with that being said it was still a good read. I would like to see more Twilight and Trixie in the "Who Rules?" series if I remember Trixie was now Luna's student and I think it would be fun to see a Trixie/Twilight "battle" over best student.