• Member Since 12th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 15th, 2021


The ship plummeted, seriously upsetting a ‘V’ of migrating birds that exploded and fried on the burning surface of the hull.

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Flash Sentry could have been a salvageable character if... · 8:29pm May 1st, 2014

They could have saved Flash Sentry's character if they made him a UFO nerd or something.

Act 1: He suspects that Twilight was not actually a human. He spends a good deal of time stalking her with a note pad and pencil, documenting conversations with her unearthly talking dog, and hypothesizing about what her goals on Earth might be. Narratively, it shows he's doubtful (character flaw,) smart (attractive,) and might be a potential villain if Twi and Spike don't play their cards right.

Act 2: Because Flash spends all his time hunting Twi, his home and school life suffer. He loses sleep, acts paranoid, gets poor grades, and is alienated from his classmates who only know him on an 'acquaintance level.' Narratively, he experiences a downward shift from normalcy. Flash begins to doubt his sanity. Spike, seeing Flash as either a threat or an innocent person being driven to madness in much the same way that Twi sometimes is, talks to Flash. Flash gets proof that Spike can talk.

Act 3: Flash now knows for certain that Twi is an extraterrestrial, and he feels his lost social standing is justified. He is about to release this proof when he begins to see that Twi is a nice person. Flash struggles with the choice of telling people about Twi, which would let him regain their acceptance, or letting Twi continue her quest, which goes against his instincts of not letting an alien entity have free will to do whatever it wants unabated. He develops a weak crush for her.

Act 4: Flash chooses to be honest with Twi, openly telling her that he thinks she isn’t human but would still like to help her. Twi happily accepts his offer to help because she needs a guide and she sees a lot of her own struggles within Flash. Spike is suspicious of Flash. Flash’s one-sided crush strengthens. Spike is grossed out by the idea of bestiality and still thinks of Flash as being a crazy stalker, leading Spike to disapprove of the relationship.

Act 5: The 3 work together clumsily at first, but they steadily improve. Flash learns what it means to have a true friend, instead of just the acquaintances he's always had. The world gets saved with Flash’s behind-the-scenes help and Spike finally develops a begrudging appreciation for Flash. Flash is a better person for having met and befriended Twilight and Spike.

I think that kind of character arch would have prevented him from being a bland merry sue character. What do you guys think?

Report ObeyBunny · 278 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

Where is this coming from?

Maybe just maybe....

2067745 Oh, sorry. When I saw AnY's review of Equestria Girls, I posted this as a series of replies to myself... before I'd even seen the movie. AnY just complained that Flash Sentry was an uber-bland character who was supposed to be Twilight's 'luv' interest.

This post was just a re-post of my thoughts then. Uh... I posted this as a method of seeking attention. Sorry 'bout that.

2067799 oh ok good I thought I missed something

certainly would have made the movie a lot more interesting

That would have made a much better movie.

2285641 To be honest, I think not having a movie would have been a much better movie. They put the bar soooo lowww. But I can't blame the writing staff for it. Flash Sentry was a product of executive meddling. The higher ups thought that the movie wouldn't draw in the female demographic without a love interest.

2285736 I noticed that ill-placed princess on my own DVD and I proceeded to talk my family's ears off about it. They neither know anything nor care about MLP. As far as they can tell, they think I've landed myself in some weird fanatical rainbow horse themed cult and that MLP fans with differing views on what's canon are destined to split and start a holy war amongst themselves.

I can't say that they're wrong.

2285848 Well at least you have the gall to tell your family that. Only 4 friends and 2 cousins know that im a brony.

2285858 I feel comfortable telling my family because I know where they live.

2285881 They know were I live and I still work with my dad. And I cannot give him something else to use against me.

2285891 Oh... I see. Okay. That's kinda sad, actually. I happen to know people who I wouldn't dare give any personal information about what I like. I'm lucky that those people aren't in my immediate family.

Sorry, dude.

2285963 I've grown up dealing with his crap so I'm used to it. He just picks on me and stuff nothing serious, just very VERY aggravating.

2285972 I'm not sure what I can really say other than "save up money so you can move out" and "don't be the same kind of dad to your kids."

Is he trying to do it because he thinks that if he can make someone else "lower" in comparison, then that makes him "higher" by default? I can almost kinda sympathize with that, although I choose not to since it's boorish behavior.

2286003 Already working on the first part. And know he's not trying to put me down, It's... well he is still kinda a kid himself. He loves getting a reaction from people, like kids. he'll mess with them a little bit till they're not scared of him and see him as a friend. Wow now that i think about it that sounds kinda bad, but i just need to get my mind out the gutter. He's just playing and being annoying, but after several years of it my patience has weighed thin.

2286030 So he's a big "little hell raiser?" That's still an uncomfortable kind of personality to live with, in my opinion. As sick (mentally, socially, spiritually) as I try to present myself, I still try to present myself as the adult in the room.

Make of that what you will, considering I just spent 20 minutes implying rape on your home page.

You know, if you met me in person, you'd find me quite boring and mellow. Just a warning, since you may or may not, get flashes of memories that take place during your "missing time" periods.

2286078 We are more alike than i originally thought. and you do know on my homepage that i was just taking a joke and rolling with it full force. I kinda do that, but I can still be way more mature about things than most people i know, And then turn right around and laugh my ass off while i watch The Lego Movie, that i bough, on blueray, the day it came out. I am one of the most mature and immature people I know. That and the way I juggled three conversations with you shows just how insane i am.

2286108 It's a shame that you're already insane, since watching the mental decline in my huggable little basement buddies is about one-eighth the fun of owning and operating a subterranean sex dungeon.

I am one of the most mature and immature people I know.

That sentence is going on my tomb stone.

2286218 I could always go more insane. maybe hear actual voices in my head instead of just me changing my voice (in my head) to argue and see different points of view. My rollor coater of thought likes to jump from rail to rail and still never misses a beat. im also good about getting into character but thats a different story all together.

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