More Blog Posts316

  • 411 weeks
    This is Music the Looping Traceu...signing off for the last time...

    I will love you all always. You have my email and I hope you all contact me. You were my biggest supporters for those who stuck around. And in the end, I'm glad you did. I will remember you all for days to come.
    Hi World
    Shakespearicles (God I hope I spelled it right...)
    Tentacle Slaphappy (you were banned towards the end but you were still there)

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    7 comments · 617 views
  • 411 weeks
    Guys, it's too late. there is no stopping me.

    I've already asked the famous moderator Meeester to ban me.

    Don't believe me? Ask him yourself.

    I will not be returning to this site for the rest of my days alive. I was born 1999. Do the math.

    Today and tomorrow are your last days to get my contact info should this be dampening your day and you want to keep in touch.

    3 comments · 474 views
  • 411 weeks
    You know what? Fuck it. Good bye.

    Let's be honest. Nobody gives a fuck about my stories, about me as a person, they just follow me for followbacks. Fuck Fanfiction, it hurts to write because it takes so much shit just to get a story approved. Fuck being addicted to this shitty ass site, in which there are rules nobody follows. Fuck the fandom butt-hurt. Fuck EVERYTHING!!!

    If you want to contact me, leave a comment.

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    42 comments · 683 views
  • 411 weeks
    I'm thinking of making an alternate account on this site for stories

    One that will tell me who is still alive out of all my followers on here. When and if I make it, I will leave a link.

    2 comments · 450 views
  • 411 weeks me weird, see if I care! :3

    Just tried - I got free IMVU credits here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! It rocks!!(7wnD0YJcPV)

    7 comments · 404 views

My reaction when... episode 8 · 2:43pm Apr 12th, 2014

The happy 40!!! blog posts will have to wait, because I have a new reaction for you all...
My reaction after seeing this comic PressStart did a blog post on;

*Ahem.* There are times when I feel I have no, what's left of my sanity has all vanished. Then, I see things like this, and I'm forever reminded that I do have a soul, and that I do belong. I see things like this, and notice a tear shed from my eye and escape. It gives me a sign that says, 'It's okay...your past need bother you no more. Just let it go, no need to hide your feelings anymore, because in the end, we all have emotion...
We all...have a soul within...'

Comments ( 53 )

That is a very touching speech:pinkiesad2:

I agree. And that, was deep.

2003189 Thank you...That reaction is the truth about me at times when my Depression hits hard like waves against a sailing ship or a beach.

:raritydespair: that speech is gonna make me cry. :fluttercry:

2003196 It's okay. I cried when I saw the comic. *holds out his forelegs.* Hug?

2003193 I feel like that a lot too, only at times not even something as adorable as that comic can fix. :ajsleepy:

2003198 *sniff* Y-yes please. *hugs and begins crying uncontrollably*

2003202 It's okay. I'm here for you...
2003206 And you, too.

2003208 *stops crying* thanks man, but seriously that speech was beautiful. :pinkiesad2:

2003213 I agree, it was really meaningful.

I tend to be very poetic when I feel it's necessary to bring out the point of what I'm saying.

2003217 Well, you succeeded. Massively.

2003221 I speak the truth.

2003233 So... How's life going?

2003246 Good, I guess...would you like me to PM you a preview to the Assassin/Anthro pony story?

Yooo... What the hell was that...

2004045 well a demon thingy monster ate Luna whole and some guy was just like "MOVE BITCH, GET OUT THE WAY!" And luna became a human...

2004052 Luna didn't become a human...:rainbowlaugh: where'd you see that?

2004057 ... I meant filly DON'T JUDGE ME I'M STRESSED

2004108 Not judging...What made you think I'd judge a friend like that?

2004214 DERP... It's the reason George washington was born British


2004286 Well I'll make sure, to keep my distance.

2004305 What? Oh, I thought we were quoting that terrible song. Yes, I'm a pony.

2004311 ... I was quoting Christina Perri songs in general...

2004324 the song is called Distance by Christina Perri... She's one of my favourite arists...

2004343 Her last name used to make me think that she was a relative of Katy Perry. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

2004376 :rainbowderp: You know what? You're actually right on that. I never noticed that similarity.

2004379 Yes I may seem stupid on the outside but I'm really a stupid evil genuis on the inside

2004552 yeah... I'm kinda flunking college x3

2004585 apirl fools! XD

According to my teachers, I'm one of the smartest studnets

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