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  • 411 weeks
    This is Music the Looping Traceu...signing off for the last time...

    I will love you all always. You have my email and I hope you all contact me. You were my biggest supporters for those who stuck around. And in the end, I'm glad you did. I will remember you all for days to come.
    Hi World
    Shakespearicles (God I hope I spelled it right...)
    Tentacle Slaphappy (you were banned towards the end but you were still there)

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    7 comments · 617 views
  • 411 weeks
    Guys, it's too late. there is no stopping me.

    I've already asked the famous moderator Meeester to ban me.

    Don't believe me? Ask him yourself.

    I will not be returning to this site for the rest of my days alive. I was born 1999. Do the math.

    Today and tomorrow are your last days to get my contact info should this be dampening your day and you want to keep in touch.

    3 comments · 474 views
  • 411 weeks
    You know what? Fuck it. Good bye.

    Let's be honest. Nobody gives a fuck about my stories, about me as a person, they just follow me for followbacks. Fuck Fanfiction, it hurts to write because it takes so much shit just to get a story approved. Fuck being addicted to this shitty ass site, in which there are rules nobody follows. Fuck the fandom butt-hurt. Fuck EVERYTHING!!!

    If you want to contact me, leave a comment.

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    42 comments · 683 views
  • 411 weeks
    I'm thinking of making an alternate account on this site for stories

    One that will tell me who is still alive out of all my followers on here. When and if I make it, I will leave a link.

    2 comments · 450 views
  • 411 weeks me weird, see if I care! :3

    Just tried - I got free IMVU credits here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! It rocks!!(7wnD0YJcPV)

    7 comments · 404 views

Happy 40!!! (Part two) · 2:01am Apr 12th, 2014

So, last night, I had forty followers!!! My list of them is now at forty-one!!! TELL ME, WHY DO YOU BUCKING LIKE ME SO MUCH!?!
Just kidding! But, on a more serious note, let's continue our list of people you should follow. :pinkiehappy:
Sexy Celestia; Need I say more? *nose bleeds.*
The Color Nine; This dude has been asking me to get Doctor Whooves to meet him for almost day one of following me! Here ya go Buddy! Doctor: Ello there!
Normal; Cheers, Ms. Normal!
Slendermare; Don't steal her sister's'll regret it...
That's all I got for tonight. For those of you awesome followers of mine, please be patient. There's forty of you and one of me. I don't have the hooves...I mean hands *laughs awkwardly.* for the task of naming you all. Keep Calm and Brony on!
-Ian DelValle 'Music within us.'

Comments ( 70 )

I'm not crying; *sniff* it's liquid happiness.

2002065 It's okay to cry. We all do at some point...

2002068 NO! Liquid happiness. It's different.

2002076 This is why you're one of my awesome 40+ followers! You're cool.

2002079 *liquid happiness and liquid pride fall from my eyes*

2002100 Really, awfully, terribly, I had a sudden attack of hiccups.

2002106 You know what might cheer you up? This;

I got the lyrics one so you could sing along to it.

2002116 See the bowtie? I wear it and I don't care. That's why it's cool.

2002119 We're all stories in the end.

2002124 You're starting to sound like Cleverbot now. :rainbowlaugh:

2002126 I think, that if the world were a bit more like ComicCon, it would be a better place.

2002145 Matt Smith?
Matt Smith: Yes?
I blame you...
Matt Smith: DAMN IT!!!

2002151 David Homeowner: Oh, You Only Live Once? Pity.

2002160 Knock knock.
Who's there?
The Doctor...
The Doctor...who...?


2002176 Seriously, that is funny, but you need to stop. You're spamming the comments! :rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh:

2002179 'Kay, I'll send you stuff instead.

2002180 Slendermare I challenge you I would love to take your sisters drawings and I would get them all MWAUAUAUAUAUAA:pinkiecrazy:

Happy 40+. Y'know, "How I Met Derpy" was one of the first fics I read. And boy do I not regret following.

Hey, all I'm doing is giving credit where credit is due. Welcome, though!

2002274 Not sure. If my fandom keeps growing, this could possibly become the next gen never ending story...

2002265 It warms my heart that people actually take the time out of their day to read my stories. I always second guess myself at times, so when I hear someone tell me they liked it a lot, I tend to get a bit suspicious.

>>Music within us
Well, you deserve it. I sometimes question my writing skills, but you follow me. I guess doubt is part of how the world works!

2002267 Umm... Good. What's up, Rain-Bot?

2003295 rain bot? Whos that. and im good thank you

2003394 Your profile picture is of Robo-Dash, hence Rain-Bot.

2003401 oh yeah hehe thx... would you like qnother follower

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