• Member Since 26th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 30th, 2022

The 8-Bit Flame Princess

The hardest thing is never to repent for someone else, it's letting people in.

More Blog Posts38

  • 501 weeks
    I haven't blogged or written in a month and I feel awful :/

    I'm still alive! And I'm sorry for not writing for a while :twilightblush: I haven't been inspired to write pony for aaaaages, and I have a big project in another fandom I'm working on at the moment, plus several smaller things. But never fear, for I have a lot of ideas now, and there's a RariTwi contest coming up soon in the group, so I hopefully will get to enter that!

    4 comments · 374 views
  • 508 weeks
    Working on some new oneshots *party poppers*

    So I've been trying to work on some slice-of-life/sad stuff to expand my pony writing lately, so as soon as next week (if we get lucky), I may have a new oneshot out. On what you may ask?

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    0 comments · 337 views
  • 510 weeks
    I Reckon I Owe You Guys An Apology

    I'm sorry for not updating and for being so absent for so long. I PROMISE that a new chapter of A Whole New World will be coming sometime in the next few weeks, but I have a lot on my plate at the moment (school starts tomorrow) and I have a lot of other writing commitments to do (a ship weeks thing on Tumblr and a birthday present for a friend), and to be honest I just won't have the time to

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    3 comments · 361 views
  • 514 weeks
    Why I Haven't Been Updating Lately

    Just a quick reminder that I am, in fact, still alive and working on stuff! However, I was hit with a really crippling bout of writer's block that took a toll on me and lowered my self esteem, so I didn't really feel like writing ponywords at the time. But now I'm back, baby!

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    3 comments · 357 views
  • 519 weeks
    Birthday stuffs

    So. You all should be following me on Tumblr, because I am gold. Go. Please? I'll most likely follow you back!

    And that's pretty much it.

    8-Bit out.

    4 comments · 424 views

50 Questions Thing · 6:07pm Apr 8th, 2014

I guess I'd better jump on the bandwagon.
So, here's everything you'd ever want to know about me - and then some.
1. What's your name?
Ellen. It's boring. You can call me Eli.
2. How old are you?
I'm 13. I'll be 14 in July. I'm pretty young.
3. What country do you live in?
I live in England *braces oneself for incoming stereotypes*
4. What do you look like?
Your mum
Selfie can be see here.
5. Who do you wish you looked like?
Tom Hiddleston. Like WOW.
6. How did you come across My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
Toni and I were pals and she was into it, so I checked it out.
7. Favorite Ship? Why?
RariDash, because literally everything about that ship is perfect and they are perfect and shut up I have feelings.
8. Least favorite ship?
Flarity, because I just can't see the chemistry between them (to be honest, I think it's boring but I'm not too opposed to it), FlutterDash because it's an emotionally abusive relationship featuring two characters with drastically clashing personalities and Pinkieshy because I literally cannot see any plausible reason why those two characters would like each other.
9. Have you admitted your love for ponies to anyone?
Parents and friends, but that's pretty much it. All my friends are Bronies anyway so it wasn't a big deal.
10. Were they family?
Yeah, like I said, my parents know. But I don't really like talking about them. This is about me, guys!
11. What's your favorite episode?
The Cutie Mark Chronicles because it is just perfect. It tells the backstory perfectly.
12. Who is your favorite superhero?
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff. Need I state the reasons why other than she's a total BAMF who isn't afraid to be the best with a complicated backstory and an absolutely perfect character?
I should think not.
13. Favorite anti-hero?
Iron Man/Tony Stark. Who doesn't love him?
14. Favorite Supervillain?
The Joker. But Red Skull and Whiplash were pretty cool.
15. Favorite anti-villain?
16. What is the last book you read?
As in finished, or started?
The latest book I finished was probably Hollow City by Ransom Riggs. The latest book I started is Looking For Alaska by John Green, which I am re-reading.
17. What is the last movie you watched?
Frozen. Just got it on DVD this afternoon.
18. Favorite song at the moment?
Ooh, I don't really like picking favourites.
Um, I guess The Swarm by You Me At Six.
19. What song do you keep coming back to?
Music To My Ears - The MandoPony Remix.
20. Current job?
Secondary school student.
21. What's your ideal future job?
Author. And also to work with the government.
23. What's your greatest achievement so far in life?
I'm actually a published poet in my local newspaper, which is pretty cool I guess.
24. What is your biggest failure?
I have a lot of regrets, if that's what you mean. I feel like I've given up on things too easily in the past, and I have some relationships I regret not pursuing. But that's pretty much all I want to talk about.
25. Do you have any pets?
I have a cat. Her name is Lucy. She is cute.
26. What's your dream pet?
27. Do you own any weapons?
I have a few knives.
28. Do you want a gun? If so, what kind?
It's illegal here unless you're officially authorized. But yes please <3
29. What religion are you?
Atheist. God would've cut me some slack if he existed. (I'm 14 for crying out loud and I've experienced more shit than some adults.)
30. If you could hang out with one historical person for a day, who would it be?
Jack the Ripper. I'd like to crack the case.
31. If you could bring back one dead person for a day, who would it be?
I'd like to properly say goodbye to both my grandmothers, as I wasn't there when they died.
32. Are you political?
I'd like to fully consider all sides before choosing one - so not at the moment, no.
33. Are you married?
As if.
34. Do you have a special somepony?
Not at the moment. Not ever. I've had a few interested, but turned them down.
35. Do you have a crush?
There are these two girls ... They make my life worthwhile sometimes.
36. Care to explain?
It's complicated. Maybe one day. Maybe if we're close enough friends and you ask.
37. Do you consider yourself attractive?
I guess. Not traditionally though.
38. If you could hang with any living person, who would it be?
It would be pretty cool to hang with Steven Moffat.
39. Who is your favorite pony?

Need I explain?
40. Do you have any embarrassing secrets? If so, what are they?
Like you'll ever know.
41. If you've done any art or writing, what are you most proud of?
I don't think I've written my magnum opus quite yet.
42. Are you a virgin?
Yes. But I'm 14. I have loads of time.
43. Craziest thing you've done with no regrets?
44. Craziest thing you've done that you do regret?
I regret the time and the way I came out as bisexual.
45. Do you have a fetish?
Someone's digging.
46. Do you regret saying this fetish?
No way.
47. What are your favorite stories on this site?
They're linked on my profile, and you absolutely must read them.
48. What is your favorite quote?
It's in the little box at the side of the page.
49. Have you ever hurt someone just to hurt them?
50. Did you answer these questions honestly?
I tried to. I may have left out some details or not told the full story in some cases ...

Now that was exhausting. I wonder if anyone actually bothered to sit through all this?

Comments ( 3 )


you are interesting - but i already knew that c:

1992005 boop yourself :heart:
Am I really? I wasn't under that impression :twilightblush:

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