• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2013


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  • 651 weeks
    All things considered....

    You all pretty much knew that I was taking a break. Granted it was a break that I forced myself to write during, no matter what the result (By the way, ive deleted almost four chapters worth of words.) And so far the results have been....Far from what I want, so, considering Coals recent break, I think I may as well follow suit. The story may be lacking in updates because of my own inability to

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    12 comments · 806 views
  • 651 weeks

    Fun little story. Its a collaboration project between me and a few others, we all pitched in a chapter, different takes and such. Figured id plug it because hell, I wrote a chapter, I deserve to plug it!

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    3 comments · 432 views
  • 651 weeks

    Good news and bad news.

    Bad news is, Ive only managed to write like...Two paragraphs.

    Good news is, I beat Cave Story + on hard mode. I now count myself as a bad ass.

    Worse news, I seriously have no idea what the hell is wrong with me D:

    Better news... Well, im sure some will come eventually.

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    13 comments · 585 views
  • 652 weeks
    Hold up, I wanna be famous a moment.


    Okay, sorry, I felt I should get that out of my system. Maybe now Ill be one of the popular kids with our emo tendencies and shit.

    OH Oh wait, never mind, im sorry, im over the age limit for being a little bitch aren't I? Shame that, I was really hoping to get away with it.

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    44 comments · 523 views
  • 652 weeks

    All over the place! Lazy lazy lazy! I aint done SHIT!

    And it sucks!

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    6 comments · 576 views

All things considered.... · 12:32am May 15th, 2012

You all pretty much knew that I was taking a break. Granted it was a break that I forced myself to write during, no matter what the result (By the way, ive deleted almost four chapters worth of words.) And so far the results have been....Far from what I want, so, considering Coals recent break, I think I may as well follow suit. The story may be lacking in updates because of my own inability to see the fun in it anymore. And hell, maybe this way I can come up with some new things to write about... Maybe...Doubtful...

Prolly not.

Report Kintra · 806 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

If you feel you need a break, then we will all still be here waiting for you my friend :)

man, coal takes a break then 4 of the people i follow decide to follow suit. kinda saddening:fluttercry:

Not gonna lie, Silk is a smexy beast

Dude, you know we'll support any decision you guys make.

Everyone writes for fun to start with, and if that starts being a chore, you should feel no obligation to continue doing so. It's as simple as that.

All cool man man. You work quite a lot on these fics of yours and you really deserve to rest... Actually you had since Nature of the Beast.

Kin, do you have any idea what the fuck happened with Coal? D: My second life is gone and so is his account it seems!

125068 I don't think anypony knows exactly what's going on at this point

Dude, what happened to your other stories? I seem to only see NOTB now... Please that you didn't delete them. :applecry:

233140 I took them down, they aren't deleted, but they are no longer submitted. I was sick of people favoriting stories that are likely to never get completed. So I removed them. Hooves, pass is "Unlock"

WC, pass is "Super."

You're welcome to read them again if you really want. I just don't like getting recognition for things that aren't done.

:pinkiesad2:It saddens me know that when I finally stop being lazy and read that I am already too late and missed the one behind these great tales.:pinkiesad2: :twilightsmile::yay:I can only hope that you will one day return, if only to see how things have been in your absence, and see that there are still some who see your work as wonderful.:yay::twilightsmile:

May the Light of Luna and Celestia guide you home.

tis a shame he dead......

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