• Member Since 25th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 21st, 2018


More Blog Posts34

  • 585 weeks
    4 and 50th

    I just came out of a viewing, in a movie theater, of the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. Which makes for quite the weekend with the premier of Season 4.

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    8 comments · 737 views
  • 587 weeks
    Correction of previous stories...

    Nobody will probably noticed it, but the first chapter of Never Judge A Book By Its Cover passed from 1400 words to over 2000. On top, it should now be relatively error free.

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    3 comments · 486 views
  • 591 weeks
    Purity's sequel

    I don't think there's any good way to tell people who favorite a story that a sequel have been released.
    Would be nice to have a way to link stories, chain them if you will. I almost missed sequel to story I favorited, and I'm sure I probably missed some too!

    Anyway, here's the story following Purity; Fighting Destiny.

    1 comments · 514 views
  • 592 weeks
    Fighting Destiny's cover

    I have to admit, it's the first time I work with two pre-readers and the first time they give input right as I write. I really like the dynamic it creates.
    I was wondering why people used Google Doc so much. It's the multi-players version of Word!
    My guess is, it will be rather hard to find grammar error in that next story!

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    1 comments · 525 views
  • 592 weeks
    Hasbrony, Mother of all Drama!

    I looked around, and found out there is no pony to personify "Hasbro".

    So, I spent a good 5 mins in the pony maker, so I can introduce you to "Hasbrony, Mother of all Drama".

    She's pink because... Well, you know why.
    She's an alicorn because... Well, I think you also know why.

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    6 comments · 484 views

Cover · 1:23am Aug 30th, 2013

Once more unto the breach... once more.

The amazing job of finding a good artist to draw a story cover.

Step 1: Find a good artist which art style pleases me. (Very hard step)
Step 2: Find if the artist is taking commission. (Almost impossible step, for some reason lot of artists don't like money, go figure)
Step 3: Contact the artist and express your wish for a commission. (And wait... wait... wait...)

Sometimes, you get an answer in the lines of "Oh! I forgot to update my profile, commissions are close!" or "I have a little waiting list... Is it a problem if you wait 2-3 years?".

I know it's a bit stupid and I shouldn't worry about the image as long as the story is good, right? Well, I'm guilty as charged for reading stories that have a nice cover.

On a side note of happiness, two people proposed their services to help correct the mess that I sometimes dare to call "English". In other words, Purity's sequel might be, hopefully, more readable.

Report LightStriker · 405 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Into the breech, indeed!

"My [stalwart friend], bestow yourself with speed:
The French are bravely in their battles set,
And will with all expedience charge on us."

*waits anxiously for next installment of the Azure Chronicles*

Sorry. I had to come up with something better than "the sequel to Purity." That just seemed so plain for such an epic set of stories. Use it if you want. And don't fret over the English. We'll get it cleaned up so everyone can enjoy your awesome talents!

Love the Shakespeare "Henry V" quip, by the way!

Now get back to writing! The suspense is killing me. :D

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