Once Celestia is back to Canterlot, after being released by Discord's vines, she summons him for some explanations. What exactly happened? What did Twilight see? Wait... Alicorn magic?
Editing and pre-reading by: Web of Hope, shutaro and Dusk Watch
Found 11 stories in 19ms
Total Words: 163,141
Estimated Reading: 10 hours
Once Celestia is back to Canterlot, after being released by Discord's vines, she summons him for some explanations. What exactly happened? What did Twilight see? Wait... Alicorn magic?
Editing and pre-reading by: Web of Hope, shutaro and Dusk Watch
This story is a sequel to Purity
The death of the four Princesses; Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Twilight was all planned out, poisoned by those who fear their power. One earth pony decided to have none of it, defied time and destiny themselves to rewrite history. Given that unique chance, can Twilight and Azure change how events once played out?
Editing and pre-reading by: Web of Hope, shutaro and Dusk Watch
Cover by: Raikoh Illust
Why would any pony give up what most could only dream to achieve?
Some things are hard to explain with words, but I will try.
Rarity only wished for a knight in shining armours to come and save her from some mortal dangers. Her experience with the nobility at the Grand Galloping Gala left her with a sour taste. Until one day she was ready to give up her dream and move on.
It was the day she was saved by a knight, the one she deserved, not the one she wished for.
This story is a sequel to Never Judge A Book By Its Cover
Luna has taken a filly as student in magic.
But not everypony agrees with her choice when that filly is an earth pony.
Editing and pre-reading by: Web of Hope, shutaro and Dusk Watch
Cover image by The Paragon
The Borg have been defeated, but the cost was high. Sixty-three billions lives and tens of thousands of starships were lost in the Federation, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire.
Some are partying and some are mourning the loss of their world, but even those that lost it all agree that the future look brighter without that ageless threat looming over their shoulders.
However, a specific captain is having a hard time looking forward. Maybe the help of an old friend... and some new, would help to cheer him up.
This story follows the events in the novels Destiny and may contain light spoilers.
How the princess of the night came to enjoy a pizza.
Twilight finds a filly Earth Pony hidden in her basement, reading magic tomes and eating her sandwiches. The little one claims her special talent is related to magic and that pony society had no place for one such as her.
Twilight is awestruck by the claim. Is pony society not welcoming of the differences?
- Purity
- Fighting Destiny
Editing and pre-reading by: Web of Hope, shutaro and Dusk Watch