Oh, crap... · 1:13am Aug 21st, 2013
Has it really been more than a month since Birthday Wishes was updated? Uh, sorry guys, life's been on my back lately. I am working on the next chapter now, I promise it'll be out over the weekend.
In sorta related news, Rising Stars feels like it's died; there was no feedback or comments on the last chapter, after a four month lack of updates. Birthday wishes was admittedly getting all my love, but Rising Stars is still my favorite story, and I'm worried not updating it for that long killed it. So now I'm debating even continuing it now; I guess I might as well put it on a semi-permanent hiatus, at least until Birthday Wishes is done. I don't really know.
Anyways, new chapter this weekend (It'll be a decent length as well)
I really don't get why your stories just don't catch on. Never replied to RS since I saw what you had for that chapter previously, but I really don't get why it isn't drawing. It's a damn fine story so far, but it does suffer by lacking any officially characters (so far) outside of a younger Celestia and Luna. Try updating around 7-10 AM EST or something, so it sits on the update box for awhile.
A month isn't that bad man. I'll even wait a year, it's not like I have JUST your story to read, and other things on my mind. I can understand with school and junk. Take your time, if it's rushed, it won't be as good because people want it now.
: Just take it easy sugar cube.
:Take your time Darling.