I need some motivation · 12:17am Dec 24th, 2013
God, I just can't get the motivation to write, every time I have some free time to write, I do something else instead. That's always been the case really, but this is really bad now.
I don't want to put the story on hiatus, and I don't have any intention of cancelling it or to quit writing. I just need something to get me going. I just need someone to tell me to get at it, cause they want to know what happens next. I dunno, just yell at me or something, that usually works.
Hugs for motivation!
You know, there are far too many great stories that never see their proper conclusion for this very same reason or some minor offspring under its umbrella. This may be one of those cases. Another prime example is Shortskirtsandexplions' piece, End of Ponies. Not my personal cup of tea, but I know many people who are saddened by it's cancellation.
I always thought it one of the greatest disservice an author could do to the audience that he has to have a great story and not finish it. Even if it's difficult or boring to write. Even if you only have one active reader. Your stories deserve to be finished. Don't ever leave your audience hanging.
I wrote my story for thirteen months and it had very few readers. It didn't get any sort of attention until the last few chapters. But I knew that it was an alright story that had a couple of readers who were following it and enjoying it. So I put out chapters as often as I possibly could regardless. You can do it too.
You're an excellent writer with great ideas - just spend a little time writing, like ten, twenty minutes, and you'll feel a lot better about things.
Thanks, guys, just what I needed!
1644324 Also, all joking aside, a good way to get back into writing is to just write. And I don't mean force it, I mean just literally bang keys with whatever comes to your mind until you get back into the flow and mindset.
Nearly a year and a half later I'm still interested to see you update your stories... please?