• Member Since 27th Jul, 2013
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  • 571 weeks
    my auto rating sitem

    if you see one heart that = you have a good idear but it seem your going abut it the rong way.
    if you see two hearts that = you have good idear and your heading in the right way but your not cach-ing it yet to get people really in to it.

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    13 comments · 991 views
  • 582 weeks
    story stuff too bounce off!

    i have a cater that i started too Wright a crossover for in too the world of equseter it mane-ly mail but that can be change at will since taking on anther forms and stuff like that is one of is defence thing eney way, I need too get my head in too what is most likely too meat it on first contact if the first sine that it arrive is a plume of dust and some smoke shooting up abut 20 miles high in

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    3 comments · 396 views

story stuff too bounce off! · 5:55am Aug 11th, 2013

i have a cater that i started too Wright a crossover for in too the world of equseter it mane-ly mail but that can be change at will since taking on anther forms and stuff like that is one of is defence thing eney way, I need too get my head in too what is most likely too meat it on first contact if the first sine that it arrive is a plume of dust and some smoke shooting up abut 20 miles high in a area with no sine of major life?

Report damnaion · 396 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

dam tardes-e well that is what i am calling him for now but i started trying doing this one way then got a pawodox in my head for an-a-there one but having him as one of the cat famly saying hi but when i look at both it look like i have too do some thing on line with doc Whooves and Griffin the griffin too get this too work hopping my bran will work as it shood and by pass the bran damage i have too dill with every time i do thing like this.:fluttershysad:

I don't think even a good proof reader would be able to make what you are saying readable.

1560623 that thank to part of my problem with my miled bran damage aaaaaa

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