• Member Since 4th Dec, 2011
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  • 293 weeks
    Arrow 18 dramatic reading for Flight Recorder log now up.

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  • 328 weeks
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  • 356 weeks
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  • 396 weeks
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Arrow Updated. · 7:53pm Mar 31st, 2012

It's Saturday, and the next chapter is out and replaces the placeholder I used. Get it while it's hot.

The message will be moved to this blog post and is has follows.

I'd like to begin by saying that yes, there is more coming.

However... It will be delayed.

To show you why, let me give everyone a snapshot of my life.

To start, I'm a full time student, working a full time job.
I work at Samsung Austin Semiconductor in the manufacturing department. I work twelve-hour shifts on sundays, mondays, tuesdays, and every other wednesday. During this workweek, I wake up at 4:50 AM, get to work by 6:30, work until 7 PM, come home, and try to be in bed by 9 PM so I can get up and do it again. When on my workweek, my time is limited to just enough time to sort myself out with the standard S3 routine. Maybe check an email or two.

During my off days, I have school. I'm currently starting Quater 5 at ITT tech and those take priority over anything.

As you can see, I am VERY busy with my real life workload, so my writing time is not any kind of endless stretch of dull hours.

Luckily for you, the position I work has a lot of time spaced in it to write, and my supervisor is very lenient and is okay with the fact that yes, I write at work. (So long as I make sure my job comes first and that I get the job done with QUALITY. If I do not... Well, the saying 'this is why we can't have nice things' would apply very quickly.)

Now, believe it or not, this is NOT my primary writing project. In fact, for the months of January and February, I was training in a section of the Fab where the job was literally comprised of so much down time that I could literally put down six thousand words in one day. I was taking a break from my primary writing project (see end of this post) and I was having trouble working on the second Higher Flier story.

Arrow mission is literally a tertiary writing composition, just above the level of my scrapbook. I started jotting i down on one of the really SLOW days at work and put that first 'chapter' together in about 8 hours. The second chapter followed up after that. It was a combination of an attempt to break writer's block, get a renegade idea OUT of my head, as well as make the time at the position I was manning go by faster.

Now, I realized when this little 'story' took number one on the site for three days that you all would want more, so I'm giving you more. But bear in mind that I have moved back to my normal position in the fab. And this location requires a lot more physical activity on my part than any other location, and I do not have as much time to litterally try and kill time. So writing will be delayed.

Given how much of my time is consumed, and how much stuff I have, realize, and understand that my time is precious, and that there are things of MUCH greater priority I have to deal with daily. My writing, and the people who enjoy it are on The List, but you are not at the top of this list. With my time stretched so, I am not making any efforts to produce at anything faster than a 'feel like it' pace. Which means I write as something good clicks in my head and I can find the time and energy to deliver. I can't afford the stress it would bring to try and force it, and you would not like rushed results. My plate is full.

So keep this in mind. Stuff will come out, but it'll be sporadic, or come slowly. Thus, DO NOT ask me when the next chapter of ANYTHING will be released. I don't know. I will NEVER know. I can't tell you. This is not scheduled, I am not paid to write, and even if I were, I doubt it would pay for college or cover bills. I will release stuff when I deem it is ready. No sooner. It is even my policy that if you ask me, I will delay. (You waste my time, I waste yours.) So understand, asking me when the next chapter will come out is useless. It'll come out as soon as its ready. It's that simple. And trust me, I want to get it posted as soon as its done even though I still have to sit and proof it.

For your benefit, I will post whatever I have written on Saturday, March 31st, whether it's long or short. And this message will be replaced with that work.

In the mean time, check out some of the other stuff I've written.
I've got this story, as well as both Higher Flyer projects, and a scrap box.

You can also visit my FF.net account here.
My primary project is a non-pony fiction called 'Sleeping with the Girls' (Which is deliberately named like that but is not what you might be thinking with such a name.)

I also have two Youtube accounts.

My atigerclaw account contains lots of junk and scraps that I technically do not own the rights to. It contains AMVs, flight sim vids, and other random junk.

And then I have my Samurai Penguin Studios name, which is where I put the work that is genuinely mine as per copyright laws. (Music tracks I've written.)

Check all of this out if you'd like to see more work that I've done. I guarantee there's something for everyone in those links.

Until then, chill, and remember. You ask me when something will be ready, and I'll hold it a week: For EACH TIME someone asks. (And no, trolls doing it just to screw it over for everyone won't count. I'm not stupid.)

Report AdmiralTigerclaw · 326 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

It might be a good idea, in future, to post a new chapter as a new chapter and delete the placeholder chapter (or even post what you posted as a placeholder chapter as a blog instead). That way, if someone is following the story, they get a notification when the new chapter is up. (Notifications aren't sent when a chapter is merely edited.)

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