• Member Since 11th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


I'm really not a social person, so I'll go ahead and say I do appreciate all likes, favs, comments, and follows. Hope you can enjoy whatever it is I write.

More Blog Posts25

  • 368 weeks
    A Different Path update

    So, this was supposed to be a short story of only ten thousand words at most. It's now over twelve, and the unfinished chapter and epilogue I'm working on is already at another three, and I'm not really all that close to being done. This story really got away from me, and in order to drag it back into focus, I've had to add a couple more scenes than I intended.

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    0 comments · 411 views
  • 563 weeks
    I need some motivation

    God, I just can't get the motivation to write, every time I have some free time to write, I do something else instead. That's always been the case really, but this is really bad now.

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    7 comments · 589 views
  • 575 weeks

    First, I've noticed an increase in likes and favorites in the last week. Where did you guys come from? Anyways, thanks for the favorites and the likes, always great to know people enjoy reading something I wrote.

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    0 comments · 384 views
  • 578 weeks
    It happened

    The new reviews came in so that's what I'll be doing this weekend.

    Also decided to put off this new story and just push ahead to the next Birthday Wishes chapter. It's going to be a good one, really looking forward to putting it out.

    0 comments · 336 views
  • 578 weeks
    So... Close...

    Agh, only one like away to 100 likes for Birthday Wishes! The suspense!

    Anyway, schedules kinda wonky right now; my review work for TECS has kinda been on hold while the fic assignments have been fudged a bit. So I could basically get a new story any day now, putting my writing work to a total stop.

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    0 comments · 380 views

Thank You All · 4:04am May 25th, 2013

EQD Feature
So, that happened... :D

So to everyone who's followed, faved, and liked... heck everyone who even took the time to read the first chapter, thanks! I was expecting two hundred new views at most, but almost seven hundred? I don't even...

So, thanks again.

Also, if your interested, someone did a quick interview on the story, just what were the thoughts I had when writing it. He did a good job on it so go check it out over here. There is a minor spoiler there, but he does link it to a spoiler free version if you don't want anything given away.

Report StarFall825 · 201 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Yo, congrats! That's a huge accomplishment! :twilightsmile:

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