• Member Since 15th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Monday


I read and sometimes edit stories. Little burned out though.

More Blog Posts26

  • 456 weeks
    I tried writing something...

    ... and I did art instead. Sorry to all of you that have computers that run browsers... I probably kept these a little too big.

    I think this is Luna... not sure.

    This is probably Cadance Celestia.

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    9 comments · 738 views
  • 504 weeks
    I Arted

    So, I am trying my hand (or mouse) at vector art. Right now just tracing and getting used to the software.

    Done from this one by Joey-Darkmeat.

    13 comments · 699 views
  • 513 weeks
    Because I was Blocked

    This is what failed to get sent. It all started because of a stupid grammar correction gone TOO FAR!
    (On suggestion by Shadowflash.)

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    0 comments · 421 views
  • 549 weeks
    Christmas Stuff.

    So I have seen some people putting Santa hats on their avatars and I felt I might as well. I just kinda got on a little bit of a roll...

    The one I am using. Didn't see the point in making it huge.

    One with holly, I feel I should change it.

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    34 comments · 633 views
  • 570 weeks
    I Knew the Media was Dumb

    But this is over the top. I don't live in Oakland, but I am in California and closer to Oakland than more. The news channel somehow got these names, called the NTSB and an intern there confirmed the names. Probably thought the news channel was a prank caller.

    194 comments · 1,023 views

Hmm, let's see if there is anything useful to say. · 1:52am May 2nd, 2013

Been a while since I have posted anything here. Mainly cause, what does one write in such a place?

To be abreast of current endeavors, I really should stop spending more time on this site than Reddit, Facebook, and Wikipedia combined. It is doing my homework grade no favors (favours for you British folk).

I have been annoyed with crossover stories that try to fit too closely to the other "universe" they are combining MLP with. It ends up making some of the characters act out of character and even if they return to being in character, the whole premise of the story is muddled. It really kind of annoys me since it seems the author is doing a word by word retelling of someone else's work just with all the main characters being ponies instead. For me it seems a little bit cheap. Crossovers I like seeing are those that combine the worlds and do not follow events from either story line; some exceptions can be made for large events outside the characters control. These crossovers work more on character dynamics and add more in my opinion, it is not a retelling but a new path that has familiar old characters we can relate to. Not that I have any stories in mind. Mare of Steel Am I being too harsh and raining on other's parades?

It's funny, after being here so long, I start to feel like I want a story to start, progress, and end a certain way. So far it seems the only way to do this is write something of my own; scary thought. So maybe over the summer I will dig up the gumption to write (and post) some crummy story. It will be terrible, I have convinced myself of such (I am such a Debby Downer).

Just to keep up with a trend of my other blog posts, and I feel Princess Molestia and Gamer Luna need more followers.

Since I don't know Swedish, this is what Google translate says.
Panel 1: I can speak many languages. As it has crackle, for example.
Panel 2: Gah! I said is kat! I need a good fuck right now! Guards!

I know it doesn't make as much sense as I hoped, but not knowing Swedish, this is the best I can do.
And just cause I have been asked if I draw this blog in the past, the answer is no I don't. John Joseco draws this and his deviant art page is here.

Report Fourpony · 379 views ·
Comments ( 78 )

I agree. Also, that comic translation xD.

Write because derpy mistook you to.

I take it you agree with the crossover bit. It really irks me sometimes. I can understand starting events but from there stay true to the character and left them write their own story. :facehoof:

What? Not sure where you are going with that or what you meant. :rainbowhuh:


Yeah. If it's a game crossover, I think I know it well enough that I don't need a ponified copy of it to remind me. Do something new with the character, for heck's sake.

I have also seen some comic crossovers, and after Googling a couple names to know what they mean and what the actual comic did with them, I find I am reading a ponified version of it. So I get a summary of the fic by going to the crossover comic's Wikipedia page, from there I just set the story down and move on.


That's called being unoriginal. Those kinds of people should feel bad and want to write original works.


You must be my long-lost relative, as you post exactly what I am thinking in my mind xD.

That, or maybe I just inhabit your dreams on occasion.


...what if I looked into your dreams while you were looking into mine?


Well then you would be able to have an idea what I was doing... DO YOU?!


This is a good question.


I thought better of you, jumping to such rash conclusions without any evidence.


But why do you have a knife, cloaking device, and a weird French accent in my mind?

Well I don't rightly know, I always thought I came off with more of an English accent. Though Ah could 'lways try switchin' it for ya, mate.

End additionally, meby Vrussian essecnt? Mey balanc out de spread of english du frensh.


mmmmmhhmmhmhmhmm! MMPMMHHMHM!

*waves flamethrower around*

I can only say that with a terrible French accent.

Come again? You're gonna have to speak up.


*takes out paper and proceeds to burn it*

*takes off mask*

Paper doesn't make for a good BBQ :C.

Might I suggest this?

I am happy I can help you with your sick, horrifying, flesh grilling ways.


I now want to lead an army into battle and watch the bodies of my enemies cover the ground. Time to play some Total War, hahahahha!

*cues the music*

Any orbital bombardments? I mean, there is no kill like overkill.


Or thermonuclear war. Oh, I love watching the enemy's cities fall...

That's not really fall as much, "watch them vaporize".


Dang, now I need to find a good modern war-game simulator or something. I can't really think of any though :C.

Yeah, developers need to scale things to keep balance. Speaking of war games, I am starting to get back into Ace Combat, broke out the ol' PS2.


if you find any good games on Steam, let me know. Kerbal Space Program can only provide so much entertainment for me...

*finally gets massive space station in space*

*accidentally boosts into it with docking vehicle and blows entire thing up*


My friends recently got me hooked on League of Legends, so I have been playing at a lot when a can. Steam is what I have many of my FPS' on though, mainly single player ones though.


League of Legends, eh? Me and my brother used to play that back in the Season 1 days when the mastery pages and maps were cool. It's still a fun game, but I don't play it a lot.

P.S. Use Jayce, he's so OP with his combos ^_^.

I have limited myself to only playing female characters. So far I have slightly over half of them, but I will soon have them all. Then I would have to pick another theme so I could select characters to get.


Diana is best female champion :3.

They had to nerf her hard :twilightangry2:
But I still play her, cause you know, the moon is awesome. Cause Luna is best princess! My main mids are Ahri, Diana, and Katarina. Want to get better at Syndra.

Ahri is a squishy little thing. Though I am good at baiting and got an idiot Fiora to chase me 3 times under all my turrets, then beat her to death with a ball. I have had luck against Jayce as Elise, but I don't really play top; mainly support or mid.


Hmm, not a bad play style. Well, if you ever get time, you can add me on LoL. I think my username is Snipe4Life or some OG garbage like that. If you want to play later (after I finish installing Empire: Total War) I'll try my best. The only thing I'd have an issue with is the new shop system as it's confusing compared to the old one.

That's not bad, I am still learning. Only have like 125 PvP wins. Name is Fourpony, just like here. Keeps things simple.


I'll add you tomorrow. I just got out of 4 intense hours of Empire: Total War and now have a grand total of 4 areas (I started with two since Prussia is so small at the start.) Tomorrow, Europe. Monday, THE WORLD!

I admit, I suck at that.
But I can roll my r better than your average teenager gets bored with a blender, then regrets putting an iPhone in after 4 minutes.

Preparing lunar personnel cannon...
Selecting destination...
Mun locked...

You didn't add me! :raritydespair: Naw, doesn't matter, though I need to Diana better.
That sentence made some sense, but then lost me. Are you on drugs?


I have to update my game first xD. Keep in mind I have classes and stuff like that. Takes a big chunk out of my schedule (and I was playing Empire: Total War like a swagmaster ^_^.)

Adding you right now.



...we're out of peanuts. (if you know which YouTube video I'm referring to, you know your Kerbal programs well xD.)

I really should focus on my engineering classes more. I got finals coming up this week; who has Saturday finals, honestly?


This works out nicely (and League is only 45% done updating.)

Engineering :D? What kind? Mechanical, biochemical, chemical, petroleum, etc.? As of now, I'm planning on going for a major in an engineering field (curse ye', high school! I'd rather do engineering than this garbage :C) and I'm always looking for advice in regards to most of the aforementioned areas whenever I can.

I am mechanical, though looking at my hobbies (and what I do to poor 360s) I could have gone into hardware or electrical as well. Also, before transferring from a JC, I was setup to either go as a math major or physics. It's a lot of work and I feel high school failed me. In high school, I could easily get A's in classes by doing the bare minimum. That changed in college but I am somehow limping along. The concepts are fun but just sitting down and starting some problems in hard.


I'll try and reply to that when I get back from this ceremony thing I have to go to. My short reply: I know that feel (and I still feel it too)-- luckily it was just in the history and english areas (seriously, in my Freshmen and Sophomore years, any P-AP classes in those areas were a joke (I think WH-AP was the first history that remotely challenged me.) The minute I hit the AP and dual-credit classes, it actually became a challenge. There was no preparation for it whatsoever back in the first 2 years.) while I've been blessed with having great science and mathematics teachers who have cultivated my raw talent and made it into a skill in the respective areas. I'll have to tell you an interesting story about that when I get back-- you'd enjoy it (hopefully). :pinkiehappy:

1059298tee hee overload...

1058181no, I just suck at typing long responses on a kindle fire

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