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    In Mourning

    Forgive me if this is sloppy, but I'm still crying as I write this.

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    About the Latest Chapter, and Future Plans

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  • 421 weeks
    Update on a Coffee Break

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    New Beginnings

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    Hi Again

    Okay, I'm still not one to make huge posts going over every detail of how much my life sucks, and how it's constantly getting in the way of me being a productive writer, but I still want to let anyone who still cares know what's up.

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This week sucks · 12:25am Mar 29th, 2013

It seems there is no end to the complications in my life this week. To be brief, Murphy struck.

I'll be trying my best to get the prompt finished and posted as soon as possible.

My apologies for the delays. Hopefully I can make up for all this mess soon.

Report Hyzaku · 188 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Ey, hang in there, yeah? :pinkiehappy:

954786 Blech. I'd love to just be done with this week. Been screwing around with doing taxes for a family business for three days in between getting our jobs done on time, culminating in eight solid hours of trying to fix mistakes in Quickbooks records on Wednesday only to still not be done with it. Then I get the joyful experience of insomnia paired with some 'intestinal trouble' (I'll leave that to the imagination) last night, leaving me to get to work late, while being hungry (felt too sick to eat all night), tired, and ill. When I get there, I find out we had another job dropped on us this morning that had to get finished today. When we finally got that done I went inside and crashed out on a couch before I could eat. Then I had more tax crap to do when I woke up after only being out for an hour. Except that got interrupted by having to pick up a completed piece from one of our contractors, which I ended up not even being able to deliver as the customer still hasn't responded to my calls or messages today to schedule a delivery time. Which then leaves the still unfinished taxes to do tomorrow which was supposed to be a day off for me.

All the while this week, by the time I get home and finish my house work and prep for the next day, I'm too tired to even write anything. So basically, despite my planning out the story, I've put literally zero words to paper til today. This week has been a freaking disaster.

At this point, I'm probably going to aim for a lower word count than I had wanted to, just to get this thing done. Hopefully, my pot of coffee can keep me awake long enough to 'finish' this today.

954889 Good gads, it's even worse than it sounded at first. That sounds like a nightmare. :pinkiesick:

Taxes are always awful, but eeeeesh. :raritydespair:

I hope things get better for ya, though. Ponies sometimes have to take a back seat to RL insanity, eyep. Hang in th--Wait, I already said that. Screw hanging in there, kick some arse and destroy those who would oppress you. Especially the tax people. :twilightsheepish:

954982 Thanks, that managed to get me laughing for the first time today.:pinkiesmile:


You can always count on Taxes to F:yay:k everything up. Hell, even death only happens to you once.

955172 Yeah. The 'joys' of helping my mother who has never used quickbooks before, fix our finance records for the last year. I knew I was screwed when I realized that she hadn't been concerned about accurately recording the dates of entries, she was only making sure they got put in...eventually.
Why hello there Mr. 'Massive collection of every paycheck I've earned last year', what are you doing here all clumped up and dated in December? Oh, no, I don't mind having to unreconcile everything back to the start of the year and remove all those payments to myself I entered because I didn't know you were all just incorrectly dated. Why, that'll be as much fun as figuring out how many restaurant charges we made under the wrong name because she didn't want to bother adding a new food entry beyond 'Burger King" and "Barbecue."

It's been that kind of experience and I'm just describing the tip of the iceberg. I harp on her about it, but really it's just her first time running a business and she procrastinated a lot on keeping the quickbooks entries updated properly, so everything is just a total mess.

Oh lawd. Taxes and finances are bad enough when everything is booked correctly.
On the upside, this mess will probably help drill in the necessity of good bookkeeping. (And I have negative room to talk. :twilightsheepish:)

Incidentally, I think that might be the first time I have seen someone invoke Murphy's law correctly.

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