• Member Since 26th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 13th, 2023

Dusk Quill

I once was lost, but now I'm found. Just a quiet blue unicorn with a passion for the written word.

More Blog Posts65

  • 203 weeks
    My Journey

    So I've finally set aside the time to sit down and properly write out a blog post for you all who are still around (the one I promised in my last post seven months ago :twilightsheepish: ). I want to tell you all about where I've been, what I've been up to, and share my journey with you guys. You were all around for some of the best times, and I felt it's only right to open back up again and

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  • 234 weeks
    Well Well Well...

    Holy hell, that's a lot of notifications to look through! I suppose that's what happens when you disappear for... *checks watch* three years. Huh... I suppose it's been a while, huh? It would be shockingly rude and unprofessional if I was to just suddenly turn up again out of the blue, wouldn't it? Yeah, I guess it would...

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  • 402 weeks
    A Soldier's Memoirs Spoilers

    For anyone who read my last blog and doesn't want to wait around for me to maybe finish the Soldier's Memoirs series, I do have the entire plot mapped and outlined. If you would like some closure, some answers, or just a glimpse into what awaits, send me a private message with the title: Will the Sky Fall? and any questions or comments you might have. I'll be happy to provide

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  • 403 weeks
    I'm Sorry

    Over the past week or two, I've gotten messages from several of you guys asking if I was okay, if everything was all right, and just wanting to check in on me in general. I wanted you all to know that I was really touched by your concerns, and that I am just fine, but it also made me feel guilty. I'm sure you can guess why... I haven't written any new material for well over a year. I haven't been

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  • 442 weeks
    Dusk is a terrible, awful, no good, very bad pony...

    I have apologies to make to all of you. It's been close to six months since I had any activity here on the site, and even less for my friends outside of FiMFiction. I feel I owe you all an explanation and my deepest, heartfelt sorries. I am still alive, if just barely by now. These last few months, I sort of bit off more than I could chew with life. I took eighteen college credit hours in an

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Wonderful Resources · 9:41pm Mar 19th, 2013

Not really anything important, but I just felt like happily announcing that finals are now officially over and I took huge advantage of a sale at the local bookstore. I picked up a bunch of new books for reference for the Skyfall series and I've got almost two weeks free to read and write. It's gonna be a good break!

Added to my collection:
"Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10" by PO1 Marcus Luttrell (Ret.)
"Shadow Warriors - Inside the Special Forces" by Tom Clancy
"Damn Few - Making the Modern SEAL Warrior" by Lt. Cmdr. Rorke Denver (Ret.)

I am a very happy pony. :twilightsmile:

-- DQ

Report Dusk Quill · 396 views ·
Comments ( 43 )

Um... I'm sorry, but... could you please answer my question about how ponies fire rifles? Dude, I stand by my statement that you write gripping stories,but it's been nagging on me. You have ponies firing while moving, while RUNNING! How?

Glad to hear that you've got a good break lined up! I myself just finished my break but sadly I don't have a lot of time to work on my own writing... So enjoy it!! And I'm looking forward to your updates!!

I've actually been behind on my reading because of school. Yeah. Can you believe it? School is preventing me from reading...

I don't know if you read my reply to your previous question on Skyfall yet or not. In my headcanon, I follow the belief that the ponies have the ability to stand and move on their hind legs with proper (military) training, albeit maybe not as quickly or efficiently as they would on all fours. I took that inspiration from Shadawg's art found here. Short of using hoof-free weapons or having them sit for each shot, it's one of the few plausible cases for fighting on the move in the MLP fandom.


Hmm, that makes sense. We DO see Pinkie walking on two legs in Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, and in several other places.

I'd just watch the number of times they shoot while sprinting. :derpytongue2:

Also, please know that I wasn't trying to knock you down or anything. I love your stories, I just needed that clear up. :twilightsmile:

Oh no, no offense taken at all! I'm glad when readers question something I've written! It keeps me making sure that the integrity of my stories are still up to par. And after all, an inconsistent story is just a killer to all... :facehoof:

So thank you for raising that question. I was wondering when someone would ask about that, or if everyone would just accept that as reality. :pinkiehappy:

I recomend a few other books for you
-the element of surprise,
-men in green faces (about seal operations in viet nam)
-outlaw platoon by sean parnell
-american sniper (RIP Chris Kyle)
-Shooter by jack Coughlin

I have read Lone Survivor and it is one of my favorites. I have a Navy Seal friend who i have known before we both entered service and i can not give you his name but we have recieved similar traiing... our mortar secrion almost fragged them one time when this stupid fuck NDed a 60mm when we were doing cold weather training in virginia. Never want to go back there. fucking miserable
Enjoy the book but understand that information is altered in these accounts to protect some of our capabilities

931798 just accept that things are the way they are....just like marines are better than army :)
still gonna love and tollerate you though cause ur a brony


Enjoy the book but understand that information is altered in these accounts to protect some of our capabilities

I had an American History professor once who said something similar to that. "Read every account on everything. Each one will give you something new, but nothing will give you everything." Taking everything with a grain of salt and putting all the different perspectives together will get you close to the truth, but you'll never get all of the truth.

As long as I can get as close as I can to real, I feel I've done my service. :rainbowdetermined2:

Rest in peace, CPO Chris Kyle.


When I write it, usually a pony-made rifle has a special shoulder grip that allows them to stabilize their fire and a shooter can hold it with only one hoof. They can bring up a second hoof for stabilization while moving if needed. Also, I replace the trigger with a button, hence why I call them "Pressure Rifles". Sidearms...I'm still working on. :rainbowlaugh:

As for muskets, giant trigger, not as important. I mean really, it's a single shot and most armies in the Napoleonic days where NOT ordered to take aim at an individual soldier but to just kind of point their into the enemy's formation and hope they hit something.

That's another why, in my new fic coming out (shameless plug), Black Powder, their orders are:

"Make ready!"



and not:

"Make ready!"

"Take Aim!"


But that's just me. Now if you excuse me, I've got a 12 to work! :twilightsmile:

Silver out!

931888 :ajbemused:


OORAH, my hard-chargin' Devil Dog brother! :rainbowdetermined2:

Can't say I have read any of those books but I am aware of Operation Redwing. Rest in peace lads.

What other books do you draw your inspiration from for Skyfall???

And I may have missed the start of the next story ... again ..... please don't hurt me :S

932054 94 asvab 125 GT and im 0311 grunt all the way. got a kid in my platoon with a 97 asvab who had a scholarship to MIT. your arguement is invalid my ocupational force friend.

932003 we actaly just go
Standy by,

then we practice controlled pairs hammer pairs, box drills, and failures to stop. If you guys want insight into anything infantry related i can share as much as i want. There is stuff i cant share but thats all stuff thats to complex for a fimfic such as ECMs and shit like that

A lot of the inspiration I get is from general war historians covering everything from the Cold War and Vietnam to the modern day Iraq War. Donald Kagan was a big inspiration during high school, and John Keegan is another forerunner. Sun Tzu is a must-read classic, and I've been trying to get my hands on a copy of the Bhagavad Gita that isn't ridiculously overpriced.

From more recent work, I read a lot of non-fiction military, like anything Mark Bowden and Tom Clancy write, especially certain masterpieces. Mark Owen's No Easy Day was a good read too. With my latest purchases, that brings three new ones to my little library. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and don't worry! I would never hurt one of my followers!
... while he was expecting it...


Yeah, totally, Marines are smart... which is why they have to have a single DI just to yell, one to smoke Joe, and one to actually teach. As opposed to me, who has to do all that to 60 privates with just one Battle.

You know, I was going to join the Marine Corps, but upon finding out that I can count to twenty-one without being arrested for indecent exposure, I was deemed overqualified and had to join the Army.

But hey, we're both obviously total idiots. I mean... we signed up, right? :derpytongue2:

US ARMY= Uncle Sam Ain't Released Me Yet
USMC= Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

I kind of love you two right now and feel the overwhelming need to base characters off of you both. :rainbowlaugh:

932511 lol us grunts love the misguidded children slogan. and yes we were dumb enough to sign up but i love my job. grunts dont work unless we are in te field or in country so its not all bad. you lose some friends, i lost 3 last deployment but the good memories are what makes it all worth while.
and come on you bringing boot camp into this shit? no one cares about boot camp or ITB, its all the hazing in the fleet that makes a grunt a grunt.
but we all know army boot camp is a joke too :)


Dude, I'm a Drill Sergeant. I know BCT is a joke! I've said many times that we need to make BCT more like Marine Corps boot, at least as far as the discipline. Now don't misunderstand, in an actual BCT unit, we drop the scunion all the time, we just have to do it behind closed doors. I smoked the living dog-snot out of my privates before, just after making sure the bay doors are locked. Here at the reception battalion though, I can't cuss, I can't smoke them. I give out a shit-ton of NJP, but it's not as effective as you might think. I've heard that at Boot, the second you get off the bus, even at reception, the smoking and the insanity start. Jealous...

Brother, I'm sorry for your loss. I spent a total of 27 months of my life in Iraq, and I was damn lucky to not have lost anyone close to me, though people that I was close to did.

One team, one fight, Devil Dog. :rainbowdetermined2:


Interesting choices .... never hear of that last one :twilightsheepish:

And be warned ... I keep a 12 gauge shotgun permanently next to my bed :twilightsmile:

932527 just keep in mind that any character you base off a marine is atleast 20% more badass than one you base off army

933485 yea i remember about 3 seconds after the bus came to a stop i was thinking holy shit what the fuck just happened. So today we had this OP adrenaline rush program to take our company "deep sea" fishing, they think its going to negate PTSD.... fucking retarded. but the one funny thing that happened was that our charter boat went right past a coast guard vessel cleaning sea gull shit off bouys and we convinced the boat owner to yell "SLAY BODIES COAST GUARD" and when they coasties waves the captin said "YOU FUCKING PUSSYS" the coast guard were gonna write him a citation but they made a U-turn when they saw 60 Marines on the railing giving them the 1 finger salute. our LT and SSgt were laughing their fucking asses off.
Also in our boot camp you dont have rank until you earned the EGA. Never tought id be one of them but I fucking cried when it was placed in my hand. everyone did. It wasnt so much about earning the title as it was that the pain was finaly over. The crucible on the west coast is nasty but I delt with worst in afghanistan. West coast is best coast.
The way i look at boot camp, ITB, and pre deployment fleet life as a grunt is that its just a process of inflicting mental and physical pain untill it doesnt bother you anymore.
Whats your MOS by the way

When I joined in 2003, I was a 19K, M1 Armor Crewman. I did that for six years, two tours to Iraq, Sadir City in 2004, Mosul in 2007-09. In 2009 I reclassed. Now, I'm a 46R, Broadcast Journalist/Public Affairs Specialist. I actually spent two years in Korea, working for AFN. I even had my own radio show for six months. :pinkiehappy:

934771 932527
Maybe, but the soldier will have 20% better grammar and diction. :derpytongue2:

934868 Oh eat a fucking dick :D you wish you had a word like "err" that could mean 50 different things
pronunciation is key
secret language of the infantry


Oh eat a fucking dick

Oh, eat a fucking dick!

You're missing some punctuation.

you wish you had a word like "err" that could mean 50 different things

You wish you had a word like "err" that could mean fifty different things.

You missed more punctuation, and failed to capitalize the first letter of the sentence. Also, according to the AP style guide, numbers should be spelled out.

pronunciation is key
secret language of the infantry

Apart from being sentence fragments, these have neither punctuation nor capitalization. They should read:

Remember, pronunciation is key. This is the secret language of the Infantry.


934941 Im begining to think your Rarity in disguise. I refuse to use propper punctuation and grammar both because its a waste of time, my keyboard has stuck keys, iv drank a 6 pack in the last 45 minutes and i just streight dont give a buck.

934956 and to cut you off before you say anything i know that was more than 2 reasons. I are can do math :derpytongue2:

932527 dont see how that makes the army bad ass there Drill Sgt Rarity

933485 oh apparently my day of fun made the news, check out the washington post or any info about FOB Delhi august 10...not a good day. i was 50 meters away when it happened and putting those bodies on the hawk was probably the lowest point in my life

Well, it would probably help to reply to the proper comment. Unless you think Dusk Quill is Drill Sergeant Rarity. :pinkiecrazy:

Damn. I'm sorry, brother.

Well, apparently I am Drill Sergeant Rarity now. How... interesting? Let's go with that. :rainbowlaugh:

I am pleased to see that I am not the only grammar addict here! :pinkiehappy:

And not to dispute anything you said, because you are right on most of it, but one of the rules for writing numbers is to use numerals for any number greater than nine. Another way, and a more "professional" way is to write out all numbers, like you did. So both of your ways are correct. :twilightsmile:


For some reason, the thought of having Rarity as my Drill Sergeant scares the crap out of me...

935112 sort of is how it is... retarded attention to detail except you know.....bat shit crazy and angry

935094 cut me a break quill i have had a few too many :) streight berry punch up in this bitch

Every time I see her in the show I feel bad. I killed her in my story. :fluttercry:

935173 hahahahahahhahahahahaha how did you kill her?

935324 i got duty this weekend. message me a link to it and il use it to kill some of my post

935324 ok so when i first saw how long it was i was like oh shit if this story sucks its going to be a long day cause i dont want him to feel bad when i tell him i just couldnt get into it. But i must say it was very good and i enjoyed it. realy liked how you brought in characters from night guards which is among my favorites including our boys skyfall story and gryphon war. So your story helped my kill about 5 hours of duty and for that i thank you..........your still an army piece of shit though!!! :flutterrage:


Thanks so much! Honestly, it means the world to me knowing that someone enjoyed my story, even if that person is a jacked-up Marine Corps fucknugget. :twilightsmile:

941165 I give praise when its due. but its only for your writing....On the battlefield you still suck :rainbowwild:

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