• Member Since 22nd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2022


More Blog Posts97

  • 378 weeks
    Story Idea Time

    This is a story idea I've had rattling around my head for a while. If anyone's interested, feel free to make use of it, just make sure to drop me a post when you do, I'd love to see your take on the idea.

    Story: Hero In Equestria
    Genre: Human, Slice of Life
    Rating: Any, depending on writer's preference.

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  • 381 weeks

    It's raining outside
    Maybe inside too
    I can't tell though
    Inside, I can't feel the rain on my skin

    Perhaps it's just the temperature
    That would explain the cold
    But not why I hear the rain falling
    a steady drip-drip down my nose

    I'm standing in the rain, you see
    It splashes from skin to shirt
    And if it's not raining
    Then why are my eyes so wet?

    It's hailing outside

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  • 381 weeks
    For the first time ever...

    I'm not going to be single for Valentine's Day.

    I don't know how to feel about that, so you guys tell me how to feel.

    Anyways, happy Single's Awareness Day! Those of you enjoying the day, kudos to you. Those of you suffering from this day... my condolences.

    0 comments · 319 views
  • 382 weeks
    It's Been Awhile | Stories for the Future

    Hey everyone; today I realized that I've been doing a ton of reading on this site... but not so much of the interacting and stuff. SO!
    A blog post about what's going on, what I'm doing, etc.

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    2 comments · 407 views
  • 419 weeks
    Another year

    Another year I walk the sands
    They shift and change beneath my feet
    Yet through it all I walk.

    Another year I see the others walk the sands
    Some falter and slip beneath the sand
    Others lay roads for still later others to tread

    The roads vanish beneath the sands
    And yet they are the sands themselves
    So perhaps they never were, or still are

    Some do not walk the sands like I

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    4 comments · 471 views

Voting Round Final · 4:10am Jan 4th, 2013

Final round of voting people, thank you for your patience!

The final three contestants have been selected, and the last round of voting is upon us.

In this round, you will be voting for one and only one of the contestants, to try to bring her to the top! The three contestants are as follows:

1) Alexa, a half-spider and half-human creation of a powerful wizard, she is kind, but naive.
2) Sinister End, a Unicorn born with an unnatural wellspring of necromantic energy.
3) Jet, an Inkwell, a type of sentient golem with shapeshifting abilities.

The descriptions of each are below:

Alexa, the Half-Spider
Alexa was born from the experimentation of a mad and powerful wizard, seeking to learn the secrets of magical fusion of creatures.
She has been kept in a massive terrarium her whole life, and exhibits very little in the way of social skills, as her only human contact has been with her creator. She is kind, gentle, but a little naive, and eats live animals for sustenance. Her arachnidian nature gives her incredible strength, and the ability to produce webbing of impressive strength.
She is somewhat long-lived, as she has retained the form of a 22-year-old woman, and is rather voluptuous, besides her spider half. Her back and shoulders are covered in soft, metallic blue fur, along with the entirety of her lower body. Her torso has the proportions of someone approximately 5’8”, but she stands at nearly 7 feet tall because of her longer legs and her stature.
She pines for something she can’t define, and waits patiently to one day learn what it is. She reads voraciously, as it is the one thing she can do at any time, though her speech is a little hard to understand at times.

Sinister End, the Unicorn Necromancer
Born with an innate connection to a wellspring of necromantic energy, Sinister has always been around the dead and dying, as her mere touch once caused death to set in. Hating this part of her, in spite of the power she could gain from it, she has sought every method of dampening it, until at last she is contacted by the Necromancer’s League.
From the League, Sinister has learned to dissipate her energies harmlessly, simply grounding it out in the earth as she goes. She now seeks to return to her hometown, effectively ‘cured’ of her condition, and become an alchemist, something she’s always wanted to be.
She has no idea how to control her magic, beyond grounding it in the earth or in other beings, though that second one causes harm. She stands by a form of the hippocratic oath, however, and seeks to never cause harm if she can avoid it. The only thing she has to be wary of now is the wandering paladins, who would seek to destroy any creature tainted by necromantic energy, regardless of their intent.

Jet, the Inkwell
Created decades ago by a caring artificer, Jet is designed to be caring and protective. While she may seem menacing, having a natural form that looks like a midnight-black bipedal crocodile, she honestly cares about all life, though she’ll end a life it that is what it takes to protect her charge. Waiting silently and carefully in a crypt, watching over her previous charge’s bones, she has had much time to contemplate all that she knows and believes. Now very introspective, she wishes to learn all she can, and seeks to learn everything she can.

Remember, your voting must be as follows:

<Your vote>
The reason why you voted for this.
Two sentence minimum.

Now vote!

Report Quantum_Shift · 190 views ·
Comments ( 5 )


I vote for Jet simply because she is like the old guardian. She also interest me in the fact that she cares for all life, but ends it if it intervenes with her charge.

Sinister End.
Sounds like an interesting backstory and I'd like to see how she develops.
Also, with Jet, the description of a 'bipedal crocodile' immediately (and without forethought) made me think of Vector the Crocodile, even though the two characters are completely different. I can't control my brain sometimes.

sigh... alright, Sinister it is...

678889 Seriously, I searched bipedal crocodile in 'video games' and the first result was Vector, the second was Totodile. I am justified in my first impression of those details.

Alexa, the Half Spider. i like the description of her more than the others.

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