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The Dragon Warlock

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  • 52 weeks
    Coming soon....

    It's been a long time since you've all heard from me, but I got a project I'm working on. All you need to know right now is that it's slow going with my work schedule and that it involves something I've been wanting to tackle. If you want an idea of who's involved, here you go.

    Hope to finish this new story in the near future.

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  • 180 weeks
    Reflecting on this year

    Well, we're at the final few hours of 2020. What do I even need to say about this year? I think everyone can agree nobody is going to remember this year fondly. This year was like everyone playing roulette and it was liking landing on the double zero; everyone lost. For some people, it's been harder than others what with what's going on in the world, the politics, and so much more. I've sadly

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    Merry Christmas (also a bit of a status update)

    Merry Christmas, everyone, or Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Kwanzaa. I hope you've all had a wonderful day and been having fun and relaxing with either friends, family, or both. That being said, I must apologize for my lack of updates here on this site. There's been a lot going on the last few months. A few months ago, I decided to leave my old job because it was making me feel miserable and wasn't

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  • 192 weeks
    It's been 10 years

    It's hard to believe that 10 years ago, Friendship is Magic started. What started out as just another entry for the MLP series soon exploded into popularity with what it had to offer. It introduced us to the land of Equestria, the new generation of ponies being reincarnated or introducing new ones, the various creatures we'd get to see from dragons to griffons, and all the crazy adventures

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    Not Dead

    Hey, everyone, I know it's been a looooong time since I've posted or said anything. Just wanted to say that no I'm not gone or anything. I'm still active, but it's been hard to come up with or work on any projects. Since this whole virus mess started, I've been working a lot more now, and it isn't helped at my job people have either been sick, going AWOL, or both. It's left me with little free

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Spike at Your Service/Status on next story · 4:00pm Dec 29th, 2012

It came to my attention that the newest episode was once again leaked early. Well regardless, I've seen it now and am ready for my thoughts on it. For the past 2 seasons, Spike has been getting a lot of love and was even a hero in the season 3 opener. So how does his first episode of the season hold up?




Well it was a pretty good episode, but I do have some issues with it as a whole. The interactions between Spike and Applejack were pretty nice to see and once again this does open a lot of possible AppleSpike fics and pics. There was also some minor Spike interacting with Applebloom, so SpikeBloom fans are going to most likely build a case around that pairing possibly happening. Now as you all know, I'm not a fan of SpikeBloom and one of the reasons is the lack of interaction between each other. So as much as I don't like it, I can be a little more lenient now knowing that at least had a scene together. It still doesn't change though that I'm not a fan of the pairing. It was cool to see the Timberwolves again, especially Giga-Timberwolf, as I call him. There were a lot of good elements to the episode as a whole.

But I have two complaints with this episode. The first one being how Spike acted. I have no problem with him being noble and helping Applejack for saving his life. Unfortunately he acted a little too goofy with what he did. I know it's supposed to be funny and that there needed to be jokes with some of Spike's actions. But they seemed to push his goofiness a little bit too far in this episode. I mean not being able to clean properly? Isn't that what he does in Twilight's library? The baking thing. We've seen him cook, so what happened? I guess you can say he's trying too hard in this episode for Applejack. But still, he's acting almost OOC here.

The second issue is this so called Dragon Code. At first I thought it was something made up, but we later learn it is real. The problem is that we learn nothing of it really. We don't get to understand it's origins or anything like that. Twilight and Spike both talk like it's really important, but yet we barely learn anything of it. Did it start because another dragon started this? Did Spike really come up with this on his own? Tell us! At least show us a book where it showed the code and its meaning. Don't just leave us in the dark like that.

Aside from those two flaws, this episode is still pretty good, but not the best Spike episode. It's nowhere nearly as bad as Owl's Well That Ends Well. I just think Spike could've been handled well and that the Dragon Code needed more of an explanation. It's a pretty mediocre episode all around.


Now that this matter is over with, let's talk about my next story. As you all know, it's time to finally delve into the world of Spilight. I've been wanting to write a story for those two for a while and I've been really neglecting in doing so. I've been putting it off for far too long now and I want to do that pairing as my next story. The problem is that I think I need to scrap the idea of Her Knight in Shining Scales since I'm having some issues with it. I've got the idea, but I'm trying to figure out how to make the book Twilight is writing about her feelings for Spike sounds similar to events in her life and how she fell for him. I may end up doing something different, but I know for a fact this story will be Spilight and it will most likely have anthronized ponies again. Will it have clop? I don't know really. I'll have to think it through. If anypony here has any suggestions on what to do, I'm open to ideas. So suggest away.

That's all for the time being. Hopefully I'll get back to telling the Spilight story idea soon. Again, suggestions and ideas are welcomed.

Report The Dragon Warlock · 435 views ·
Comments ( 26 )



Raise your hand/hoof if you want Spike to have a Great episode one day,,, not just a good episode.


Why does Spike get all the weak villains? First Smoke now Sticks.... I wanna see him fight something that can't be just blown away. He's a dragon seriously Let the dude have an awesome fight.

Eh, persoanlly what annoyed the hell out of me was why he did not just roast them, he's a bucking dragon that shoots green flames and he can't burn a few sticks? Also, Spike is now a theif and a murderer accourding to Equestrian law but then again so is A.J., this should be good. Saw a good amount of Spikejack, as well as a small amount of Spilight (:yay:) as well as some Rarijack, Appledash, RariDash and Flutter Dash....and Pinkie Pie is best wacky villian:pinkiehappy: I swear I saw Derpy Hooves for about three seconds but I could be wrong.

I love the idea of the dragon code though and the Timberwolves being their own country.....Timberwolves make awesome enemies.

Also as for ideas.....I'll come back to you after my smoke:twilightsmile:

659452 Well Spike had two excellent episodes in season 2. Don't forget he was also the hero in season 3's opener.
659513 I'm open to ideas.

Hit the nail on the head with the "Dragon Code" thing. I mean, with the Mirrior Pool and the Alicorn Amulet, you can justify not explaining them with the whole "it's old, mysterious magic idea", but this needs some exposition! Not even a whole lot to. Just have Spike say "I made it up to give dragons a better reputation" or "we read about it in a book" or even "I made it up to get away from Twilight for a bit."

In fact, had Spike admitted he made it up, that would have demonstrated immense maturity and moral growth.

And yeah, he's an idiot in this episode for no good reason. Maybe if he did things efficiently at first, but then began to slip as the pressure of fulfilling his vow to Applejack mounted, I'd have no problems, but he's an oaf from the get go. That's like making an episode where Applejack can't buck apples or Rainbow Dash can't fly.

659662 I certainly hope Spike's next episode isn't that bad. It's weird to see him act like this.

It's not like the concept of the episode was bad, like with Dragon Quest (lure them in with the tease of learning more about dragons and Spike's heritage, then dump some stupid shit about bad influences and a whole helping of racism into an episode that could have happened in Ponyville) but so many little things were wrong the whole thing just bugged the crap out of me. Still, he did kill the Timberwolftron, so it's getting better. I give it a four out of ten.

659696 It just needed some tweaking.

Why does Spike always get the crappy episodes? Secret of My Excess is one exception. It's like the writers don't care anymore.

659869 Hold on there. Spike also got Dragon Quest, which was really good. Not to mention he was the hero in the season 3 opener. I think Merriwether Williams wasn't thinking straight again. Which is weird considering she does write Spike pretty good, even as a side character.

I don't consider the pilot for season 3 a Spike episode. It seemed to center more around Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six, with Spike becoming the unexpected "savior" of the crystal ponies.

659926 Spike did help in more ways than one.

659926 Spike having the title of Crystal Savior is not fanon:rainbowlaugh: I hope.

659623 I know you are, thart's why I'm here:ajsmug:

Alright....so you want books to center around the two so they fall in love, correct?

Try this.....Spike reads about a legendary dragon that once ruled all of Equestria before he was overthrown by the Goddesses and finds, on accident, a book relating to dating or romantic advice, which belongs to Twilight. Wanting to know more, Spike slowly but surely learns more about why Twilight is reading said book, and whose heart ishe is truely after.

Or this.....Twilight has every book in her libary, well all save for one. That which talks in detail about dragons, from their bodies to their personilty, but Twilight does not trust in a book to know that her best friend and sercet lover, Spike is one who she really wants to know more, but how can a pony lovea dragon? Even more so....how can Twilght confess her love without sike knowing until the right time, the answer? By writing her own book.

Or even this...Spike hates reading, HATES it! But when he is given a book to read by order of Princess Cadnece, well...one can't deny a Goddess, so he opens it and upon reading, learns that something as silly as words allow the heart to really conectte (spelled that wrong) to a pony he has admired and loved all his life.

Or, or, OR. this......Reading has been Twilight's life for the past twenty one years, but she wants to know more about friendshp and love ten just reading about it, so on a gentle, star filled night, she asks Spike questions to which has been clawing at her heart ever since he turned fifth teen, and learns of a love that goes beyond frendship or family...on accident.

Hmmmmm....maybe even this.....Spike, being a teenager is always reading his "Mare-Do Well" comics, but what is he to do when his pet phoenix, Peewee, accidently burns all of them by rough housing with the dragon? With his caretaker and best friend by his side, he starts to read into a story together with the mare that show the two just how much they mean to eahcother....and what they were missing all along.

How about....this.......Twilight Sparkle, ever the student and daughter like to the Goddess of the Sun, Celestia is devested when she is ordered to not read during such a special time as Heart Warming eve, so she talks to her ever loyal dragon, Spike and he amazed by how wise and maybe even how cute he is...could she be falling in love with the dragon she's known all her life?

Ummmm.........or try this......Spike knows that not every book has all the answers but what he wants to know more then anything, after having his heart crushed by Rarity once more is if a dragon can tuely ever love a pony. With Twilight walking every step of the way with him, he learns that maybe, just maybe....they can.

I'm sorry, what was the question?:rainbowlaugh:

660621 Hmm not bad, not bad at all. Though I think I may have something. It's stretching it, but bare with me on it.

The Dragon and I

During a cold winter day, Twilight goes out to see her friends and Spike stays behind to clean the library. While cleaning up, Spike comes across a book under Twilight's bed called, The Dragon and I. It's a book that not only details some studies Twilight has done on dragons through her observations on Spike, but also reveals her true feelings for her assistant. Spike is now conflicted on how to react to this. Will he accept her feelings, or will the dragon leave her with a broken heart?

It's similar to Her Knight in Shining Scales, but this is a little more straightforward. If I did do this, it may have a sequel to it, but focusing on another pairing.

660701 Wow, that's a very impressive summary, though I (in my own option) think that the title and book title should be changed it does not really....well, catch my eye to be honest, but I lovethe summary. Feel free to use the other Spilight fics I given for a one-shot or something any time:twilightsmile:

660719 Okay, how about this for a title?

I can still use Her Knight in Shining Scales.

As for the title of the book, how about My Dragon?

660730 Now you have my attettion:twilightsmile: Spelled that wrong:facehoof:

660806:rainbowlaugh: Heard that, but I got Mircosoft Word but I'm just to lazy to use it right now

First off, I completely agree with your thoughts on "Spike At Your Service". Second I think you should pronounce it Twispike.
Reasons why; 1.It has Twilight's nick name in it and Spike full name, also it does sound better to say:twilightsmile::moustache:.
2.Since its about Twilight's feelings for Spike, it does make more sense to put her first:twilightsheepish:.

661569 I guess it's because Spilight was the first name I heard for this pairing.

661581I hear you. Shit, when I first came to this site, the first pairing I read was Spike x Applejack.
It was a week or two later before I even found out what "Shipping" was, lol.:rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::facehoof:.

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