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The Dragon Warlock


Coming soon.... · 11:48pm Jun 12th, 2023

It's been a long time since you've all heard from me, but I got a project I'm working on. All you need to know right now is that it's slow going with my work schedule and that it involves something I've been wanting to tackle. If you want an idea of who's involved, here you go.

Hope to finish this new story in the near future.

Report The Dragon Warlock · 210 views ·

Reflecting on this year · 4:10am Jan 1st, 2021

Well, we're at the final few hours of 2020. What do I even need to say about this year? I think everyone can agree nobody is going to remember this year fondly. This year was like everyone playing roulette and it was liking landing on the double zero; everyone lost. For some people, it's been harder than others what with what's going on in the world, the politics, and so much more. I've sadly also neglected writing new romance stories. I'm still having some issues, but I hope to change that

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Report The Dragon Warlock · 394 views ·

Merry Christmas (also a bit of a status update) · 11:33pm Dec 25th, 2020

Merry Christmas, everyone, or Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Kwanzaa. I hope you've all had a wonderful day and been having fun and relaxing with either friends, family, or both. That being said, I must apologize for my lack of updates here on this site. There's been a lot going on the last few months. A few months ago, I decided to leave my old job because it was making me feel miserable and wasn't worth it anymore. I do have a new one now thankfully, but it's been a busy job there as I deal with

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It's been 10 years · 4:29am Oct 10th, 2020

It's hard to believe that 10 years ago, Friendship is Magic started. What started out as just another entry for the MLP series soon exploded into popularity with what it had to offer. It introduced us to the land of Equestria, the new generation of ponies being reincarnated or introducing new ones, the various creatures we'd get to see from dragons to griffons, and all the crazy adventures along the way. Even after all these years, it's amazing how FiM ended up being something that was

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Not Dead · 2:51pm Jul 30th, 2020

Hey, everyone, I know it's been a looooong time since I've posted or said anything. Just wanted to say that no I'm not gone or anything. I'm still active, but it's been hard to come up with or work on any projects. Since this whole virus mess started, I've been working a lot more now, and it isn't helped at my job people have either been sick, going AWOL, or both. It's left me with little free time. The few bits of free time I do get is when I want to just relax and let my mind rest a bit. I

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Happy belated new year! · 6:47am Jan 2nd, 2020

Sorry I didn't tell you all this, but I hope you all did have a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. Hard to believe this'll be the first full year without any pony at all with no new episodes of FiM at all. Still, that won't stop me from doing more stories and all. I do have one planned in the works ATM, and believe it or not, but this one is NOT a romance story believe it or not. Yeah, for the first time in a very, very long time, I'm tackling something other then love. I won't give too

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Report The Dragon Warlock · 267 views ·

The time has come · 4:03am Apr 6th, 2019

Let's hope this final season goes out with a bang.

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Merry Christmas and SoaD update · 5:52pm Dec 25th, 2018

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you all are enjoying this day and spending it with loved ones, relaxing, and just having a great day all together.

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Report The Dragon Warlock · 356 views ·

Update: Slow going · 6:51am Feb 12th, 2018

Hey, everyone, DW here. Well, SoaD has been a hassle to get its next chapter out. It's just been very busy and kind of stressful to me. I got promoted at work, so I'm dealing with more responsibilities now, taking care of some work around, and trying to fit in some writing here and there, or just hanging with friends.

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Report The Dragon Warlock · 485 views ·

Snow Way Out · 11:51pm Jun 17th, 2017

As we prepare to enter the mid-season hiatus, the show decides to send the first part off with an episode featuring the return of the yaks from season five. Not Asking for Trouble is an episode that I honestly had a hard time to watch much like Fluttershy Leans in. Once again, the premise is fine and we do get to see the return of the yaks and their homeland.

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Report The Dragon Warlock · 496 views ·