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A Man Undercover

I'm Autistic and suffer from ADHD & OCD, but I'm very high-functioning and capable of taking care of myself if I need to.

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    My Third List of Least Favorite Villains

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My Third List of Least Favorite Villains · 5:29pm May 24th

Following my previous two listings, I couldn’t resist making another that showcased more of my least favorite villains. There were just so many others that I wanted to share my thoughts on as of late, especially based on seeing them in some stuff I watched.

This’ll be my last “Least Favorite Villain” listing for the time being. I’ve run out of villains to list out and give comments on, and due to there currently not being enough to make another one, I’ll have to hold off on making another until I find or stumble across more.

But for now, take a look at this one:

(Warning: Some of these explanations may be a little rant-filled and longer than others.)

#1: Eileen/The Birthday Girl (“WordGirl”)

Explanation: Eileen may not be as infuriating as Victoria Best, but there are many things regarding the character that make her my 2nd least favorite villain from “WordGirl”. The episodes featuring her are relatively passable, and there are two in particular that I actually consider to be some of my favorites from the series. But overall, Eileen is very hard to tolerate. Aside from being a spoiled brat who turns into a giant-green monster based on her greed and anger, she’s also one-dimensional, because the only way she can be reverted to normal is if someone makes her happy or convinces her to do something generous. And despite that, she often never learns anything or goes through any sort of change.

That, and the way she’d talk can be nerve-grinding.


#2: Gaston (2017 live-action adaption of Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast”)

Explanation: Whereas the animated version of Gaston played by Richard White had an actual sense of personality, as well as character development that helped him click as a villain, the live-action version of Gaston was the complete opposite of that. He was a relatively bland and generic individual who hardly had any personal qualities, & his development overall was lackluster and forgettable.


#3: Ke-Pa (“Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness”)

Explanation: While Fenghuang does hold 1st place in terms of being the worst villain in the KFP franchise, Ke-Pa comes in a close 2nd. 

Throughout “Enter the Dragon”, Ke-Pa was sized up as the most dangerous and formidable adversary Po has ever faced, even by getting a backstory that’d further display how big of a threat he is. But, the episode ultimately kept doing so by giving Po the idiot-ball much of the time, and the hope behind how Ke-Pa could be defeated mainly came to fruition based on terrible writing in other areas. Ke-Pa himself didn’t have much of a compelling or memorable personality either, and his development was lacking.

With this being said, it makes me glad that “Enter the Dragon” was retconned later on by the third & fourth films.


#4: The Evil Manta (“The Little Mermaid TV Series”)

Explanation: By far, one of the most generic and forgettable villains in “The Little Mermaid” franchise. Despite the efforts to make him a compelling antagonist, and the fact that he’s an embodiment of pure evil, the Evil Manta has no personality or sense of humor. Heck, in at least three of the episodes featuring him, the Evil Manta’s goal was to cause chaos wherever he went, and it was shown that he hated music and singing. But all of those things went down the drain in the last episode starring him.

Continuity-wise, the episodes featuring the Evil Manta didn’t age well either. The first episode starring the character features a flashback of how Ariel and Flounder met, but that was ultimately retconned by “The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning”, which featured a different depiction of how the two characters met.


#5: Granville Sawyer (1947 version of “Miracle on 34th Street”)

Explanation: Looking back on the characters featured in this Christmas movie from the 1940s, Granvile Sawyer was the one whom I found to be the least interesting and the most forgettable. I remembered that the film had a villain, but I had to look up who it was simply because I couldn’t remember his name. Not to mention he was generally an annoying individual anyway.


#6: Bubble Bass (“SpongeBob SquarePants”)

Explanation: Minor villains throughout the SpongeBob series certainly aren’t uncommon, and there are many whom I’m not interested in watching on a frequent basis. But, if I were to choose which one was the most irritable, Bubble Bass is definitely my top pick. Everything about Bubble Bass just makes me want to turn him into a fish filet with french fries on the side, or even simply give him a great big punch in the gut! The main reasons for why are because of how annoying he’d be, as well as his rude behavior, dishonesty, laziness, and gluttony.


#7: Simone Lenoir (“Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island”)

Explanation: Simone Lenoir is perhaps the most lackluster villain in the Scooby-Doo franchise’s history. Compared to every other character in the series who’d turn out to be a villain, I could barely remember Simone’s name without having to look it up first! Her revealed intentions were also perhaps the most idiosyncratic and nonsensical out of everyone. She uses magic simply to take down pirates after they raid her village, only to later turn towards a path of villainy. What kind of lamebrained writers would think that’s a logical course to take with a villain?!


#8: Captain Kiddie & Squawk (“Tom and Jerry: The Movie”)

Explanation: As individual characters, perhaps even a weird showcase of a man with a split personality and too many bats in the belfry, Captain Kiddie and Squawk were pretty much forgettable and uninteresting. They didn’t have much of a personality or sense of humor either.

But, those aren’t the only worst things about them.

After they rescued Robyn Starling, it seemed like Kiddie and Squawk were truly going to be the new friends Robyn needed until she’d be reunited with Tom and Jerry. Once they discovered that there was a reward offered for Rohyn’s return to Miss Figg, though, the two characters are given a complete 180 and turned into scumbags that ultimately made their presence questionable in the long run.


#9: Jacobim Mugatu (“Zoolander”)

Explanation: It’s been years since I actually saw “Zoolander”. And frankly, I never saw the whole thing because the moment I started watching it, I immediately wanted to be somewhere else. However, I definitely remember there being a villain played by Will Ferrell in the movie, and I decided to simply list him here based on the terrible experience I had with “Zoolander”.

Aside from hardly being able to remember Jacobin Mugatu’s own name, I could never forget that he was an incredibly annoying and idiotic manchild. I couldn’t get engaged with him no matter how hard I tried.


#10: Allura (5th Generation of “My Little Pony”)

Explanation: With this character being the 5th Generation’s new major villain in place of Opaline Arcana, I’m gonna go ahead and say that Allura is not only a poor successor, but an incredibly uninteresting and boring antagonist. Her appearances in both “Make Your Mark” and “Tell Your Tale” have shown her to be a largely imbecilic character. Her motivations are both relatively confusing and extremely forgettable, and she has little-to-no personality. Plus, aside from the occasional cat puns, Allura has no sense of humor either.

The worst part is that, once her presence officially becomes known to the Equestrians in “Tell Your Tale”, the show hardly does anything significant or interesting with Allura. She’s one of the only reasons why the 2nd season of “Tell Your Tale” should at least be given a look or following considering the implied direction given by MYM’s “Secrets of Starlight”, and all the former did was reduce Allura to the villain equivalent of a prop! 

And here’s another reason for why I don’t like her, which is based on possible spoilers:

If the rumors and leaked “Find My Way Right Back” song are any indication, Allura will be getting taken in the “Oh, I’m Just a Misunderstood Individual Who’s Only Bad Based on How Others Perceive Me” and “I’m Doing the Wrong Things for the Right Reasons” directions, topped with a wasteful reformation. Basically, with Allura, they’re going to do the exact kind of thing that was previously done with Ahuizotl in MLP: FiM’s “Daring Doubt” (which is still one of the worst MLP episodes in history).

Dishonorable Mentions: Twitch (5th Generation of “My Little Pony”), Moray, Lena Dupree, Jacques, Snakebite Scruggs

Explanation: As with the previous listings, the following characters were incorporated as dishonorable mentions based on their relations to the various major villains I listed. That, and they were equally forgettable and one-dimensional.

However, while Snakebite Scruggs didn’t have any direct relation to Simone or her minions, the prime reason he’s listed as a dishonorable mention is due to his antagonistic behavior towards Shaggy & Scooby, as well as how infuriating he was. That, and he’s the one side character who had no meaningful purpose or relevance in “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island”. 

Moray, meanwhile, is listed as a dishonorable mention because he’s both an annoying con artist & was featured in some of the same episodes as the Evil Manta. The only episode Moray starred in without the Evil Manta being around was “T’Ank You For Dat, Ariel”, but the latter character was mentioned.

Comments ( 3 )

I'm gonna be honest here, the Tom and Jerry movie to me felt like a Disney direct to DVD movie, the Idea of a Tom and Jerry movie has worked multiple times before on other areas, but also has failed in many areas, this one feels like it came from the 2000's era of Disney DVD movies honestly, the villains in the movie were not good to me at all, Tom and Jerry talking in general sounded so weird, and while I know some may like this movie, I just think it's incredibly mid, there's a lot one could do with a Tom and Jerry movie if done right, but this is not that route, I remember too much of that movie from my childhood, and what I can recall is that this doesn't do it for me. That Captain didn't need to be a villain, we already had enough in that movie and he didn't add anything, having him stand out for Robyn and protect her with Tom and Jerry would've been a much better route to take since him turning around like this is something I hate for villains, But otherwise, this movie isn't for me, it's either a 3/10 or 4/10 for me( and yet this movie is still better then the one recently released)

Who are you thinking about your fourth list?

I was thinking of incorporating villains from favorite franchises who, while not particularly overbearing or anything, aren't exactly impressive compared to other villains from the same franchises. That, and they're also villains that never necessarily caused a problem for me but can be annoying regardless.

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