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Quick opinons · 2:54am May 20th

Okay, I am back in town and working on the final part of the Arc for the wedding. So I have been tossing around the idea that the magic that sends the changelings packing has the same results but results in an Alicorn Shining Armor. I have been tossing around the idea, but I am not sold. So, I am seeking opinions from my readers whose opinions mean more. So, yes or no, is that possible, or should we leave him as is? I have sketched it out, so now it's just choosing which part of the splice into its place. Let me know. Have a great week!

Oh. I also got an editing program to help it be more polished. So, I should not be making nearly as many mistakes!

Report OblivionShadow · 213 views · Story: An Equestrian Witcher ·
Comments ( 9 )

I think it’s an interesting idea as long as you were able to tie it into the story in a convincing way I don’t see why not

I think you should let him be, We already have an alicorn stallion lol

Could be good, if written well. I personally would save it for the return of the Crystal Empire. Let him play a more active roll. Have him face doubts about his roll as a prince, especially after being manipulated at the wedding. Let him earn the title, and the wings will be a bonus. Either way, I look forward to reading the rest of your story.

Ooohhhh... Yes. That could be good, too. I'll keep that in mind.

Leave him be as is

So what you really need is too be challenged in the sense of his Alicorn form not The Witcher form or skills he has to use his Alicorn form to challenge the queen of the changelings we all remember how unstable and tricky she is. Or at least put Oblivion in a situation where he can't help the others in the sense that most witchers don't really fight in Wars but he should display his full power as a Witcher against the hordes and armies of the changelings.? Make him earn it.!🤷‍♂️

My personal opinion: If you don't have already some idea or contect for the future of the story that involve Shiny Armor be an Alicorn, don't make it harder and let he be a normal unicorn. But it's your story, and if u want him to be an alicorn do as it please you, but remember that u'll need to justify why he became an alicorn and maybe try to explain the nature of male alicorn in Equestria. Another cool Idea for the final arc could be that the "love bomb" of shiny and Cadence disable for a brief moment the disguise spell Oblivion has on his wings, making only somebody see his true form.

honestly, making him an alicorn some time before Cadance's pregnancy would help with the Flurry Heart thing. Also I think the reasons they didn't give Shining wings in the show were that they didn't want too many alicorns and the whole trend of making males incompetent that was happening at the time.

That is a fair point. Most of the stallions were not all that bright.

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