• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Podcast Interview Alert! · 6:43pm April 10th

Hey folks! Updates and cool news here! Axtara – Magic and Mischief (which is probably going to be the final title as nothing else has come close to matching Magic and Mayhem) is into the Beta now. Not a lot of errors found so far, thankfully. I’ve completed my Beta Read and made a few corrections, and there have been a few others found, but overall I think across the multiple passes that have been made Magic and Mischief is pretty clean right now.

While the rest of the Beta Readers go through it, I’ll be getting a cover ironed out. At last. But yeah … extenuating circumstances.

Anyway, that’s just the update. The news of this post is that I did an interview! For a podcast!

Now, it’s not anything most of you would have heard of, I expect. A bunch of students from my hometown are interviewing creatives that have come from that hometown, including authors, and they interviewed me a few weeks ago! They call themselves Stikine Stories, and you can check out their page here. My interview released this week, and is embedded below the jump. Because I know the embed will work here, but when crossposted, I’m not so certain. So it’ll be after the jump.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun answering questions, talking about writing, the works. It’s a quick breezy half-hour, the students clearly put a lot of work into it, and hey, it’s me talking about writing, my background, what I’ve worked on, and some of my inspirations, which for those of you who have seen me at cons, know is a good time. I’ve got energy to make it fun.

The embed is below the jump, or you can just follow that link above and listen to the student’s other interviews. Give ’em some traffic!

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