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A Brony and a Gamer!

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    New Overlord!

    A new chapter of An Overlord Apart is up and ready for reading! Enjoy!

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  • 6 weeks
    New Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Witcher is up and ready for reading!

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    More Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Witcher is up and ready for reading! Enjoy!

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    New Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Wicther is up and ready for reading! Enjoy!

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    New Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Witcher is up and ready for reading. Enjoy!

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New ideas · 3:19am March 29th

I am about to do the episode Ponyville Confidential and I am not sure which idea to choose from. Let me know which one sounds the most fun for all of you or if you have a better idea I will add it to the list.

Using the golem to work in the orchard instead of his magic
Something to do with courting Twilight (secretly dating)
No evidence of hunting monsters (lying to everypony)
Swords that used to be on his back are gone (fake?)
Band on his leg a gift from Luna

Just a few ideas that I came up with on the fly. I'm not sold on any of them so I am up for you guys choosing what sounds fun to you.

Report OblivionShadow · 161 views · Story: An Equestrian Witcher ·
Comments ( 4 )

No evidence of hunting monsters sounds too out of character for him And he would not like them spreading that kind of misinformation lol
I think it would be hilarious to do the band on his leg from luna😂
Also, when is he gonna see cadance again? The last time he's seen her, she ran away lol

I kind of want to see the courting secretly, you got to admit Twilight and Oblivion are Adorable whenever they're Together.

Well, if he give that necklace to Twilight, then maybe even go with: he proposed to her.
Though I think that no evidence of hunting monsters is what would make him somewhat angry, especially at Apple Bloom.

Courting Twilight rumors would probably annoy him too. That might be fun to watch him navigate.

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