• Member Since 4th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen July 16th


Little tired, but I'm back! Been almost a year. I'll just be reading for now. Thanks for the company!

More Blog Posts333

  • 10 weeks
    I now go to turn it in.

    I now go to turn in my school-issued Chromebook for the last time. I should be getting a new device on Friday. Until then, my friends.

    Also, if you really want, my Discord is whillofthewhisps.

    0 comments · 53 views
  • 12 weeks
    It's that time again.

    In about a week or more, but definitely less than two, I will have to turn in my Chromebook. I will then be unable to access the internet. The only way I could would be on the family computer, and even then, I couldn't do anything on any site at all. I'm sorry. This could be farewell for good, depending on what happens. This could also be the end of my internet life as we know it. I am unable to

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    2 comments · 77 views
  • 22 weeks
    A Poem - "Something I've Learned"

    Something I've Learned

    Life’s a bitch and then you die.
    Bury you in a big dirt ditch.
    Once you’re gone, it’s over, it’s done,
    And once again, Death has won.

    But Life ain’t fair, 
    And it ain’t ever be fair.
    If it were fair?
    Everything would be unfair.

    Paradoxes; gotta love ‘em.
    But Life, unfortunately, weaves all of ‘em.
    Eh, no matter, no harm, no foul,

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    5 comments · 72 views
  • 22 weeks
    A Poem - "The Woman In A Man's Mirror"

    The Woman In A Man’s Mirror

    She stares back at my soul, like fog upon the glass;
    Present but absent,
    Lasting yet fleeting.
    I reach out to touch her.

    She touches my hand, cold and smooth,
    Following my every movement;
    And we smile.
    We are one in the same;

    But the fog grows, smearing her image.
    We search for each other,
    But she is gone behind
    The vaporous curtain.

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    3 comments · 81 views
  • 22 weeks

    I found a grimdark gorefic that was surprisingly well written. There's a lot of gore though and I'm thoroughly terrified. But it is amazing in its description.


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A Poem - "The Woman In A Man's Mirror" · 5:37pm February 21st

The Woman In A Man’s Mirror

She stares back at my soul, like fog upon the glass;
Present but absent,
Lasting yet fleeting.
I reach out to touch her.

She touches my hand, cold and smooth,
Following my every movement;
And we smile.
We are one in the same;

But the fog grows, smearing her image.
We search for each other,
But she is gone behind
The vaporous curtain.

We rub our hands together,
Clearing the fog momentarily
Before we lose sight once more.
She is gone.

But yet, she is there!
She watches from within;
Waiting to escape,
Waiting to love us together.

Ghosts of each other
But she is me.
I am her.
We are us.

We shall love;
Love until the sky grows dark
And our vision fades;
Love until the end of eternity.

We are a bound soul,
Two minds in one body. 
Yet she looks to me,
Through the mirror’s glass.

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Comments ( 3 )

Hey there... if you need to talk, just know that I'm always there for you. I know we've fallen out of contact a bit, but that doesn't mean I'm not ready to try and help as much as I can at a moment's notice.

I like the poem, by the way. :heart:

Well, I am back on Discord, so if you wanna talk there that works.

And it's not really a venting poem, it was just, like, a longing for something better, just a passive feeling

Alright, sorry. :twilightblush:

As for Discord, I'm up for that. I'm agailable whenever, except for when I sleep, naturally.

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