• Member Since 9th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen July 6th


Retired author, husband and father.

More Blog Posts117

  • 3 weeks
    Things About My Husband.

    If anybody wishes to know what my husband was like behind closed doors when not on this site, you're all welcome to ask me in the comments. And I will answer each and every one of you.

    It'll help me grieve him and get closure.

    So, ask away. Whatever you want about my husband that you didn't and don't know but want to find out.

    26 comments · 389 views
  • 3 weeks
    The Last Words Of My Husband.

    Thank you all for your condolences and prayers.

    I would like to give you all the last words my husband wrote for you all in a word document. I have copied them, and will use the quote function to write out his last words.

    He wanted to make something to comfort his friends, fans, followers and fellow authors.

    Here are his last words from the document:

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    9 comments · 326 views
  • 3 weeks
    My Husband, PrinceOfDarkness, Has Passed Away.

    Hello everybody.

    This is his wife, Fleur. The owner of this account, my husband, PrinceOfDarkness, passed away this evening from Cardiomyopathy.

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    45 comments · 412 views
  • 3 weeks
    Face Reveal Poll!

    Hey, guys.

    I know some of you may already sort of know what I look like from past pictures. But if anyone is interested in my new look after I had my 'Glow Up' so to speak when I was an 'Ugly Duckling' as social media puts it, you're welcome to ask.

    Here is the poll!

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    0 comments · 73 views
  • 3 weeks
    I Have "Never Fade Away" By SAMURAI From Cyberpunk 2077 Stuck In My Head!

    Seriously, I can't make this up.

    I've been humming Never Fade Away, all day long. I can't help it! It's catchy! I love catchy rock music! Same with Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas! Or Night Moves by Bob Seger! Or even Heat Of The Moment by Asia!

    First thing my wife asks me this morning when I hum it is this:

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    0 comments · 29 views

What Werebeast would you be? · 6:38pm Dec 25th, 2023

If you had to pick a mythological being or a werebeast, what would you pick out of this list?

  • Werewolf.
  • Werecoyote.
  • Werehyena.
  • Werelynx.
  • Weretiger.
  • Werejaguar.
  • Werejackal.
  • Werepanther.
  • Vampire.
  • Changeling.
  • Djinn/Jinn.
  • Centaur.
  • Kitsune.
  • Neko(Catgirl or Catboy).
  • Doggirl/Dogboy.
  • Draconequus.
  • Dragon.
  • Deerwoman.
  • Wyvern.
  • Mermaid/Merman.
  • Minotaur.
  • Sphinx.
  • Hippocampus.
  • Siren.
  • Lamia.
  • Hell Hound.
  • Pegasus.
  • Unicorn.
  • Alicorn.
  • Hippogriff.
  • Griffin.
  • Lynx.
  • Succubus/Incubus.
  • Elf.
  • Genie.

What would you want to be and why?


Report PrinceOfDarkness · 132 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

Genie for me chief, but without the tiny living space

And you'd have "PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!" :trollestia:

Lycan and Dragon for me.

kitsune or lycan for me

My OC failing that a Changeling

For me? Griffin or Hippogriff.

shame there's no bare variant. that would so fit me.

I'd go for a mix of gryphon and kitsune

I'll be a Werewolf, Werelynx or a Minotaur.

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