• Member Since 21st Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


May the floss be with you.

More Blog Posts730

  • 3 weeks
    What's this I see?

    Could it be? A midlife crisis? But I ain't even thirty yet!

    Idk how else to describe activiely exploring opening a relationship, going clubbing with coworkers, and getting punched in the face by a ...hmmm how do we say this politely...

    Eh, fuck it!

    A waste of oxygen that was more delusional than either of the presidental candidates.

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    5 comments · 56 views
  • 8 weeks
    What pony should I draw next?

    I was drawing Princess Luna but I'm pretty much done with that drawing. Been trying to deal with some emotional issues from some birth control. Ialready took it out, never going back on that shit, I'm staying submissive and breedable from now on :pinkiecrazy:

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    2 comments · 50 views
  • 13 weeks
    What are your favorite pony screen caps

    Like across all the generations. I'm curious to see what screen caps stick out most to you.

    1 comments · 51 views
  • 35 weeks
    My insonmia has a new enemy to fight!

    For I have switched my white noise to a loop of nyan cat~ nyaaaa

    0 comments · 53 views
  • 36 weeks
    Help with a name

    Went to repticon tampa today and despite the best laid plans of mice and men, I left there with a snake.

    To be fair, I did follow my plan of not buying a single snake :pinkiecrazy:

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    1 comments · 85 views

Happy spooky scary skelemens day, y'all! · 1:04pm Oct 31st, 2023

I made a coworker recoil in fear so I'm in good spirits :pinkiecrazy:

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