• Member Since 17th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Just your average Sunset Shimmer stan

More Blog Posts11

  • 38 weeks
    Cadance Story Final Update

    I just typed the words, "The End" on a story I have been writing since last June. It's 103,000 words long and I feel like I just finished a marathon. As soon as I do my final edits and adjustments with my editor, I will be posting a chapter per week until the full book is up on the site. 100k is a lot of words, so releasing it in bite size pieces makes the most sense to me.

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  • 45 weeks
    Cadance Story When?

    I can't believe my last blog post about my Cadance novel was last September :twilightoops:

    Well I'm now 60k words deep in it and still going. I'm not writing very fast, but I like the way it's going. I've picked up the pace lately so I'm looking to have it done... soon. Lol

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    3 comments · 92 views
  • 62 weeks
    Maniroar Hiatus?

    Hello friends!

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  • 104 weeks
    Loveless Lovechild Revision Incoming

    My latest short story Loveless Lovechild is good but I feel it's a bit undercooked. I need to expand the 2nd and 3rd act of the story and develop the relationships of the characters more fully. This change will probably add about 3k words to the final product and it will make the climax less awkward and more well deserved (narratively). :twilightoops: :twilightblush:

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    0 comments · 119 views
  • 145 weeks
    The Trial of Princes Celestia

    I have a new story out!

    This one I finished in one go. It's in 3 parts and I'll drop a new part each week. Now that I'm done with this one, I can go back to writing Sunset's story: The First Equestria Girl.

    3 comments · 146 views

Maniroar Hiatus? · 4:25am Sep 24th, 2023

Hello friends!

I haven't released any chapters for my stories in progress lately. However, I have been writing plenty. I'm currently working on a novel and I'm trying a new method of posting. I'm not going to post anything until It's complete. This way I can edit and revise without having chapters hanging out there that may need to be changed or reworked. I'm really excited about this book. It's been in my head for awhile, and I've enjoyed myself getting it onto the doc. My beta readers and editor are giving me good feedback for this one, and I can't wait to show it to those of you who follow my account.

It's a story about Cadence in the Crystal Empire and Queen Chrysalis may be involved :ajsmug:. That's all you get for now, no spoilers. Oh also it may be a trilogy of novels. Although I'm only committed to the one for now as it should stand on its own as a story. Don't worry, I won't make you wait until the trilogy is done. I will release the first novel one chapter at a time per week once the whole thing is finished and polished up.

For the time being, have some cover art:

I hope you check it out when I'm done. I have about 25,000 words written and I estimate it will be between 80,000 and 150,000 words total (super specific I know). See you then sugar cube :ajsmug:

Report Mani-Roar · 119 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I see I'm not the only one writing a book too. Except mine isn't mlp related, is likely longer in terms of word max and I plan on selling actual copies once it's complete. :twilightsheepish:

All is good, go where the creative muse moves you.:twilightsmile:
I will say the new story you mentioned has me intrigued as it may involve my favorite hugabug Chrysie

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