Cadance Story When? · 2:05am January 17th
I can't believe my last blog post about my Cadance novel was last September
Well I'm now 60k words deep in it and still going. I'm not writing very fast, but I like the way it's going. I've picked up the pace lately so I'm looking to have it done... soon. Lol
I'm currently building up to the climax of the story so I'm getting to the really exciting stuff which should be motivating for me.
See y'all soon
Any updates on your sunset story/first eqg girl?
Yes! As soon as I get this full book draft done, I want to get back to Sunset. I've had a partially written chapter for awhile. I didn't have a detailed outline for the Friendship Games so I kinda stalled out. Then this Cadance book idea hit me.
Good cause I was getting worried it was cancelled despite its not labeled cancelled.