One of Our Own Needs Help (Reposting Priest's blog) · 7:16pm Aug 24th, 2023
Borrowed this post from Priest because he is much better at wording stuff than I am and also because I'm super lazy. Check out the below if you'd lie to pitch in and help out.
This week on the Barcast we're doing a special stream for our fellow host Ravvij.
It's not exactly my place to discuss all of the exact details of what he's going through, but in short... Due to some medical problems, he's been unable to continue his job and collect his paycheck for many weeks now, and at this point his bills are pushing him to a point where his car could be repossessed.
We're hoping to collect at least $500 so that he can make his car payment and breathe a little easier. Hopefully the medical stuff can be pinned down and in time all of this will pass.
He's opened up commissions and is trying to stream more to help collect some money, but it's a stressful situation.
Only if you are able, consider sending him a little something to help out:
Or at least, if you could, please share this blog around, and hopefully we can hit our goal.
Thank you.