• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I'm a shameless neckbeard who has a knack for writing a LOT of smut. I have an Official Patreon page (Patreon.com/TheVClaw), and I also take commissions to help support myself as a freelance writer.

More Blog Posts531

  • 21 weeks
    First post in 2024 -- Technical Difficulties

    Hey, guys! I know its been a while since I made a blogpost, but I've been preoccupied with writing out commissions to keep up with bills. I also recently moved to a new place (dont worry, this one was planned better than the cross-country move back in 2022), and I've been settling nicely. I've been fortunate enough to work on a new series of my own accord titled 'To Nerd A Bird,' but at the

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    0 comments · 390 views
  • 35 weeks
    Someone has to say it...

    15 comments · 650 views
  • 39 weeks
    It's my Birthday! (Also, Patreon Updates)

    Hey, y'all! As of today, I'm now a whopping thirty-three years old! I know that isn't really a big deal, but it's a good enough excuse to swing by here and explain where I've been.

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    9 comments · 491 views
  • 48 weeks
    Commissions Still Open

    Heya guys! I finally finished a good amount of my backlog, so I'm open for commissions at the moment. My rates will be around $20 per thousand words, although it may vary depending on content or number of characters involved. I don't know how many projects I'll be open to accept, but I'll likely delete this blogpost when I have enough to handle. Until then, please feel free to contact me though

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    5 comments · 511 views

Commissions Still Open · 3:06am Aug 20th, 2023

Heya guys! I finally finished a good amount of my backlog, so I'm open for commissions at the moment. My rates will be around $20 per thousand words, although it may vary depending on content or number of characters involved. I don't know how many projects I'll be open to accept, but I'll likely delete this blogpost when I have enough to handle. Until then, please feel free to contact me though PM or Discord.

I'm currently working on a commission as we speak, which will be an official sequel/spinoff to the Showing His Place series. All I'll say for now is that a good portion of it is written so far, I expect to have it online before the end of this month, and it features a canon character I have never written in a story before. ;)

Report TheVClaw · 511 views · #Update #plans #patreon #Discord
Comments ( 5 )

Hey there! Out of curiosity, is the commission you are talking about “Showing your Place: The Break” you talked about in one of your blogs a while ago?

Actually no, this is a different storyline.

Will you do that one one day? :applecry:

I really want to, but it would be a large undertaking that would need multiple chapters.

Would love reading another gay Spike fic in the future, those are my favorite!

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